The Greatest Estate Designer

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: A Plan with Great Benefits (2)

“My name is Arosh. I am the thirty-forty-fifth descendant of the mighty orc, Akush, oink!”

“Thirty-forty-fifth descendant?” asked Lloyd.

“That’s right, oink.”

“Is that, by any chance, thirty plus forty plus five?”

“No. It’s forty minus thirty plus five, oink!”

“So, you’re the 15th descendant?”

“I can’t believe you calculated it in a flash. You’re a genius, oink!”



With complicated feelings, Lloyd stared at the orc, Arosh, who finally woke up from his bed. And then he thought, ‘Did I pick up a fool without a frontal lobe?’

‘Or maybe this orc has only 15 brain wrinkles.’

Out of the blue, Lloyd recalled today’s events. He was exploring the ant nest with Javier. They were at the final step of the 16-day safety inspection. At last, they arrived at the deepest part of the ant nest, the storage room that was presumed to be on the lowest floor.

They found the orc there. To his surprise, the guy was still alive.

“I felt a bit puzzled as I’d been unconscious for such a long time. The ants stung me incessantly with their paralyzing venom, oink.”

“Paralyzing venom?”

“That’s right, oink.”

“As expected, it’s the paralyzing venom.”

Lloyd seemed to figure out the general outline of what had happened. The orc had been stored inside the storage room in a comatose state. If that was the case, then it was evident that he was stored for ‘that’ purpose.

‘The ants must’ve stored him as food by using their paralyzing venom.’

The best way to keep the food fresh was to simply not kill food. The meat of the living wouldn’t get rotten or spoiled.

Arosh laughed, exposing his huge fangs. “As for me, I’ll become Arosh the warrior. I haven’t even completed my coming-of-age ceremony, so I can’t afford to die that easily, oink.”

“Coming-of-age ceremony?”

“That’s right, oink.”

“So, are you still a minor?”

“What is a minor, oink?”

“Underage… No, it means you’re not an adult yet.”

“When an orc completes the coming-of-age ceremony, he’ll be recognized as an orc warrior. That’s why I went into the ant beasts’ nest, oink.”

“Is catching ant beasts the coming-of-age ceremony in your tribe?”

“That’s right, oink,” Arosh continued, “It’s a tradition that has been passed down by the great ancestors for generations. Way back since the father of my grandfather’s grandfather’s son settled in the wilderness by the east, oink.”

“… Just simply say great-great-grandfather.”

“Anyway, I caught a lot of ant beasts. I beat, sliced, and killed them. Each ant beast was slain 10 times. Then, I got too excited, oink.”

“What happened after that?”

“I wanted to catch the queen ant so I could get recognized as the best warrior. That’s why I raided the ant nest, oink.”

“You raided the ant nest? On purpose? All alone?”

“Obviously. A warrior should not be afraid of fighting alone, oink.”


At that moment, Lloyd finally understood why this orc had become the ant beast’s’ triangular kimbap. After unreasonably raiding the ant nest because of his uncontrollable excitement, the orc must’ve gotten exhausted and surrounded. Eventually, he was paralyzed.

Lloyd chuckled. ‘Lucky, for the orc who survived and me who won something valuable for cheap.’

Lloyd remembered the commotion that took place here earlier. As soon as Lloyd found out that this guy was still alive inside the ant nest, Lloyd carried him on his back. Naturally, there was an uproar in the mansion. The maids, who saw an orc for the first time in their life, were scared to death. The Baron who came running in his pajamas when he heard the news also turned pale.

“Lloyd, what are you doing?” asked the panicked Baron.

“For me to inherit the territory… No, as you can see, I brought an orc.”

“So, why an orc?”

“Because I have something in mind. Here, drink a glass of cold water first,” Lloyd answered rather casually. His calm manner reassured the Baron. “We found him when we were exploring the ant nest. If we save this orc, it’ll surely bring great benefits to our territory.”

“Great benefits?”

“I’ve heard that orcs are valiant warriors, they have a unique personality in which they’re determined to repay every goodwill and settle every grudge.”

It was the truth. In the [Iron-Blooded Knight] novel, it was mentioned several times.

“I’ve heard of that, but will it be okay?”

“It’s alright. If this guy wakes up and goes on a rampage, Javier will quickly subdue him.”

That was how Lloyd finally managed to barely reassure the Baron. Lloyd laid Arosh on his bed and called the territory’s doctor. Fortunately, the doctor recognized Arosh’s symptoms with just a glance.

“Hm, this… seeing as his nails have turned blue, he must’ve gotten poisoned by the venom that was used by the ant beast to hunt and store their prey. You can give him this medicine,” the doctor said.

