The Harem Teacher at Elreis Sorceress Academy

Book 6

Book 6: Chapter 6: A Call from the Chancellor

A few days after that extraordinary strategy meeting, the chancellor came back to the school.

She must be having a meeting with the school’s executives right now.

As for what I’m doing, I’m in class as usual.josei

Today, I’m in charge of the third-year class.

If I can get through this, any person that enters this campus will become my woman.

But I also believe that the chancellor is not going to let me do that easily.

“As for this one, this is the formula that you should use. To enhance the output of flame magic……”

While I was in the middle of teaching the enchantment of flame-related spells, there was a knock on the door.

“Uhm, Sir Krause, the chancellor wants to see you.”

“All right, I’ll be right there right away. Okay, class, in the meantime, you should do a self-study while I’m gone.”

I told to the students and left the classroom.

“She is waiting for you at the headmistress’s office. I’ll be leaving now.”

“Got it, thank you very much.”

After bidding farewell to the colleague that sent the message, I headed to the headmistress’s office at once.

However, to think she would choose that place of all places, I didn’t expect it at all. Well, whatever it is, I’m still going to stick to the plan. This chapter is translated by neorecormon of stabbingwithasyringe translations.

When I arrived at the office, Julia was already standing in front of the door.

“Honestly, I thought you would have run away by now.”

“If I run away now, I won’t be able to find a place for the both of us, would I?”

Julia may be saying it like it’s nothing, but I know she’s nervous on the inside.

After all, the mood was so thick it could already be cut with a knife.

“Don’t get so worked up. Just proceed as we have planned.”

I walked into the headmistress’s office with Julia in tow.

Now then, it’s time for me to make my appearance.

Once I opened the door, what brought into my eyes was the headmistress’s seat, where I always sat ever since I came here.

A woman is sitting there now.

But there was something off. The woman in front of me didn’t look like Julia’s mother by any stretch of my imagination.

At best, she looked only a few years older than Julia, so young that it would make more sense if they were close sisters in age.

“Good for you to come, Theophil Krause.”

But with those few words, I was immediately convinced that this was Julia’s mother.

“Thank you very much for giving me the chance to teach here, madam chancellor.”

I put on a thick front on my face, but my alertness was already boosted sky-high.

This atmosphere……they only belonged to someone who holds an incredible amount of power.

When I was a court wizard, I have met many people with a similar vibe.

“Enough with the farce. I know who you really are.”

She said, glaring at me with her steely eyes.

Apparently, she had already checked the records of the surveillance spell she had created before we met.

“……If so, then I won’t be holding back anymore, madam chancellor. No, Lady Carina Elreis.”

“And you still dare prattle here. Honestly, are you a fool or what? Do you really think you’re going to get out of here alive if you just walk up to me?”

“And you still invited me here despite that. Well, if you want to talk, then we’ll have a talk.”

I walked straight into the room and sat down on the sofa in front of Carina.

Julia stood behind me.

“Julia, do you really intend to side with that man?”

She took one look at me, then at Julia standing behind me, asking her daughter in a firm gaze.

“Yes, I’m already one of his.”

“But I didn’t intend to raise you that way.”

“Well, let’s just say that your daughter is a human being too, and sometimes I’m bound to make unexpected moves, not some kind of magic formula that operates whenever you want it to.”

And just like that, the conversation between mother and daughter was terminated.

Karina returns her gaze to me from Julia and stands up from her seat.

Then she walked up to me.

“Don’t move too much. Or it would be a hassle to catch you.”

“Hou, so catching me is just a level of a ‘hassle’ to you? Why don’t you try it then?”

“I’ll torture you so badly you’ll regret ever having lived, and then I’ll mince your flesh into tiny little pieces.”

“Uwaa, that’s so scary. But what’s with the costume? Isn’t that a bit outdated nowadays?”

I pointed what I noticed from the start while parrying Carina’s words.

Carina’s attire right now was that of a full-fledged witch, something you don’t see too often these days.

It even comes with a black cloak and a red dress with a luscious design as if it’s intended to provoke men.

And since the dress is hugging tight, it predominantly showed the magnificent shape of her bodyline.

Also, on the side of the table is a large black hat with a conical top.

“Outdated as it may be, this still makes it easier to understand that I am a veteran sorceress, unlike those commoner-like clothing that is hard to distinguish who is who.”

“I see, it is so that the bigwigs won’t mess with you carelessly.”

Considering how far Carina had come in a world where society revolved around men, it was nothing short of astonishing.

She must have even walked around with a variety of weapons in hand.

“Appearance is also a weapon, yes. A good-looking man like me already understands that. But what’s with your youthful face……Rejuvenation magic? But I’ve never seen something like this before.”

Even with all of my knowledge, there was only that magic that could explain Carina’s condition.

The Magic of Rejuvenation. Series of spells that bring youth to a person, but I was told that these kinds of magic had already disappeared long ago.

