The Guardian's Sword

Chapter 1593

Chapter 1593

Chapter 1593

Chapter 1593

He let his son, George, sit down before saying helplessly, "If we had rebelled when Sean first came, perhaps we could have ousted him as commander-in-chief. But we kept getting defeated in only two days. Even Gregory and Anthony are submissive to him. Do you think we have what it takes to overthrow him?

"Although this man is young, you cannot measure his mind and willpower with common sense. His boldness and cunning are far beyond the ordinary. We are no match for him."

Hearing Wesley's words, George became angrier.

"Dad, are you going to give up just like that? There’s no way I'll give up even if you do! I will go against him!"

No sooner had George said this than he was slapped on the head.

"I knelt to save you. Why cant you behave yourself and appreciate it? There's no way I can save you again if you commit another mistake!"

Wesley said solemnly.

He hoped his statement could discourage his son from going against Sean.

It was because he knew he did not have what it took to compete with Sean anymore.

When Sean first arrived two days ago, Dorodo's city defense army was under the control of the three chiliarchs.

He had thousands of city defense soldiers in his hands.

However, most city defense soldiers were now on Sean's side. Though he still nominally controlled a thousand men, few were willing to listen to him anymore.

In this case, what did he have to fight Sean?

However, George grumbled, "I don't care. I'm not going to stop until I humiliate him back!"

"You! Are you trying to piss me off?"

Wesley fumed.

Just then, an errand runner came running in.

"Commander Jokerman, Commander Lennon wants you at his office."

The errand runner said quickly.

After glancing at the errand runner, Wesley showed an angry expression.

The errand runner used to be respectful to him.

It was only a small detail, but it already spoke a lot.

"Yes, I'll go over now."

Wesley got up and replied, holding back his anger.

Ten minutes later, Wesley arrived at the commander-in-chief’s office.

When he arrived at the office, he realized that Sean had not only called him, but also Gregory and Anthony.

Sean was working on some paperwork right now.

None of them dared to speak. They all stood quietly in front of their desks, waiting.

After waiting about half an hour, Sean still did not look up, let alone stop writing.

Gregory and Anthony held back their impatience, and Wesley was tired of waiting. He thought Sean was trying to give them attitude.

The old him would have thrown a fit or just turned his head and walked away.

However, he could only endure it now.

Finally, Sean put down his pen, looked up, and let out a long sigh.

"You came."

Sean spoke with a laugh.


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