The Greatest of all Time

Chapter 283 - New Function

Chapter 283 - New Function



SYSTEM LEVEL: 4 (12,240/100,000 Juju-points to level-up)

USER: Zachary Bemba

AGE: 18 years



(Evaluation: A promising and sensational young professional player)










NB: Please level up the system to unlock more functions.


Zachary couldn't help but do a double-take on realizing that a 'training tools' option had freshly appeared on the user drop-down menu of the system's interface. It was hard to miss since it was blinking red on the crystal-like display at that moment. Without losing a second, he tapped the button, hoping to figure out the functions of the new training tools element.




1) ->G.O.A.T Skills Simulator

*Activate *Deactivate

#Activation of Simulator costs 2 Juju points per hour


2) ->Miniaturized Gravitational Field (New)

*Activate *Deactivate

#Costs for activating the gravitational field on the user's body are as follows:

(i) 1.1 gEarth gravity for an hour = 1 Juju point

(ii) 1.2 gEarth gravity for an hour = 2 Juju points

(iii) 1.3 gEarth gravity for an hour = 3 Juju points

(iv) 1.4 gEarth gravity for an hour = 4 Juju points

(v) 1.5 gEarth gravity for an hour = 5 Juju points.

(vi) 2.0 gEarth gravity for an hour = 10 Juju points



Zachary was at the same time both surprised and confused after reading the information under the training tools function. The functions of G.O.A.T Skills Simulator were, of course, not new to him since he'd been using them for more than a year. What baffled him, instead, was the miniaturized gravitational field option.

"System," he called out within his mind. "Can you explain to me the functions of this miniaturized gravitational field? How can it help me improve my abilities?"


The system notification sound reverberated within his mind the next instant.

"The miniaturized gravitational field is a very advanced training tool that can greatly elevate the user's fitness if used correctly," the AI replied. "It simply multiplies the gravitational force experienced by the user uniformly all over the body to increase efficiency during training sessions."

"All athletes out there train their fitness by exerting a controlled level of strain on various parts of their bodies. Some do weight training using dumbbells to grow their biceps, and others wear ankle weights to strengthen their calves. There are those who also use elastic bands to fortify their limbs, and so on and so on."

"However," the AI continued. "No matter what kind of advanced equipment athletes might use during training, they'll still never be able to train each and every part of their bodies perfectly. Even the most ingenious exercising regimens out there cannot help you strengthen more than 70% of all the important muscle groups in your body. Some muscles will always remain neglected over time simply because the training plans cannot apply the needed strain uniformly all over the body during exercise."

"However, the system's miniaturized gravitational field is different. The gravity amplified by the system affects all the muscles in your body uniformly. Say, for instance, you activate a 2*gEarth gravitational field — then every part of your body will experience a strain that's twice your weight. So, even if you stand in one place doing nothing, every single muscle in your body will still be affected by the amplified gravity. In other words, you'll still be training even if you are stationary. The effects will even be better if you're able to exercise with simple routines, such as jumping jacks or shuttle runs under intensified gravity."

"Oh!" Zachary said, the fog in his mind instantly clearing. He could even feel his heartbeat accelerating after understanding the significance of the miniaturized gravitational field.

As long as he activated and maintained the gravitational field, he could train his body while walking, eating, or even sleeping. His body would be under constant strain — a condition that would force all his muscle groups to adapt by growing stronger. Then, if he were to deactivate the training tool after some time, his body would experience an explosion in fitness due to the liberation from the added strain.

Thinking about all that, Zachary realized that the miniaturized gravitational field was the perfect fitness training tool for him at that moment. As long as he consistently trained under its effects, his attributes, especially his endurance, stamina, and strength, would soar in the medium to long term. So, without further ado, he jumped out of bed, intent on testing out its effects there and then.

"System," he intoned after going through a simple stretching routine beside his bed. "Please activate the 2.0 gEarth gravity field on my body right away."