Lloyd was curious, so he asked. “What is this?”

“A powder medicine obtained by drying and grinding Tanaria leaves. It’s excellent to cure symptoms caused by paralysis.”

Lloyd fed Arosh the medicine he had received from the doctor. Indeed, the doctor’s boasting was accurate. The medicine was amazing. Only 10 minutes after taking the medicine, Arosh opened his eyes.

“Anyway, thank you. If you hadn’t brought me out of there, I would’ve become Arosh–the ant’s meal, oink.”

“Is that so? Are you feeling grateful?”

“Yes, I am. You’re my benefactor, oink.”

“Then, you have to repay your benefactor, don’t you think so?”

“That’s right, oink!”

“I just have to say what I want in return, right?”

As expected, Lloyd’s intention got across. Lloyd’s voice became softer while Arosh nodded even harder.

“Of course. You can ask me anything, human. Oink.”

“I need about 120 orc warriors to work in the mine.” As if he had been waiting for the right moment to bring it up, Lloyd didn’t beat around the bush and said it clearly. In fact, this was the very reason why he saved Arosh.

Orcs were strong. They had great stamina and powerful strength. Courageous and fearless, they would jump into dangerous things without hesitation. It was said that they were the most talented race, even rivaling the Dwarves in the backbreaking mine labor.

‘That was the reason why I saved you. Otherwise, why would I carry you on my back all the way here to take care and nurse you? Just because you’re pretty?’

With Lloyd saving him, Arosh would be indebted to Lloyd. So, Lloyd said whatever he wished for.

However, Arosh’s expression looked strange. He furtively avoided making eye contact with Lloyd.


“Hey?” called Lloyd.


“You said if I want anything, I just need to tell you.”

Lloyd nonchalantly tilted his head. Arosh slowly moved his eyes to the side.

“Look, mister?”


“Mister Orc, can you look me in the eye?”

“Oink, that’s a little… it’s going to be difficult, oink.”

“Difficult, what.”

“I am grateful that you, human, saved me, Arosh. I, Arosh, would do anything I could to return your goodwill. But human, the request you just asked is something else, it’s a little different, oink.”

“Something else? How is that different?”

“You’re not a warrior, oink.”

“So what?”

“He who is not a warrior cannot command a group of male orcs. You don’t have the qualifications, oink.” Embarrassment appeared on Arosh’s downcast face. With genuine regret, he said, “I’m sorry, human. I don’t think I can grant your request, oink.”

Arosh really meant it. That human named Lloyd, saved him–a stranger. Lloyd was the benefactor who saved him from the dark ant nest when he almost ended up as the ant beasts’ meal. Arosh wanted to repay this kindness somehow. He wanted to do everything the human requested.

In repaying every goodwill and settling every grudge, you must not spare even your life. That was the pride and honor of the orc warriors who lived in the wilderness.

Very regrettable, it was. Lloyd requested something Arosh genuinely wanted to grant, but couldn’t.

“In conclusion, I can’t command and employ orc warriors as workers because I don’t have the qualifications to do so?”

“That’s correct, oink.”

“What do I have to do to qualify?”

“You have to complete the coming-of-age ceremony in the same way as us. And also, your achievement must be acknowledged by the chief, oink.”

“Oh reallyyy?” The corners of Lloyd’s mouth lifted and a grin stealthily formed on his lips. Lloyd then raised his chin and asked back, “In that case, I think I already passed, though?” josei

“What, oink?”

“That’s right, you said I have to complete the coming-of-age ceremony like you. That means I have to catch those ant beasts.”

“That’s correct, oink.”

“Then, let’s start with that first, okay?” Lloyd lifted his hand. He raised his thumb and then pointed it to one side of the bedroom. Arosh’s gaze followed Lloyd’s finger. Over Lloyd’s shoulder, on the bedroom walls, something was hung there.

“It’s the head of the queen ant. I hung it as a trophy to commemorate my recent catch, what do you think?”

“Oink….?” Arosh’s mouth was agape. Indeed, there really was the head of the queen ant. Not a counterfeit nor a fake. Who was Arosh? He was the son of a tribe that spent their entire life fighting against ant beasts. It would’ve been impossible for him to not recognize the head of an ant beast, especially the ant queen’s!

“How did you do that, oink?”

“How did I do it, huh. I simply caught it and hung it,” said Lloyd with a grin on his face. It was half true and half false. He did catch the queen ant by using the methane gas explosion, but he didn’t catch it by personally fighting it.

Lloyd became brazen, his face became as thick as if made of iron plate. He licked his lips all over. “By the way, there was something interesting when I caught the queen ant. Do you want to know what that is?”

