The Guardian's Sword

The Guardian’s Sword By Talking Cigarette Chapter 839

The Guardian’s Sword By Talking Cigarette Chapter 839

The Guardian’s Sword By Talking Cigarette Chapter 839

Chapter 839

Two entirely new contracts were soon on the table.

One contract was for the transfer of the land’s development rights.

They had already agreed on the price and terms, so there was no problem.

Of course, Flint had the right to sell in the new contract.

The second one was more of an agreement or rather, a guarantee.

Flint promised he would not sell the land to Reach For Will Group.

Besides that, he could not sell it to any company associated with the Reach For Will Group in any form or


In short, Flint had the right to sell it if Zimmer Corporation could not pay up.

However, he could not sell it to Reach For Will Group.

If the land ended up with Reach For Will Group, Flint would have been considered to have breached their


Not only did Zimmer Corporation not have to pay Flint the one hundred million dollars, but Flint also had to pay them a penalty of three times the price of the land development permit.

The bid for the land development permit was 220 million dollars.

A penalty three times that was nearly 700 million dollars.

It was written in black and white that Flint dared not breach it no matter how powerful he was..

Therefore, Jon could sell the land without worry..

Once he got over the current crisis, Zimmer Corporation could bounce back.

For an old fox like Jon, there were a million ways he could make money for nothing.

He just needed some breathing space right now.

The land would still be theirs by then, and River City’s business circle would still be taken over by Zimmer Corporation.

Jon was happy at the thought of it.

“Boss Flint, let’s sign.”

Jon reconfirmed the contract and agreement before picking up his pen and signing them.

Flint wasted no time in signing his name too.

The contract was legit.

The agreement was also in black and white.

He could not tamper with these things and was only carrying out Sean’s orders.

Soon, both parties finished signing the papers.

The contract and agreement had two copies each. Each party would hold one copy.

Flint also made a phone call, and 100 million dollars was immediately transferred to Zimmer Corporation’s corporate account.

Jon felt happier after receiving the money.

It was like a timely help Zimmer Corporation needed to have such a large amount of money out of


Without that money, Zimmer Corporation would be trapped in a vicious circle that would worsen.

With the money, Zimmer Corporation’s problems would be greatly alleviated.

“Thanks, Boss Flint.

“Now that we’re done with business, let’s have a meal together.”

Jon got up and invited Flint warmly.

However, Flint shook his head slightly.

“I guess you have a lot on your plate, Mr. Zimmer.

“So let’s take a rain check.”

Jon immediately smiled and nodded as soon as Flint said this.

Now that he had the money, he could put his plans to work.

“Goodbye then, Boss Flint. We have a long time ahead of us.”

Jon waved and left Minton Restaurant.

Flint did not see Jon off but watched him leave.

On the way back.

Jon made a series of phone calls and the arrangements.

He had no money earlier, so there were many things he could not do.

Now that he had the money, he could put his plans to work.

“Sir, Flint doesn’t look like an honest man to me..

“Do you think he’s going to screw us over?”

A senior executive asked quietly.

“It’s written in black and white, and we’ve signed the agreement. He dare not act recklessly.”

Jon snorted coldly, his face confident.

“Sir, I gave it another thought. We’re not only up against Reach For Will Group but also Sean.

“The agreement we made Flint sign was that they can’t sell the land to Reach For Will Group.

“What if Flint sells it to Sean?”

As a core executive at Zimmer Corporation, he knew many things.

Therefore, he thought of Sean again after he solved the thing with Reach For Will Group.

“You’re joking. Is Sean capable of taking over the land?

“Who does he think he is to afford hundreds of millions of dollars?

“Besides, with his ability, will he know a local thug like Flint?

“He doesn’t even have the right to hold Flint’s shoes for him.”

Jon was unconcerned. He had just received a large sum of money and was excited.

Sean was the least of his concerns.

“Mr. Zimmer, I also remembered something suddenly.

“I heard from you and Young Master Zimmer the other day that Sean works for Reach For Will Group?”

The female assistant beside them thought for a moment before asking with a frown.

Jon was slightly stunned to hear that.

Some time ago, Quill’s friend Felix said he ran into Sean when he went to Reach For Will Group for an interview.

Besides that, Sean was also an interviewer in Reach For Will Group.

Jon would have forgotten it if his female assistant had not mentioned it.

Please Cooperate with me..I’M Forced to do so..Thanks

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