The Guardian's Sword

Chapter 2195

Chapter 2195

Chapter 2195

Chapter 2195

Hearing Christopher's remark, someone immediately said," Old Master, we’ve found a solution to this matter!"

"A solution? The solution that all of you came up with was to get Crimson to kill this Sean Lennon?"

Christopher's slightly closed eyes opened suddenly as he looked at the speaker.

Christopher's gaze made the man feel great pressure, and he could not say a complete sentence as he stammered.

At this point, anyone could tell Christopher was upset that they hired Crimson's assassin to assassinate Sean if they were not dimwitted.

"Hmph! Sean is just a security firm owner with some money. We're in Ocean City!

"With Tatum Corporation's status in Ocean City, do you know what would happen to Tatum Corporation's reputation if the word that we hired assassins to kill an outsider got out?

"If Crimson succeeds, that's fine. If they fail, Tatum Corporation will be shunned by the entire Ocean City!"

Christopher snorted coldly as he spoke sternly.

He stopped looking indifferent like just now. It was obvious that he was angry about this matter.

Faced with Christopher's reprimand, members of Tatum Corporation in the meeting room lowered their heads and looked a little flustered, just like students who had done something wrong.

After some time, someone mustered the courage to say," Old Master, what should we do?"

Christopher glanced at him and said exasperatedly, "What should we do? What else can we do? Wait!

"Wait until we hear back from Crimson!"

Everyone was silent as no one dared to say anything more.

After waiting for another hour, there was still no news from Crimson, which undoubtedly made Tatum Corporation worried again.

"Old Master, why don't I call Crimson and check?"

A member of Tatum Corporation in charge of communicating with Crimson asked respectfully as he looked at Christopher.

Christopher slowly opened his slightly closed eyes, glanced at him, and said, "Go ahead."


The man answered, stepped aside, and dialed Crimson's contact number.

A few moments later, he walked over to Christopher with a grim face.

Christopher glanced at him, his eyelids twitching. Anger flickered in his eyes.

"Has Crimson failed?

"Tell everyone the results. Why behave secretively when things have gone wrong?"

Christopher said coldly.

At his age, he had seen many things and met many people. Just by seeing the look on the man's face, he had figured out everything.

The man smiled bitterly, looked at everyone in the room, and said, "Everyone, Crimson's assassination failed!"

The whole meeting room was surprisingly silent.

However, everyone looked ghastly.


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