The Guardian's Sword

Chapter 2149

Chapter 2149

Chapter 2149

Chapter 2149

Zander nodded. "You're right.

"By the way, Mr. Lennon, the company has a big client eager to see you. It's considered our first case since the company opened, and it's a big deal!"

"Really?" Sean narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

About a dozen people were already in the reception room when he returned to the company.

The leader was a capable-looking middle-aged man. Most of his hair was already gray.

When he saw Sean come in, he immediately stood up and stretched his hand out to Sean.

"Hello, I'm Spencer Sawyer."

Sean and Spencer shook hands.

"My last name is Lennon. Everyone calls me Mr. Lennon."

"Mr. Lennon, you're a fine-looking man, but I wonder if you can do the job."

As Spencer spoke, a man on the couch playing with a dagger suddenly had a hint of malice in his eyes.

With a whoosh, the dagger was tossed at Sean.

Sean turned slightly sideways, and the dagger passed him and pierced the wall.

The man with the dagger flew into a rage and lunged toward Sean.

He attacked Sean with punches and kicks.

Facing the man's barrage of attacks, Sean reached out with his hands, grabbed the man’s shoulders, and stopped the movements of both his arms.

Sean’s kick also disarmed the man's attacks at Sean.

At the same time, Sean kicked the man to the ground.

Before the man could move, Sean planted his foot on the man's spine.

"Don't move. You know what happens when you break your spine."

Having suddenly lost the ability to fight back, the man let out a helpless laugh.

" Damn, this guy is tough. His moves are so fast that I didn't have a chance to react."

Spencer clapped at the same time.

"Mr. Sawyer, what's the meaning of this?” Sean asked Spencer.

"Mr. Lennon, you know what security firms need to do. If you're not capable enough, I wouldn't dare ask you to help me escort something.

"I've seen what you're capable of now. You're pretty good. But I'm also curious about the abilities of the others in your


As Spencer spoke, a dozen other men sitting on the couch jumped up and surrounded Sean.

Being attacked by the crowd, Sean quickened his pace to distance himself from these people.

As the reception room door opened, Sean yelled, "The Brown brothers!"

Daniel immediately rushed in with his two younger brothers.

Two people about to punch Sean were immediately knocked out the door by Daniel's shiny head.

When the Brown brothers burst into the reception room, they simply pushed back those who wanted to attack Sean.

Then, under the three brothers' fierce attacks, the rest of the people were overwhelmed and knocked to the ground.

The whole thing took less than a minute.

Spencer nodded with satisfaction and clapped at Sean when he saw this.

"Alright, it seems that you really are qualified for this task."

Sean smiled at Spencer in front of him. "Can we sit down and talk now?"

Spencer nodded.

As he sat down, he held up three fingers to Sean. "This is the price we offer for this time."

"Three million dollars?"

"No, we wouldn't go to so much trouble with a three million dollar deal. 30 million."

Sean did not show any particular expression on his face.


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