The Greatest Estate Designer

Chapter 14

Chapter 14: The Ruffian's Four Weapons (1)

That day was a sunny noon in the early spring.

It was time for everyone to finish their morning routine.

The farmer who worked while being drenched in sweat at the field; the woodcutter who struggled at the foot of the mountain; the shepherd who played flute in the field; the brewer who made liquor at the brewery; and even the laundry woman who fought with her laundry.

Aside from that, it was also time for all the residents to stop their hands for a while to enjoy lunch and relax.

However, today was a little different.

It was due to a special and rare event that was going to be held in the spacious open space of the training ground, which was attached to Baron Frontera’s mansion.

“Hey, what do you think will happen in today’s duel?”

“The duel? Well, anyway, it’s already obvious what’s going to happen.”

“Do you think so, too?”

“Isn’t that obvious?”

“Indeed, you’re right. How can Lloyd-nim defeat Sir Neumann.”

“Thanks to this, we got to see something fun anyway. Well, if not for times like now, when do we get to spectate something like this.”

“Kuahaha. That’s right. If not for moments such as this, when will we see the Young Master, who used to mock us the other day, rolling on the dirt?”

After a day’s work, the farmers gathered around the edge of the training ground. Next to them, there were groups of women, who had postponed their lunch, chatting around in their own small groups.

“I’m a little worried, though.”

“What are you worried about?”

“Young Master Lloyd. What if he defeated Sir Neumann? If that’s the case, he’ll get even more arrogant.”

“Oh, my gosh. What a worrywart. Why would you worry about that?”

“Why? Apparently, I heard that Sir Ulrich was randomly beaten to a pulp by Young Master Lloyd.”

“Even so, his opponent is Sir Neumann.”

“Umm. Then, there’s not even a chance for Lloyd-nim to win, right?”

“That’s right. Sir Neumann is the strongest knight in our territory. This is good for us. It’s been a long time since we’ve had such an amusing scene to watch, right?”

… Everyone’s conversation was similar to that.

Numerous residents gathered in the training ground to watch the duel. Most of them expected Lloyd’s defeat and cheered for Sir Neuman’s victory.

The Lloyd they knew was a man who wouldn’t be associated with swordsmanship.

He had been quiet lately. However, until a month or two ago, Lloyd Frontera was a man who had been addicted to drinking every day. That wasn’t all. When it comes to bad incidents, he frequently was the one who took the initiative. It was to the point where the fief’s residents who had never been harmed by his violent behavior and misdeeds could be counted on one hand.

‘For goodness’ sake. I wish I could watch Lloyd, that man, get roughened up today.’

If that happened, he might get a little bit calmer. No, please, I really hope so.

That was what the territory residents, who gathered here, honestly wished for.

However, it was not as though there were no residents who supported Lloyd at all.

“Nevertheless, I don’t think Young Master Lloyd has been acting like a bully lately,” said a shepherd boy cautiously.

The boy’s words were immediately refuted by a woodcutter who was around him.

“Hey, kid. Still, human nature doesn’t change that easily.”

“Pardon? But that’s the truth.”

“Yes, that’s true. But, what about it? Do you think that’s the end of it just because he had shown a little change for a month or two? No, right? He has to continuously display a favorable image to be able to win my trust.”

“But, he built an ondol in my home.”

Tsk. it’s not even free.”

“Still, it’s very warm and nice.”

“Oh, Arthur, Arthur. Look, I’m afraid you’re only a shepherd boy.”

“You know I’m not lying. It’s real.”

“Okay. I myself have signed the contract for the pre-sale of the ondol, we’ll see how it turns out.”


Among the minorities who supported Lloyd, of course there were the baron and his wife. Especially Baron Frontera, who personally summoned Sir Neumann—as the other party involved in the duel—to make a special request.

“Listen, Sir Neumann.”

“Please speak, my Lord.”

“Please take good care of my son today.”

“I understand. Please don’t worry about it.”

“Right, thank you. Although my son has been disrespectful to you, he’s the one you’ll serve in the future. So, don’t be too harsh on him and please take care so he doesn’t get injured.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

…. It went like that. In conclusion, not a single one of the people gathered here today anticipated Lloyd’s victory. And, these expectations turned into certainty the moment Lloyd appeared on the training ground.

