The Greatest Sinner

Chapter 50 - The Cave Troll Crystal

Chapter 50 - The Cave Troll Crystal

The third item up for auction was the "Cave Troll Crystal", one of the two items Evan wanted. Just to get it, he`d gone to this auction.

"This crystal is quite rare. It's not often you come across such a special item. Of course, it's not a complete weapon. But it is an essential component for the creation of a truly powerful weapon. Moreover, as you can see by the bright glow, this "Cave Troll Crystal" is of high quality. The starting price is 500 gold coins, with a minimum step of 50 gold coins. The bidding begins!" The auctioneer said loudly.

Immediately after his words, dozens of people began to offer their prices. Strangely enough, the demand for this crystal was much higher than for the already finished weapons.

"Mr. Marcel, this is one of the items I`ve come here for." Evan said seriously.

Marcel nodded. He was going to keep his word and buy whatever Evan needed.

"While the bidding is going on, Evan, tell me, how much do you know about this crystal and especially about its mining?" Marcel said calmly.

"Not much. I learned about this crystal from the blacksmith from whom I ordered my weapons. He said that if I could get the necessary items, he would make something really worthwhile."

"I see. Then listen carefully. Since you've lived in prison most of your life you know next to nothing about the world around you."

Marcel pointed to the crystal and continued: "As you might have guessed this is the crystal of a monster called - "Cave Troll". They are quite dangerous and rare monsters that live in caves, and the crystal grows in the center of their forehead. You might think you have to kill the monster and that`s all, but it's not that simple."

"First of all, the "Cave Trolls" are serious adversaries, and it takes a lot of effort to defeat them. It's not uncommon for adventurers seeking profit to go to trolls lair and never come back. Secondly, not every "Cave Troll" has a crystal growing on his forehead. Only the strongest species possess this feature. And thirdly, even if you kill a "Cave Troll" with a crystal, it's no guarantee of success."

Marcel sighed and said calmly.

"Once the "Cave Troll" is dead, the crystal can be destroyed or faded, losing all its qualities. Only in one case out of three will you be able to obtain a whole crystal. And as you can see, even that's not so simple. Different crystals have different rarity and, therefore, different prices. To get a crystal like that, you have to kill at least thirty "Cave Trolls".

Evan had expected to hear something like that, but he didn't think it was that complicated.

<It looks like in the future I'll have to turn over half the world to find something incredible. On the other hand, it's only more interesting that way. The more variations- the more anomalies and rarities>.

Concluded Evan after listening to Marcel's lecture.

"2500 once!"

"2500 two!"

While Evan and Marcel were talking the bidding for the "Cave Troll Crystal" was almost over.

Realizing it was time, Marcel put his hand on the sphere and the next moment numbers were in the air.

"Room number 4 - 3,000 gold coins!" The auctioneer said loudly, pointing in Marcel's direction.

"3,000 once!"

"3,000 two!"

The auctioneer was about ready to call the final price, but suddenly someone interrupted Marcel's bid.

"Room number 6 is 3,500 gold coins!"

The auctioneer pointed to the room on the second floor.

"Looks like someone has his eye on that crystal, too. At least something interesting is happening." Calmly said Marcel with a slight smile on his face.

Whoosh. josei

He put his hand to the sphere and the new numbers appeared.

The auctioneer was taken aback by what he saw, but he quickly pulled himself together and said loudly: "Room number 4 - 5,000 gold coins!"

Immediately there was a commotion in the hall. People whispered among themselves. No one could have imagined that such a fabulous sum would be offered for a simple material.


In Room 6.

"Damn! What the hell did Marcel want with that crappy crystal?!" A middle-aged man muttered in fury.

It was Bryce Davey, head of the Davey Family. Compared to such giants as the Erden Family and the Cross Family, he was a minnow. Nevertheless, among the other families, Bryce was a very influential person. He could not openly go against Marcel, so all he could do was to mutter something to himself angrily.


A couple of minutes later the casket with the crystal was already in Evan's hands.

<Great. Just one more thing left and Sitreg will be able to create a real masterpiece for me>.

Evan thought to himself while the auction was going on..

The next, namely the fourth item in the auction wasn`t a material, weapons or armor. The auctioneer immediately presented the lot.

"I am pleased to present to you a set of three potions. Each of them is created with high-class ingredients. One potion will heal your deadly wounds, another will strengthen your body and make it virtually invulnerable, and the third will strengthen your attacks. The effect lasts long enough for you to escape or take out your enemy. The starting price for all three potions is 1500 gold coins. The minimum step is 100 gold coins!"

Evan looked at the three vials filled with liquids of different colors with interest. There had been potions in his past life as well. But the vast majority of them were either for treatment or as poison.

<So, if I drink the right potion I can fight an opponent, which is stronger than me? Hmm, if these potions have a kickback?>

Though the potions only made the wearer stronger for a while, they were exactly what could save a life in a critical situation. Of course, it wasn't worth relying on external powers like potions and scrolls, but having a couple wouldn't be out of place. Still, Evan wasn't going to buy them. It would be completely unnecessary waste at the moment.

"Hmm, the potions aren't bad, but you could get something better." Marcel said calmly.

"Are these potions bad?" Evan asked puzzled.

"Oh, no, of course not. It's just that if you've seen a real alchemist's masterpiece once, most of the potions seem too simple. In fact, in my opinion, these three potions are even too cheap. Koen seems to be in a good mood."

Evan didn't answer anything and just continued to watch the auction. In the end, a set of three potions went to the man on the first floor for - 3000 gold coins.

<Ten gold coins is enough for a simple man from the village to live for a year. But, the people here spend more on one thing than a simple man can earn in a lifetime. What a strange feeling...>.

While Evan was thinking, a fifth item was brought to the stage. It was a small bracelet, red in color.

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