The Greatest Beast Tamer of Earth

Chapter 76 Rock Paper Scissor

Chapter 76 Rock Paper Scissor

Dilip approached the referee with a bored expression. He yawned and said, "Let's start."

The referee smiled and said, "Please wait. Let the Exodia Guild's representative come as well."

"Why do we need him? You toss the coin, and I will choose one option," said Dilip.

"What are you saying? How can you have toss without me?" Aditya asked as he approached Dilip and the referee.

"Is this how you talk to your seniors? Do I need to discipline you before the start of the fight?" said Dilip as he stared at Aditya with cold eyes, which shook Aditya's whole body. But Aditya was a tough nut to crack; he controlled his body by circulating mana through it, straightened his back, and looked back into Dilip's eyes.

"Do you think I am scared of you? I am not like the captains of other guilds; we have better spearmen than you on our team. I can buy whole generations of people like you with my spare change. Don't try to act cocky in front of me; even the watchman of my clan is stronger than you," said Aditya with a cold smile as if looking down on Dilip.

When Dilip heard Aditya, instead of getting angry, he started laughing, and everyone other than Rishi, Dev, and Ajit thought that he had gotten crazy because they knew Dilip had a screw loose. He laughed like this when he was furious. Making fun of Dilip's family was like touching a dragon's reverse scale; everyone who made this foolish move always regretted it later.

Rishi looked at Dilip, who had gone insane, and became concerned, not because something terrible would happen to Dilip or All-STARS, but because Dilip could be suspended if he hit Aditya before the battle began. Rishi was unconcerned that they would lose the match if they faced Exodia with one less member.

If Dilip had really hit Aditya, it was unclear whether he would be suspended, but one thing was sure: Aditya would be in no condition to fight.

"Oh, I am scared. Please spare me, young master," said Dilip sarcastically while joining his hands before stopping and saying in an ice-cold voice with a straight back, "Do you think that swine in your team could be compared to me?"

Vaibhav clicked his knuckles in anger; he was not his old self anymore, who would be scared to face Dilip; with the help of Exordia's funds and resources, he had improved at a very rapid pace, making his present self incomparable to before. He resolved to crush Dilip and demonstrate to everyone that he was the best spearman in the second year.

"Talking about your clan, isn't it the same Tyagi clan that would have been slaughtered by the Dushta Clan but because your patriarch begged and promised that your whole clan would become the loyal dogs of the Dushta Clan if they spared your clan? What time has come that even a puppy coming from a clan of dogs can also show off?" continued Dilip.

This comment embarrassed all members of the Tyagi clan. It was well known that discussing that event in front of the Tyagi clan's members was taboo. It boiled their blood, and some impulsive ones even took out their weapons, ready to attack Dilip at the command of Aditya.

'How could I have forgotten that Dilip has mastered the art of annoying opponents to Max? I should be more worried about Aditya getting suspended now that he is angry. Stop Dilip Bro, my hands are also itching. I waited patiently to get my revenge from the day I saw him, I must wait for another chance if you force him to do something stupid now.' thought Rishi in his head.

Aditya was enraged, but Vaibhav put his hand on his shoulder and said in his ears, "Don't act on impulse, Aditya; they are baiting you to attack; just wait for the battle to start; I will make him pay for everything with interest." This calmed down Aditya's anger a little. First, he removed Vaibhav's hand from his shoulder and warned him.

"I am ignoring it this time, but never put your dirty hand on my shoulders ever again. I am your Boss, not your friend." Vaibhav wanted to punch the face of this cocky bastard, who acted as if he owned him because he was a guild member. 'I was only helping you, Bastard, but now I will not interfere. It's not like I will lose anything if the guild loses.'

"As for you, Bastard, I'll see what you're capable of in battle. Are you scared because you only know how to use your mouth?" taunted Aditya.

"Now that's the Vaibhav, I know. It looks like you have found a master of your species. As a person who respects natural law, I will allow it; as for you, Dog Clan kid, ask him how good I am with Spear," Dilip replied with a cocky smile.

"If you both have finished, should we start the toss?" said the referee.

"I will choose," said Aditya.

"No, I will choose. I came first," protested Dilip. They both started arguing like little kids.

"Why don't you do a rock-paper-scissors round to decide?" suggested the commentator when he saw both arguing.

"I will judge, but keep in mind I will only consider the person who wins first as the winner," said the referee. Then he stood between Dilip and Aditya and said, "Start." Both Dilip and Aditya started.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors," said Aditya as he brought his hand in front; he decided to go with paper.

"Rock Paper Scissors," said Dilip as he brought his hand forward, selecting Scissors.

"I won like always," said Dilip. He had sensed Aditya's arm movement to guess his choice, It would have been impossible for other people to sense it, but it was very easy for Dilip.

The referee tossed the coin, Which went up in the air while spinning. Dilip waited sometime before choosing tails; the coin touched the ground and slowly stopped.

"Its Tails All-Stars have won the toss; now it's up to them whether they will start or stop the wheel," the referee said; Dilip brought his hand to his chin as if making a decision before replying, "I will stop it."josei

"Dilip, the rules have changed since your last match; now you only have fifteen seconds to stop the wheel; if you don't, then the other team's captain will have permission to stop it."

"I know," said Dilip as he looked at Vaibhav before continuing, "I also can't wait to crush Exodia."

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