The Guardian's Sword

The Guardian’s Sword By Talking Cigarette Chapter 816

The Guardian’s Sword By Talking Cigarette Chapter 816

The Guardian’s Sword By Talking Cigarette Chapter 816

Chapter 816

Jon was no fool. He could see that someone was deliberately messing with the Zimmer family.

The reason Jon did not have someone investigate who was going after them was he had some. speculation as to who it was.

Not many people in Lumina Town had the courage and strength to challenge the Zimmer family.

The other families had no beef with the Zimmer family and would not target them in this way.

Therefore, Jon now targeted Reach For Will Group.

“Dad, what’s going on?

“I heard the stock has plummeted.”

Just then, Quill hurried into the office.

Jon glanced at Quil and shook his head slightly.

Not only had it plummeted, but it had also hit the bottom!

“Dad, say something. My friends asked me why they can’t sell their stocks.”

Quill was even more panicked when Jon said nothing.

“What do you want me to say?

“We’ve spent all the money. We have no money for them to cash out!”

Jon banged on the table and yelled at Quill.

Quill blinked twice, feeling more confused.

He had asked his friends to buy Zimmer Corporation’s shares.

He also told them they would only make a profit and not lose any money.

Even friends who rarely invested in stocks were persuaded and had bought a lot.

Now that the stock plummeted, they lost a lot of money.

However, they could still sell it and make some money even if it hit bottom.

However, the Zimmer family now had no money to pay them.

“Who did this?

“Is it Sean?

“He promised to let the Zimmer family suffer. It must be him!”

Quill roared with rage after coming to himself.


“How could that loser Sean be capable of that?

“He only has tens of millions of dollars. Even if I gave him 200 million dollars, there’s no way he can control Zimmer Corporation’s stocks.

“This is most likely Reach For Will Group’s doing.”

Jon snorted coldly, unable to believe that Sean had such a powerful trick up his sleeves.

Quill froze for two seconds before nodding gently.

This sort of thing was indeed beyond ordinary people.

When he thought about it, Reach For Will Group was the enemy they had offended recently.

However, Jon had not figured out why Reach For Will Group had a grudge against the Zimmer family.

“Dad, what do we do now?

“Shall we reach out to Mr. Clarke of Reach For Will Group?”

Quill pondered for quite some time before looking up at Jon and asking.

“Hmph! What’s the point?

“They want to ruin the Zimmer family by doing this!

“What’s the f*cking use of talking to them now?”

Jon knew that the only way to negotiate was if both sides were equally strong.

However, the Zimmer family now suffered from a shortage of funds and a stock price crash, and a bad move would lead to bankruptcy.

They had no right to negotiate with Reach For Will Group.

“What are we going to do?

Quill scratched his head in a panic. He knew nothing about business.

He even had people to help him negotiate with those original residents.

He only needed to sign the papers after the negotiation.

“I will call a press conference later.

“It’s for the entire River City and everyone who bought our stocks. Calm them down first.

“As long as the stock market doesn’t crash, I can calm them down for the time being so that we can catch a break.

“We can recover a lot of money once the land is developed.”

Jon reached out and knocked on the table. Anyone in this situation would have been rattled.

However, he was calm.

“It’s a blessing in disguise.

“Maybe this is an opportunity for the Zimmer family.”

Jon had a sneer on his face and a sinister gleam in his eye.

“What opposite, Dad?”

Quill asked, puzzled.

“Everyone in River City is watching the Zimmer family.

“I’ll take the opportunity to advertise our new land development at the press conference later,

“Don’t you think it will be more effective than spending tens of millions of dollars on advertising?” Quill immediately understood after Jon explained.


Quill clapped his hands and praised.

“Hmph! Does Reach For Will Group think they can bring down the Zimmer family just like that?

“I’ll show them that the Zimmer family isn’t a pushover.

“The Zimmer family will thrive even without Jason.”

Jon sneered, got up, and adjusted his tie.

Half an hour later.

Reporters from various River City news media gathered at the Zimmer Corporation building.

The Zimmer family was currently the center of attention, so their news naturally attracted a lot of


No media was willing to pass up this opportunity.

Even if some media refused to come, Jon would pay them to come.

Anyway, it was a huge event.

The Zimmer Corporation building was not only filled with reporters from various media but also some


They watched Zimmer Corporation’s stock price plummet and could not sell them. With their money trapped, they were all on edge.

Therefore, they gathered here to ask Jon for an explanation.

There were nearly thousands of people in front of the company building, including the media, investors, and onlookers.

Jon walked out with confidence with so many people watching.

However, he had no idea Sean was watching their every move from the French window of an office building across the street.

Sean could see everything going on down there.

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Listen to the rest of the chapter in audio…Because Some websites are Copying my work….


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