"Command received," the AI replied. "The system will have to deduct ten Juju-points to activate the 2.0 gEarth gravity field for an hour. Should the system go ahead and activate the field?"

"Yes, please," Zachary was quick to reply while flexing his arms to get ready for the imminent additional strain that was about to descend upon his entire body. "Please go ahead and activate the field."

"Action confirmed," the AI intoned. "The system will apply the 2*gEarth gravity on the user's body in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0..."

Zachary felt a formless wave of energy descend upon each and every part of his body after the countdown reached zero. Before he could catch a breather, he felt the weight of each segment of his body growing heavier as if a huge rock was pressing down on him. It was a very uncomfortable feeling since he could even feel his heartbeat slowing due to the increased weight of the blood flowing through his vessels.

However, since he was a professional athlete, who'd been training his body for years, he adapted to the amplified gravity after a few seconds. Without losing a moment, he started jogging around the bedroom slowly with the intent to test his endurance under the new physical constraints. However, he had to stop a few seconds later after feeling a pang of dizziness assault his mind.

"System," he said in-between gasps of breath. "Deactivate the 2g gravitational field immediately."

"Command received," the AI replied, its tone as emotionless as ever. "The system will deactivate the 2*gEarth gravity field in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0..."

Zachary felt the pressure on his entire body gradually dissipate when the countdown reached zero. At that moment, he felt like a fish that had just returned to a pool of water after spending a few minutes on land. "How come the effects of this 2g gravity on my body are this bad?" He wondered out loud.


The user should note that being under 2g gravity is like gaining twice the user's current body weight in an instant," the AI chimed in. "Thus, it will take time for the user to adapt and function normally for a few minutes with such an increased double weight. The system thus recommends for the user to start with 1.2 g gravity for light training and 1.5 g gravity for heavy training sessions at the beginning. But even so, the user will have to tone down the intensity of the exercises considerably while under the 1.5g miniaturized gravity."

"Oh!" Zachary exclaimed. "Why didn't you mention all that before? Okay, please activate the 1.2g gravity for the moment."

"Command confirmed," the AI intoned. "The system will apply the 1.2*gEarth gravity on the user's body in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0..."

Another wave of energy instantly covered Zachary's entire body. But that time around, the force acting on his body was much weaker. It was just perfect for him with his A-graded fitness as he felt only slightly heavier. He even guessed that he could endure and function almost as usual under the effects of such a gravitational field.

"System," he said with a grin. "Please maintain the 1.2g gravity on my body starting from now. I wish to start training my body constantly all day under the effects of the increased gravity. Let's see if maintaining this field all day for a few weeks can quickly enhance my fitness."

"Command confirmed," the AI's voice resounded in Zachary's mind. "The system will subtract two Juju points every hour and maintain the 1.2g gravitational field until the user communicates otherwise. The user should also note that consuming physical-conditioning-elixirs while under amplified gravity will have a much better effect."

Zachary's eyes gleamed with anticipation. "Then I'll start consuming some B-graded elixirs while training under the gravitational field. Are there any other changes in the workings of the system after the upgrade?"

"Yes, there are," the AI replied. "The user's authority has increased after the system upgraded from level-3 to level-4. As a result, the user can now learn a maximum of two G.O.A.T Skills before the next system upgrade. The user will also be able to trigger sudden missions much more easily."

"Then, that's good," Zachary mumbled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. Before the upgrade, Zachary could only learn one skill after each upgrade. So, he was very excited when he discovered that he could purchase an extra skill from the system.

Zachary first stole a peek at his bedside clock and noticed that it was only 8:35 AM. Only a few minutes had elapsed since he'd ended his call with Emily. So, he figured he still had some time to kill before she arrived for the meeting.

"System," he said, settling back on his bed. "Bring up my G.O.A.T Skills data."


"Command received," the AI responded right away. "The user's G.O.A..T Skills data coming up on the interface right away."

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