While it doesn’t make you immortal, it can extend your life by staying youthful.

“You see, this is a kind of an advertisement, in order to build this academy.”

“Well, who can blame them? The chance to get closer to the magic of rejuvenation is certainly going to attract lots of money.”

“In fact, half of the money I spent on this school came from this magic. Aside from that money, was the mountain of efforts and pain I have to endure to build this piece by piece……haaaa. Human greed is really shallow……well, I think we have already talked enough, don’t you think?”

Carina now shows an intense disgust and hatred as she looked at me.

Well, suppose the sheep ranch you have built with so much effort, even arriving to the point of killing your emotions and neglecting your family altogether, is now being used as a hunting ground for a hungry wolf. In that case, there’s no way in hell she won’t feel like wanting to massacre the said wolf.

However, I’m not like that wolf, as I don’t intend to be killed so easily.

This school is like a paradise for me, and I’m not going to let a single woman turn it upside down.

“Since this is a school named after magic, why don’t we settle this with magic?”

I also stood up and also walked in front of Carina.

The distance between us is less than three meters – a very close distance for magical combat.

However, both sides have the ability to activate magic spells in a blink of an eye.

The air suddenly became tingly, but even with that, Julia couldn’t bear to move an inch, which is good for her.

(How long has it been since I’ve felt anything like this? I could feel my battle instincts reigniting again.)

“Hey, Carina.”

“Don’t call my name, you filthy worm.”

“wow, so cruel. Well, I just want to ask. If you win, I die, but what happens if I win?”

“It’s impossible. No matter how talented you are, the times we have lived are different. You should just prepare defeated together with that arrogant attitude of yours.”

It seems that she really believes she’s guaranteed to win.

“Then, if you lose, I’ll have you become my woman as well.”

“-! You, youuuu!!”

Looks like I hit a nerve. But because of this, I now have the chance.

I activated a water ball spell at once and shot it immediately at her.

The moment it left my hands, it split into countless needle-like droplets and attacked Carina with powerful pressure.

It was a headshot attack that was released from a close range. Usually, it would result in knocking the victim out, but……

“Petty little tricks. This level of skill is not enough to defeat me!”

Carina freezes my magic projectiles in an instant and shot them right back at me all at once.

“Kukuku, just as I predicted.”

I avoided the impact by jumping backward from my previous spot while activating a defensive magic spell.

However, with this, our distance has now incredibly increased.

“Trying to hop around, aren’t you? Then let’s see if you can do that again once I get rid of those limbs!”

As a follow-up attack, Carina aimed at the spot where I landed and unleashed a fireball spell.

I activated my body manipulation magic soon as the fireball loomed in front of me.

The next thing, a figure of a woman interrupts the arriving fireball.

“Ah, kyaaa!”

“Julia!? Kuh……!”

Realizing that her daughter was made as a shield, Carina instantly detonated her magic. Subscribe to my WordPress to receive the latest updates and chapters.

However, this was still not enough to avoid the collision, and the shockwave that was released slammed Julia to the floor without being able to kill the impact.

I took that opportunity and unleashed a lightning bolt at Carina.

“Guhh! You bastard!”

Carina, who was shot by my lightning without having time to activate defensive magic, collapses on the spot.

I looked sideways to confirm Julia’s condition right away.

She hit the floor flashily, but she seems to have just fainted from the shock.

But looking from her face, I could tell that her lips were smiling.

(She really is a bad daredevil. Well, with this, she knows that her mom still cares about her.)

Her breathing is stable, so she’ll wake up soon enough.

I picked her up and laid her down on a nearby sofa, then went and stood in front of Carina, who was still unable to move due to the shock caused by my lightning spell.

“With this, the match is over.”

“You rotten piece of shit!”

Carina stared with pure hostility at me. If a weak-willed person were to look at her right now, he or she would have guaranteed to die from shock.

“I’m used to being told such words. Even so, it seems that a mother’s feelings for her daughter wouldn’t be totally wiped out, after all.”

Though I still have several plans just in case, it was Julia who still opt to choose this in the end. To improve the authenticity, she didn’t even put up any defensive spells in her person.

But due to this, both of us has now discovered that Carina still cares for her daughter somewhat, and this has also given me a chance to win. Another two birds in one stone.

Still, that fireball is really something. Although small, it has already enough power to kill the both of us. Even a fully grown adult like Julia immediately collapsed just from the shockwave of its detonation.

I don’t think even my defensive spells wouldn’t be able to endure that.

“Sorry, but I’m the type that is prepared to use anything in order to win. Now then, let’s take what we have promised.”

“……No way, you really want the body of this old lady?”

Finally seeing the danger, Carina backed away for the first time. But why are her cheeks red, I wonder?

“For me, as long as you are a woman and have a good body, I don’t care about the other things.”

Now then, how shall I make this woman go wild?

Character Illustrations of Book 2 (Web Volumes 4-6)

From left to right: Hannah, Carina, Amelia, Theophil, Julia.

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