The Greatest of all Time

Chapter 271 - Heart-Stirring Message

Chapter 271 - Heart-Stirring Message

The pale crescent moon was already shining like a silvery claw in the night sky when Zachary departed from the training ground at Lerkendal. He wasn't in any hurry to head back home since he didn't have to wake up early for training the following day. He cruised at a leisurely pace, lazily steering his R8 GT through the evening traffic as he slowly made his way back home to Stj?rdalsveien.

He reached his apartment building roughly thirty minutes later, not long after the 8 o'clock music request hour had commenced on the local radio. With a practiced hand, he carefully parked his R8 GT in his allocated parking spot in front of the building before picking his gym bag from the boot and slinging it over his shoulder. Without dragging his feet, he locked his ride before starting to make his way up the stairs to his apartment on the sixth floor.

Just as he stepped past the apartment on the fifth floor, he couldn't help but slow momentarily. For a couple of seconds, he was a bit undecided as he briefly pondered whether to knock on Kristin's door to say hi. But on taking a glance at his watch, he ruled out the notion.

It was already past eight in the evening, way past visiting hours. Kristin Stein had most likely already loosened up from her day mode on such a cold night. That was even more likely since she had started attending university a few months prior. If she wasn't about to rest for the night, she would probably be tackling some coursework or something else related.

He quickened his steps and ascended the remainder of the stairs like a whirlwind. He made it to his apartment not long after and quickly had a light meal to sate his hunger. After that, he went through another yoga routine, carefully stretching his tired muscles until they felt totally relaxed before heading into the bathroom for a shower.

A short while later, he was already all cleaned up and ready to jump into bed for the night. So, he downed a few glasses of water to hydrate himself through the night before making his way to his bedroom. However, it was at that moment that his phone, placed on his bedside table, vibrated brusquely, indicating that he'd just received a text message. He ceased his movements towards the bed and turned around to scoop it up from the table.

"Three unread messages!" He mumbled after glancing at the screen.

The first was an advertisement from the phone company, informing him about some brand-new service plans he could purchase. He, of course, ignored it and moved on to another message.

The second text message was from Camilla, inquiring about his day, his training, and if the two of them could meet the following day for lunch. She also indicated that she missed him greatly and would like to spend part of the weekend together.

"How thoughtful!!"

He couldn't help but smile as he read the message. Camilla seemed to have the best timing in the world, as far as he was concerned.

Whenever he had some free time and needed to tone down his training, she would be there to help him unwind. When he was busy with practice, like over the past few weeks, she would remain tactful and still be there for him in her own way without distracting him from his pursuits. She was the perfect partner — considerate, charming, and mature, without any clingy tendencies, unlike some other members of the fairer sex he'd been with during his previous life.

Zachary didn't lose a second before typing a few honeyed words in reply. He informed her about his circumstances, then professed that he missed her dearly and longed to hold her close. Then, as briefly as possible, he agreed to her suggestion of meeting up the following day for lunch before moving on to the third text message.

"Oh my God! Finally, this is it." Zachary couldn't help but yell out excitedly on reading the message.

The communication was from Norsk Toppfotball, the organization that governed Norwegian football, informing him that he'd just been named the best player of the 2013 Tippeligaen season. It also notified him that he would receive his golden boot and the league's best-player accolade just before the kick-off of the Norwegian Cup finals on Sunday. josei

Short, uncomplicated, and concise — that was the message. However, it transformed Zachary's night from black and white into a colored state with a high resolution.

He'd been waiting for the results of the best player list to come out so that he could reap the rewards of a pending system mission. And finally, just two days before the Norwegian Cup final, the results were out, flooding him with a sense of contentment.


As if on cue, the system notification sounded for the first time in a long time the next instant.

"Congratulations," the AI's apathetic voice soon followed.

"The user has completed most of the required milestones of the system's 2013 Tippeligaen Serial Challenge successfully."

"The user can now view the mission completion details in the system interface."

"Does the user wish to view the details right now?"

Zachary's heart stirred with boundless delight on hearing the system's notification. He couldn't help but do a wiggle-wiggle, moving his entire body, from head to toe, there in his bedroom.

For the first time in almost a year, he was about to receive a substantial reward from the system. Of course, his spirits were flying high and almost soaring to the heavens. He couldn't remember the last time he was that excited.

"Does the user wish to view the mission completion details now?" The system AI's apathetic voice sounded within his mind again. It momentarily busted him out of his drunken state of delight and forced his thoughts back to the present.

"Positive," Zachary replied with zest before settling down on his bed and rubbing his hands together in anticipation. "Bring up the complete details of the mission and associated rewards right away."


"Command received," the AI articulated.

"Mission details coming up on interface right away."

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