“Young Master Lloyd has arrived!” A servant of the mansion shouted. The shout drew everyone’s attention to the training ground’s entrance.

Before long, Lloyd leapt into the training ground. While holding a shovel in one hand.

“…. Huh?”

Everyone’s eyes were opened wide.

A shovel.

This is a training ground.

Lloyd is going to have a duel here today.

Why did he bring a shovel, not a sword, an axe, nor even a spear?

“Hey? Does he have any plan to do some construction here today?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“The ondol room construction that Lloyd-nim is doing these days.”

“Is he doing that here, too? This can’t be true.”


“Yes, that’s right.”

The soldiers, who were freed from today’s construction work, were mumbling to each other. This situation was incomprehensible.

In the meantime, Lloyd stood still in the middle of the training ground, looking nonchalant.

Under the bright sunlight, the shovel in his hand was fully revealed. The shovel was wholly made from steel up to the handle.

That meant only one thing. That shovel was meant to be a weapon, not a tool, nor an extension.

As if to answer all those speculations, Lloyd declared to the baron who was sitting at the top.

“The son of Arcos Frontera, Lloyd Frontera, is ready for the duel with Sir Neumann.”

That was a clear and explicit declaration regarding his readiness for the duel.

The baron frowned.

“Are you ready for the duel?”

“That’s right.”

“What about your weapon? Did you bring it with you?”

“Here, this is my weapon.”

Lloyd grinned and lifted the steel shovel.


<Arcos Frontera’s POV>

I was asking just in case. I thought you’ve come to your senses lately. Wondering if you had come back to the right path for the first time in a long time.

However, just as expected, my eldest son is out of his mind.

‘I never thought you’d be so lax in a duel.’

The baron secretly clenched his teeth tightly. He was deeply disappointed.

With a firmer look than before, I looked at Sir Neumann. Towards Sir Neumann, I nodded slightly.

‘You can handle him roughly. Help me pull him back to his senses.’

<Sir Neumann’s POV>

‘Very well. I’m happy to oblige your order.’

Sir Neumann, who noticed the baron’s intentions, also nodded. It was also what he wanted. No, he always really wanted it. Wanting to roughen up this arrogant, reckless, and simpleton Young Master.

The moment Sir Neumann saw Lloyd took a stance towards him, his desire intensified ferociously.

Chatter, chatter.

Amidst the people of the territory’s murmurs, Lloyd was holding a strange pose I had never seen before.

The gap between his hands was greatly widened to hold the shovel. His left hand was just below the shovel’s head. His right hand was used to hold the upper part of the handle.

While holding it calmly, he bent his arms naturally. Then, as if he was half-embracing the shovel, he aimed the tip of the shovel to face the side.

From Sir Neumann’s point of view, this was an unheard-of posture.

Impatient, Sir Neumann scrunched his nose.

“Lloyd-nim. Have you forgotten? This is a duel.”

“Yes. I know that too.”

“But, what’s with that posture?”

“Yeah. I’m ready to fight.”

“Are you trying to insult me by doing a childish prank?”

“Yeah, no, I’m not.”

“Then, what are you trying to do?”

“Don’t you know what this is? This is the stance I’m going to use to knock your lights out.”

“…. That answer. I’ll make you regret it.”

“Yes, go ahead.”



Automatically, I gnashed my teeth.

Sir Neumann turned over his head, scorning over the raging anger because of the insult. Then, he said to Baron Frontera.

“I’m ready for the duel.”

The declaration of readiness for the duel was recited in a sullen voice. The coldness of my voice made the residents gulp down their saliva. I clenched my fists unconsciously. For some reason, expectations that the duel today will fulfill everyone’s wishes had risen.

And finally, the baron declared.

“I, Baron Arcos Frontera, hereby declare that the duel between the two begins!”

The start of the duel had been formally declared.

At the same time, Sir Neumann revealed his fangs. As if he had waited, he immediately kicked the ground.

‘Cheeky little bastard! I’ll teach you a lesson!’josei


Sir Neumann’s feet moved lightly. When he pushed the ground away, his body leapt. It was a swift and concise march forward that was beyond the level of ordinary people.

Before the duel began, there was about 4 meters of distance between Lloyd and Sir Neumann. Sir Neumann narrowed the 4-meter distance at once with a single leap from his feet!

