The Guardian's Sword

The Guardian’s Sword By Talking Cigarette Chapter 1168

The Guardian’s Sword By Talking Cigarette Chapter 1168

The Guardian’s Sword By Talking Cigarette Chapter 1168

Chapter 1168

“Willow, my dad’s company is really successful now. I can talk to my dad if the

Quinn family needs help.”

Jane instantly jumped up and grabbed Willow.

Looking at her shameless manner, Sean could not help but frown slightly.

“What are you looking at?

“Don’t you just act out to waiters?

“How does a bumpkin like you know anything about high society?

Enter title…

“My dad’s company is something you can only look up to for the rest of your life.”

Jane glanced at Sean and said with a sneer.

‘Jane’s company is at Joules Town.

“They came here for two days to attend the downtown groundbreaking ceremony

for the land.”

Willow looked at Sean and explained pointedly.


“You’d better go home.

“Because you can’t even get through the gate.”

Sean smiled and slowly got up after speaking.


Jane banged the table again.

“What do you mean? Who do you think you are? Do you think you have the final


Jane looked at Sean and said through gritted teeth.

“Yes, I have the final say.

With that said, Sean took Willow’s hand to leave.

Willow got up and followed Sean without hesitation.

“Know someone thoroughly before being friends with them.

“Or they’ll bring you down with them.”

Sean reached out and touched Willow’s nose, smiling fondly. “Alright.”

Willow played along, smiling and nodding.


Jane was pale with anger.

A few seconds later, Jane also picked up her bag to leave.

“Please settle the bill, Miss.”

The waiter immediately stepped up and said quietly to Jane.

“I haven’t eaten anything. What bill?”

Jane yelled indignantly, looking at the waiter.

“We can exempt the meal, Miss.

“But you must pay for the dessert and lemonade you had earlier.”

The waiter replied politely.

Jane glanced at Sean, who was about to walk out the door and got even angrier.

“Are you even a man? You ordered something and won’t even pay the bill.

“I’ve never seen a man ask a woman to pay for a meal.”

Jane shouted loudly as she pulled out her phone to pay.

“You’re wrong.

Suddenly, Sean slowly stopped and turned to look at Jane.


Jane froze.

“I forgot to tell you that I own this restaurant, so I don’t need to pay.”

Jane instantly froze when Sean said this.

Then she quickly looked at the waiter next to her but found that the waiter looked

unfazed. They had no intention of refuting him.

“I have ten restaurants like this in River City.

“Don’t bother with her bill. It’s on me.”

Sean said and turned to leave.

“Yes! Mr. Lennon.”

The waiter nodded immediately.

Jane was dumbfounded as if she was struck by lightning.

‘Sean owns the restaurant?

‘And he has ten other fancy restaurants like this?

‘How is that possible?‘

“Miss, Mr. Lennon exempted your bill. Goodbye.”

The waiter was about to turn and leave after saying that.


“What do you mean?

“He owns this place?”

Jane grabbed the waiter and asked with widened eyes.

“Miss, our restaurant is under Star F&B, which is part of Star Group.

“Mr. Lennon owns Star Group.”

The waiter said quietly and turned to leave.

Jane’s eyes were wide with shock.

The customers around them could not help whispering.

They also thought Sean was unsophisticated and looked like a working–class

commoner when Sean entered the restaurant just now.

They did not expect him to have such a terrifying identity.

He not only owned the restaurant but also the restaurant chain!

Everyone was shocked.

Jane was silent for a few seconds before running after them.

She suddenly recalled what Sean had said.

He said Jane’s company could not even get through the gate for the downtown

groundbreaking ceremony.

If Sean had no money and background, it would be a joke.

However, with such a terrifying identity, Jane had no choice but to take Sean


However, when she got outside the restaurant, Sean had already driven away

with Willow.

Jane narrowed her eyes slightly at Sean’s taillights.

It looked like a Bentley worth over five million dollars…

“Gosh, I didn’t think Willow and the Quinn family have a car like that…”

Jane murmured to herself. The Quinn family could not afford it, so Sean must

have bought it!

The more Jane thought about it, the more shocked she became.


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