The Guardian's Sword

Chapter 1728

Chapter 1728

Chapter 1728

Ms. Lisha is the eldest daughter of Claremento Crosac, the mayor!

Who's the woman in that private room? She must have lost her mind to compete against Ms. Lisha!

Doesn't she know that offending Ms. Lisha means she might not be able to stay in Crosac anymore?

These were what all the guests in the auction hall on the first floor were thinking.

Lisha also seemed to be caught off guard as well. She had already revealed her identity and offered a high price, but there were still someone who dared to compete with her. This unexpected turn of events left her stunned for a moment before she came to her senses.

"Someone is actually competing with you..." Sean said with a smile.

Lisha was a little angry at first, but after hearing Sean's words, her mood quickly calmed down.

Yes, what could she do even if she's the mayor's, Claremento Crosac, daughter?

The auction was an open and fair competition based on money, and using one's status to oppress others was too domineering and would make people feel uncomfortable. Therefore, it was inevitable for someone to compete against her.

After adjusting her mentality, Lisha immediately raised the paddle in her hand again and said, "I bid seven million!"

"Eight million!" The voice of a woman came again from the private room on the second floor.

Eight million!

She had added a whole million more than Lisha's bid!

Lisha bit her lip and said, "Nine million!"

"Ten million!" The woman from the private room on the second floor shouted another price.

Lisha tightly clenched the handle of her bidding paddle with an expression that looked very unpleasant.

She just adjusted her mentality, but now it had collapsed again.

Suddenly, Sean patted Lisha's shoulder and said, "You don't have to buy it. Maybe your father wouldn't like this sword?"

"That's true..." Lisha smiled, but then suddenly raised her paddle, "Fifteen million!"


The guests in the auction hall on the first floor were collectively shocked.

Just a moment ago it was only ten million, and now it had jumped to 15 million!

It seemed that Lisha had decided to compete with the woman in the private room on the second floor. This had gone beyond normal bidding wars or competition.

It was a battle of wills!

The female auctioneer on stage was extremely excited. She had been prepared to sell the Seven Star Sword for a low price, but now a woman suddenly emerged and stubbornly competed with Lisha, raising the price of the Seven Star Sword from five million to 15 million.

This was too good to be true!

The auctioneer could receive a commission from the auctioned items. Although one-thousandth of a commission was not much, it was already quite considerable in such a sky-high price situation!


Still silence...

After a while, the voice of the woman in the private room on the second floor sounded again.

"Twenty million!" The woman had indeed raised the bid again!

All the guests looked at Lisha, wanting to see her reaction.

Would she give up?

Or would she continue to bid and refuse to lose?

Would Lisha raise the bid again?

She was not a foolish person!

The true value of this Seven Star Sword should be between six to eight million. Even with some deviation, it should not be too far-fetched. However, now the price had been inflated to 20 million!

Anyone who bought this sword for 20 million was definitely out of their mind!


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