“… Wow!”

Exclamations burst from the mouths of the residents who were watching. Before the exclamations were over, Sir Neumann’s sword moved. Without pulling it out of the sheath, the sword swung furiously.

‘First of all, I’ll break a bone or two!’

Beating with a club is perfect for a crazy dog. In addition, it’s been a long time since I’ve been fed up with such a poor and shabby territory.

Therefore, with a venomous heart, I was determined to trample down on the foolish Young Master who had provoked me while being unaware of anything.

‘The baron won’t be able to blame me for relieving all this stress! After this, I’ll leave this territory. As I was promised in advance! Keuhahaha!’

My rosy future had been drawn. I remembered the man who had been in contact with me. Others accused him of being a real estate investment fraudster. But, not in my very own eyes.

‘That’s a very reasonable business, that one!’

The businessman obtained internal information about Frontera Barony through myself. Using the information, the man took over Baron Frontera’s assets.

How about me? I received quite a large reward from the ‘businessman’. Besides, that wasn’t the end. The businessman promised to get rid of this rural territory and asked me to come work for him. Then, he said he’ll give me a more valuable treatment. Worthy of my ability.

‘Of course I accepted it. I’m not the kind of guy who would rot in the countryside like this!’

The ambition which had been stirring inside my heart. The dream of making a fortune with my swordsmanship. Now, my dream wasn’t far away from my reach.

Before that, of course I’m going to step on this arrogant Young Master who stood before me.

‘Like what I was talking about!’


The long sword, which hadn’t even been taken out of its sheath, split the air with a fierce force. It diagonally swung, from top right to bottom left. At the end of its route, there was Lloyd’s left collarbone.

‘First, one collarbone!’

Sir Neumann’s eyes gleamed cruelly. At that same time, he was certain. A boy like Lloyd would never be able to block this blow on his own. That would be impossible for a guy who was holding a shovel in a bizarre and sloppy posture like that.

Everyone had the same thought. Baron Frontera’s face stiffened. Even the baroness also clasped her hands tightly. All other spectators were so certain.

Except for one.


<Javier’s POV>

‘Lloyd’s posture somehow doesn’t seem like he’s joking.’

Javier was observing Lloyd with his thin eyes wide open.

Lloyd’s posture seemed strange, awkward, and eccentric. However, there was a strange sense of stability. It seemed comfortable.

That posture was never half-baked. Nor was that a pose he had ever done once before.

‘But, I’ve never taught him that posture while he was training.’

Could it be that he practiced this posture separately?

Only one thing was clear.

‘I’m sure. That posture’s designed strictly for real-life fighting.’

When I realized that fact, I suddenly got goosebumps. I had a hunch that the outcome of this duel might be the exact opposite of everyone’s expectations.

And the next moment, Javier’s premonition was absolutely right.


The steel shovel, which had been dormant until now, moved in an instant. It soared upwards, drawing a concise line. It blocked the long sword that was falling at an angle.


His motion was so simple, clean, and easy-looking.

<Sir Neumann’s POV>

However, even though Sir Neumann’s offensive had been blocked, he was not even a little bit worried.

‘Oh my, this is hardly a defense!’

Sir Neumann thought Lloyd got lucky out of the blue. He thought Lloyd was just a beginner who was holding a shovel in such a messy way.

What about himself? He already reached the stage of Low-Level Sword Expert. Compared to a young master like Lloyd who wouldn’t even dare to use mana.

‘I’ll destroy your defense with this power!’


Sir Neumann’s eyes became ferocious. His long sword dimly shone.Mana was injected into his long sword. A faint aura was emitted.

However, in the next moment, the faint aura disappeared in a flash. No, it had been absorbed by the steel shovel which was being held against the long sword.

The mana moved. From his own body, even from his manaheart. His mana had been absorbed!

‘…. Eh?’

Sir Neumann’s eyes were filled with horror. At the same time, the steel shovel moved.


He pushed my longsword to the side as if pushing away a troublesome fly.

I wanted to hold out. But, I couldn’t resist. Strangely, it felt like my strength had been drained out like a tide from my whole body. And then, the shovel head rushed in from a strange angle.


“… Ugh!”

An intense impact struck my face.

With blood spurting from his mouth, Sir Neumann’s head was jerked back furiously.

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