The Guardian's Sword

Chapter 1783

Chapter 1783

Chapter 1783

Zander was not surprised that Sean had to amputate. When he followed Sean to war, he would often encounter comrades who had their arms or legs ruined by bombs.

In the absence of field doctors, it was difficult to preserve the soldiers' lives. Sean had no choice but to treat the soldiers himself to save them.

Over time, Sean became skilled at amputation. Although his amputation skills were simple and crude, the results were always surprisingly good. Besides that, the time required was short-about 20% or even 10% of the time required for amputations performed by professional doctors.

What seemed strange to Zander was that Sean would come to the slum to perform an amputation on such a poor man who could not afford a doctor.

Though he found it strange, Zander said nothing. As soon as he got in front of Sean, he placed the medical kit on the ground, opened it, and quickly lit an alcohol burner for Sean.

Sean held a bright dagger in his hand.

It was not a scalpel but a military dagger often used by soldiers. It was sharp and solid but did not look suitable for surgery. After all, surgery was renowned for its precision.

"Yvonne's father, you..."

"Cough! J-Just call me Bob Daniels...." Yvonne's father coughed as he spoke.

"Okay, Mr. Daniels. Please don't move. Hold still..." Sean said as he rubbed alcohol on the dagger in his hand and placed it over the alcohol lamp to burn it.

He was disinfecting it.

Double disinfection with alcohol and the alcohol burner's flame could kill all the bacteria and pathogens on the dagger.

Both Shania and Uriah gulped as they watched how skillful Sean was.

Would Sean's surgery be successful?

They looked around at the dirty, messy yard and the red brick floor beneath their feet.

Could such an ordinary environment smoothly facilitate a difficult surgical operation like amputation?

"Put him under anesthesia..." Sean said to Zander.

"Yes, Commander," Zander replied in acknowledgment and took a large syringe out of the medical kit.

However, the syringe did not contain a lot of anesthetic.

Seeing Zander come up to him with a syringe so thick and so long, Bob shuddered with fear.

"Don't worry. It won't hurt a lot. In fact, our commander doesn't use anesthesia when he performs amputations on soldiers on the battlefield. Of course, you're not a soldier. You probably can't withstand too much pain, so it's best to give you a local anesthetic to ease the pain," Zander kindly explained to Bob.

Bob was even more afraid when he heard Zander's words.

Trembling with fear and pale, Yvonne said hesitantly, "Does.... Does Commander Lennon often amputate people?"

Zander pondered for a moment and explained, "Not very often. It's usually done on the battlefield. After all, there are professional doctors to do the surgery after the war is over. The commander doesn't need to do it himself,

of course. It's only during the war when the field doctors can't treat them in time where our commander has no choice but to amputate them."


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