The Guardian's Sword

Chapter 1860

Chapter 1860

Chapter 1860

The next moment, the curtain of the tent was lifted, and Sean and Zander strode in.

"Sean, what are you doing here? How did you get here?" Lisha asked in surprise.

She could not imagine Sean coming to their main camp when they were confronting each other. After all, this tent was the Crosac army's commander-in-chief's tent!

However, Sean and Zander arrived without alerting anyone. If they had come to assassinate Claremento, Claremento would already be dead!

Claremento quickly grabbed Lisha's hand, pulled her a step back, and looked warily at Sean and Zander.

"Have you come to kill me?" Claremento asked coldly.

"If I had come to kill you, you would already be dead... Claremento, you know what I'm capable of, so why do this?" Sean said flatly and went up to Claremento.

Zander said nothing and walked behind Sean with a serious expression.

"Then why did you suddenly come to my tent? Do you want to talk to me?" Claremento said with a sneer.

Sean shook his head and said, "I want to talk to you, but now is not the time for small talk... No more beating around the bush... Claremento, I've heard your conversation with your daughter, Lisha. You're very opinionated, and your decisions are wise. At least as the head of the city, there's no problem. But I must tell you that your fears are unwarranted."

"What do you mean?" Claremento asked.

"It's simple. Dragon Kingdom formed the united forces to defeat Silver City, take over Silver City's secret warehouse, and gain hundreds of tons of gold. How could they not send such a huge profit back to the country but give it to the three cities, Dorodo, Dorandue, and Bittan?"

"So Dragon Kingdom is the one getting this gold in the end. It's Dragon Kingdom and not a Dragon Kingdom city in the City-State Union. So you don't have to worry about the City-State Union's power balance being destroyed or Dorodo, Dorandue, and Bittan growing into enemies that Crosac can't handle."

Sean's sincere and earnest words made Claremento frown deeply.

He had not thought of it before, but Sean had reminded him of the main point.

Yeah, Dragon Kingdom has acquired hundreds of tons of gold at such a huge cost.

How could it not ship it back to the country but give it to Dorodo and the other two Dragon Kingdom cities?

After all, they're in the City-State Union and not Dragon Kingdom.

"Dorodo will never make an enemy of Crosac unless Crosac takes the initiative to attack Dorodo. Besides, Dorodo won't develop as fast as Crosac, which already has a huge advantage that Dorodo can't catch up with. After all, Dorodo and Crosac are developing. There's no way Crosac will wait for Dorodo to catch up..." Sean continued saying.

Claremento laughed a few times before saying, "Even so, forget about making me retreat! I'm already here!"

"How could I not do anything, listen to you, and go home with the soldiers? If so, what about my reputation? What about Crosac's reputation?"

Lisha was already happy at first, but her expression was now full of worry after hearing her father's words.

Sean suddenly broke into a burst of mysterious laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" Claremento fumed.


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