The Harvester

Chapter 262

Chapter 262: Kaleidoscope Crystal Sight

Rakna only took a second to process all the words floating in front of him and that was enough to make his understanding of Intent go up by an extra level. He grunted and stood up, looking at the damage brought by the clash of Intents between Chiron and himself.

The centaur was smiling at him. He clapped a few times and nodded. “As expected, you might lack a bit of control for now, but the purity of your Intent is unbelievable.”

“I have no idea what’s going on…” Higure mumbled from the side as she walked up to them. “What was that just now? Did you learn some new power? There were weird dimensional fluctuations but I couldn’t see a thing.”

“Well, you could say that… I guess you can think of it like soul power,” Rakna said with a sigh. “The principle is completely different, but they are similar in their origin; everywhere and nowhere. It’s like an energy that doesn’t belong anywhere, doesn’t have a source, but still is engendered.”

“Yeeaaah… I’ll just stick with ‘weird power’. Makes more sense,” the lioness deadpanned.

“Well, it seems my work is done for today,” Chiron said. It had almost been two hours since he was summoned already. “I probably have only a few minutes left. You can call upon me anytime if you wish to spar more. For now, it’s better if you rest and meditate on your Intent.”

Rakna hummed positively. “I’ll do that. But before you go, I want to test something. I realized that there were still things capable of escaping my cognition with your Intent. Even now, I think I could barely see it, even my own. Founding Intuition pointed me at a possible solution earlier…”

Chiron raised an eyebrow in curiosity. “What is it?”

The therian smiled faintly. “Ceres, open my Terminal.”

“{Oh, for the love of–!}” Fray could envisage what was coming. “{What kind of monstrous skill do you plan to synthesize this time?!}”

“Why does it sound like you’re blaming me?” Rakna retorted blankly and started inputting four skills from his status. Namely; Fabled Sight, Appraisal Vision, Cross Dimensional Sagacity, and Soul Breath.

❮ ◈ ❯

Fabled Sight, Appraisal Vision, Cross Dimensional Sagacity, Soul Breath synthesis evaluation in progress…

Compatibility Rating: Immeasurable

Your Luck is affecting the result. Your Title, The Kind Demon’s Kin, is increasing the odds of success. Your Title, Chalice of Wishes, is affecting the result.

Synthesis Loading…

Request Approved and Completed.

You have gained an Ultimate Exceled Skill; Kaleidoscope Crystal Sight!

Kaleidoscope Crystal Sight

The vision of infinite reflections and depths. The user of this skill is capable of discerning every movement of the world and analyzing them. While using this skill, the user will enter a state of passive meditation, increasing control over energies, mana and psyche regeneration, soul power control, and thinking speed. These effects apply even if the user is moving.

Regular mediation can be performed if the user stops moving and closes his eyes with the skill active. The effects will be doubled in this case.

Crystal Sight allows for the perception of all falsehoods, it shows the true nature of all things in the world, and nearly nothing can be hidden from it. When using this vision on other Hosts, Locals, or Wilden, anti-analysis items or skills will be ignored and unless there is an overwhelming difference in strength between the user and the target, their information will be revealed in full.

Items don’t have any secrets for the user; from the identity of their creator and the components of its making to the names of the last person that touched them. Distance, size, and even obstacles become meaningless in front of these eyes. The user can observe matter on a microscopic level if the target is close.

Dimensional Layers, Focal Points, Mana, Flesh Ki, Worldly Ki, Life Force, Life Energy, Death Energy, Magic Circuits, and many more Faces of Existence can be perceived by Crystal Sight.

This is a kind of ability said to be shared by beings such as The Sage of The Crystal Mountain, the God of Eternal Night, and Jörmungandr.

Passive Effects: +50% Mana and Psychic Regeneration, +10% Senses, Slows down time perception by a factor of 2 without side-effects.

Meditation Effects: +100% Mana, Stamina, and Psychic Regeneration.

Cost: None.

Note: This skill has no cost and thereby can be activated for as long as desired. But the amount of optical information is not something that can be handled by a living being’s mind for too long, regardless of their abilities. Aside from Meditation, overuse of this skill may bring damage to both the psyche and body.

❮ ◈ ❯

“{That’s it, I am done! Farewell! If you need me, you will have to come to your soul realm. If I look at this any longer, I will lose my mind,}” Fray declared and abruptly cut the telepathic connection.

Higure sweatdropped at the storyteller’s outburst but couldn’t help but agree with the sentiment. The therian snorted in amusement and focused on the new sensation that was coursing through his eyes.

“I see…” He muttered as he felt the instinctual instructions for this skill entering his mind. “Worthy of being an Ultimate Class Skill,” he mumbled and closed his eyes. He channeled every kind of force inside his body to his eyes and a golden-white hue began to shine through his eyelids.