“Wha-what is it, oink?”

“Somehow, the ant queen was way too weak.” Lloyd’s voice became even softer, “It was tired, as if it had fought very hard with someone else. We found this sword nearby, right, Javier?” Lloyd turned to look back. Javier, who was standing silently behind him, lifted a sword. It was the iron sword made by an orc that was found when they were exploring the ant nest.

Seeing that, Arosh’s eyes widened. “Oink? That’s my sword, oink?”

“Is that so? I knew it,” Lloyd smiled meaningfully. “Now I understand who the queen was fighting with until it got exhausted.”

“Could it be me, oink?”

“Yes, exactly. You’re smart.” Lloyd’s smile got even brighter. Obviously, it was all a lie. Arosh’s iron sword was found in a place that had no correlation with the queen ant. However, that fact wasn’t important.

‘What’s really important is for the other party to believe what I said as the truth,’ thought Llpyd

That was how you close a deal. It was all that mattered to Lloyd. Of course, Javier’s judging gaze that seemed to say ‘this scammer’, the one that was pricking the back of his head right now, still stung a little. However, it was of no importance.

“Think about it, wasn’t there a very big ant when you fought inside the ant nest?”

“Oink… umm.”

“You were too busy fighting to notice, right?”

“That’s right, oink.”

“However, we have the evidence here, haven’t we?” Lloyd received the iron sword from Javier and gave it to Arosh. “Here, your iron sword itself is the evidence. The queen ant’s energy was depleted because of you.”

“So, what are you trying to say, human, oink?”

“I’m saying that the achievement of catching the queen ant isn’t solely my own.”

“Could it be, oink?”

“What you’re speculating about is the truth, isn’t it? We caught it, the queen ant, together as the result of our collaboration. You and me. In other words, it’s ours.”


“Collaboration. Co-production. Joint copyright. Sigh, what beautiful words! Isn’t that right?”

“Then… oink.”

“Let’s just say that we caught it together,” Lloyd said sharply, not giving Arosh time to think. “Technically, you failed to complete your coming-of-age ceremony. You failed to safely return to your tribe’s village. I mean, if you go back right now just like that, you’ll be treated as a loser, you know?”


“Here’s the thing, imagine returning while carrying the queen ant’s head. How does that feel?”


“Amazing, isn’t it?”

Gulp. Arosh’s adam’s apple bobbed enthusiastically. The mere imagination of it was fantastic. So far, countless warriors have completed their coming-of-age ceremony. Nevertheless, not even one had ever caught a queen ant. However, he couldn’t believe he would be the first one who accomplished such a feat. He would receive heated looks from all orc maidens in the village. Not only that, he would also be respected by all orc warriors.

Lloyd’s voice could be heard, it was gently scratching the young orc’s itch. “Think about it, you have nothing to lose. Besides, this is not a scam, it’s an unchangeable fact. If it weren’t because of you, I wouldn’t have been able to catch the queen ant, don’t you think so?”

“If-if that’s the case… oink.”

“That’s right. Straighten your shoulders with pride. You totally are a really cool orc.”


“Good, very good. So, you’ll do me a favor, won’t you?”

“A favor, oink?”

“We joined forces and caught the queen ant together. Take me to your village so I can get acknowledged by the chief. If I qualify as a warrior, send 120 orc warriors to our territory as workers.”

“In that case, I… oink….”

“You’ll be the warrior who has the best coming-of-age ceremony, you can even return my favor with it, plus everyone will be so happy. What do you think?”

“….” Arosh looked at Lloyd. The human being looked back at him and beamed a smile. This human whom he was grateful to for saving him from the clutches of death. This benefactor’s eyes were shining with kindness. He even gave him a plethora of generous offers.

Arosh finally decided, “Good human! I, Arosh, am an orc warrior who doesn’t take repaying goodwills for granted. I’ll do everything within my power to help you qualify as a warrior, oink!”

The young and innocent orc warrior held out his hand that was as wide as a pot lid. Lloyd shook Arosh’s hand energetically.

Of course, there was something Arosh didn’t even know nor even dreamed of. The fact that at this moment, Javier was sending him a pitying gaze while Lloyd was smiling warmly like a swindler who had caught the jackpot.

Just like this, Lloyd’s big plan of employing the best miners in the newly built coal mine for free had started being drawn.

Author’s note : I am the one who made it, but Lloyd, you’re really–good at speaking even in front of a dragon -人-) *scratch head

Tl/n : Sorry for disappearing so suddenly, life has been so hectic ><

I’ll try to pick up the pace, but I think I could only manage 2 chapters per week (Tuesday and Friday). I’m very sorry for the inconvenience.

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