When he opened them, Chiron, who was in direct line of sight, froze on the spot. He stared right into the therian’s eyes that were marked by large golden diagonal crosses. Unlike Cross Sight, it wasn’t confined only within the iris. It escaped its borders, going into the sclera and somewhat appearing on even the skin as a small glow.

It’s like the pupils had suddenly expanded, turned into crosses, and tried to overwrite and escape his eyes altogether. Additionally, there was a white halo superimposing the cross, mirroring the contour of the irises that had kept their purple color, though it was mixed with a bit of blue.

The moment he made eye contact; Chiron instinctively knew that his entire existence was locked onto. It was like anything he possibly decided to do would be revealed before he even did them.

Rakna blinked and the golden crosses moved along with his irises, followed by the occasional spin of the white halo. He grunted and closed one eye, listening to the voice in his head giving warnings without stopping.

[| Error. Error. Error. Sensory Overload. Counting Optical Feedback Signals: 166 Million. Range of Perceivable Light Hues Increased by More Than 50 Million Shades. Three-Dimensional Vision Unstable. Recognizing Four-Dimensional Folding… Calibration in Progress… Filtering Unneeded Details… Putting Circumstantial Information on Background Cognition… Labeling Energetic Fields in Range… Separating Electro-Magnetic Waves by Color Scheme… Compiling Magic Circuit Grid in Crypted Code… OS Updated. Kaleidoscope Crystal Sight Fully Incorporated. |]

“Well,” Rakna rubbed his temple. “Another skill that could have blown up my head,” he uttered as he familiarized himself with the new elements in his vision. Among other things, he could see the literal light spectrum, the direction of the airflow, a minimized map of the magic circuits around him, and the way they connect to him, his blood flow, his ki flow…

He also had no blind spot anymore, he could see behind his back, through walls and flesh, and from a perspective that he wasn’t even located at. He just needed to look at a spot in the distance, and he could somehow look back at himself from there without needing to move.

‘This is what ‘four-dimensional view’ means?’ He wondered and as he squinted his eyes, the golden crosses narrowed accordingly. Rakna looked back at Chiron, whom he saw connected to him by a strand of mana. There was a white fire-like energy inside the Demi-God’s body which he identified as his divinity. “Can you release your Intent?” He asked. “Also, send one attack toward me.”

Chiron nodded slowly. “If you wish,” he said and formed a simple sword. He generated an intent with the Drive to cut and Rakna’s eyes widened, the golden cross flickering as it perceived an odd aura wrapping around the sword.

To normal humans, it would appear colorless and shapeless, but in Rakna’s opinion, it was more accurate to say that this particular energy had both a color and a shape that couldn’t be registered by regular eyes and brains.

The human eye can generally discern about a million different shades of color. But Rakna’s current eyes could see more than 50 times that amount; he was seeing colors that didn’t even have a name at all. And that’s the only way he could describe Intent.

Chiron raised his sword and hacked down. The aura split itself and launched a force without set form, but which had a core that gained a sharp edge. Rakna watched it approach, highlighting the effects his eyes had on his reaction speed, and calmly struck the attack’s core with a rapid thrust of Ripple of Rupture.

The Sword Intent dispersed itself around his hand and he observed every single second of the process, being furthermore recorded and analyzed by Eye of Symphony. As long as he was able to save the energy signature, Eye of Symphony would be able to work in tandem with Crystal Sight and warn him whenever there was danger.

“It seems you’ve got yourself quite a good pair of eyes,” Chiron said with a smile. “I’ve scarcely met people with such a daunting vision in my life. If we just consider perception, you already surpass most divinities.”

Rakna snorted and glanced at the ceiling, looking through it, and spotted the different signatures of his friends. Coincidentally, he noticed something and scowled. He was pulled out of his thoughts when Chiron’s mana abruptly lost its stability.

“My time is up,” the centaur commented as he glanced at his vanishing body. “May we meet again, Lord Monarch. I advise you to practice your Intent with various Drives in the future.” josei

The therian nodded. “Thank you,” he said and Chiron responded in kind before fading away. Rakna cracked his neck once he was gone and put Sonata back around his neck. He looked around at the damaged training room and sighed. “I already have to repair it… I can probably craft an automaton running on Eion to do it for me,” he mused and turned toward a certain spot of the room, where a foreign dimensional object was located, which his eyes scrutinized from every angle.

It was a sort of floating knot of transparent strings floating in the air. It resembled Focal Points to some extent, and Rakna confirmed it when the appraising nature of his eyes revealed to him that it was a Dimensional Bridge anchor.

“And here we go again…” The therian jested..

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