The Heroine Eavesdropped on My Voice Heart

Chapter 39

Chapter 39: Sister Yan teases her little Tian at night

After playing in the bathroom for an hour, Qin Tian dried Kuroka's body with a towel and laid her on the bed.

Kuroka fainted from exhaustion, but there was a happy smile on her face as if she was having a beautiful dream.

Qin Tian smiled wryly, although he wanted to do it longer, but that would make the people in the dining room wait longer.

So he decided to stop here, he covered Kuroka's naked body with a blanket, not forgetting to kiss her forehead before going out of the room.


Kuroka curled up while hugging her blanket, she felt Qin Tian's movements, and she was pleased with his little attention.

She decided to sleep and let Qin Tian go to meet everyone.

Those people had supernatural hearing, surely they heard his loud moans in Qin Tian's bathroom earlier.

She doesn't want to meet them now because it's embarrassing!

It's better to sleep in the room!

Qin Tian had walked into the dining room in a t-shirt and shorts, his face looking very fresh, making the lips of the people in the dining room twitch. josei

After Qin Tian sat down in his chair, Li Yan who sat beside him asked with a smile. "Young master Qin is satisfied?"

"What do you mean sister Yan?"

Qin Tian had a puzzled expression on his face as if he didn't understand what the other party was asking.

Li Yan rolled her eyes.

She of course heard intense movement from the direction of his little Tian's room, there was also Kuroka's absence during the previous hour.

Li Yan knew her little Tian must have done it with Kuroka.

It was a bit sad that she wasn't the first, coughing. Well, actually she also knew her little Tian had done it too with Raynare and Kalawarna before she came to Japan.

But it didn't matter, after all as the heir of the Ancient Qin family, her little Tien would definitely have many wives and concubines, so there was no need to worry about not getting a place, especially she who had a special status in the Qin family.

If Qin Tian knew what Li Yan was thinking, he would be completely confused.

What special status?

Qin Tian only knew that Li Yan was his half-sister and he regarded her as his elder sister.

"Asia, make Kuroka some porridge later."

"Oh, okay sister Yan."

Asia who was sitting in the dining room nodded, the relationship between her and Li Yang was getting closer since the other party taught her many things, she was even told to call Li Yan as sister Yan.

Speaking of which, Asia didn't know why she suddenly had to make porridge for Kuroka, but she would do as sister Yan told her.

Qin Tian's lips twitched, it seemed like people already knew, especially seeing the strange expressions of Raynare and Kalawarna sitting in front of him. As for Koko who was sitting next to Li Yan? No need to ask, she definitely knew what her host was doing.

Well, it doesn't matter.

His face is thick, he won't be embarrassed to have his pretense exposed.

"Alright everyone, let's start eating now!"

Qin Tian started eating dinner with everyone without embarrassment.

Li Yan shook her head, she also started eating, so did everyone else.

After dinner is over.

In the living room.

Qin Tian leaned back on the sofa and watched TV boredly, without interest. The other people had already gone to their respective rooms, even Koko went straight to her room after dinner, she must be busy playing games in her room.

In Qin Tian's mind, he was thinking of ways to help Rias and his group to get stronger quickly before the Rating Game started.

Although defeating Riser is a sure thing since he joined the Rating Game, but he knew Rias didn't want to rely too much on him to win the match.

So at the time of the Rating Game, he might have to be a sort of final boss on Rias' side.

He wouldn't make a move unless all his allies had been defeated, because that's what the final boss did.

"Little Tian, what are you thinking about?"

A sweet and wet scent wafted by Qin Tian's nose, he turned his head to the side and saw Li Yan sitting beside him.

The two of them were very close, their shoulders touching each other.

Li Yan seemed to have just finished bathing, her hair was slightly wet and the fresh scent of bath soap emanated from her body.

She was wearing a black nightgown that looked sexy, revealing a lot of her skin, especially her snow-white bare legs.

Qin Tian gulped, he looked at Li Yan doubtfully. "Nothing sister Yan, I'm just thinking about how to help my friends."

One of them is my girlfriend, but Qin Tian didn't say this.

"Your friends? Right, sister doesn't know what your friends are like yet. Why not introduce sister to them, little Tian~?"

Li Yan said in a sexy teasing tone, her warm breath touched Qin Tian's ear and her toes played with his feet.

[Sister Yan! Why are you so active to tease me tonight? You know not too long ago I did, do you want to make me hot again?]

[And what's with that outfit of yours! You must be wearing that in front of me on purpose, right?!]

"If sister Yan wants, I can introduce you to them tomorrow."


Li Yan asked while leaning her body towards Qin Tian, her large breasts swaying.

She of course deliberately teased her little Tian, and after hearing his inner voice, she became even more eager to tease him.

Hehe little Tian, come on, let sister see how cute you and your inner voice are.

Qin Tian gazed at the sight of Li Yan's almost visible breasts under her dress in awe.

"Yes, I will."

"Good~ By the way, you said you wanted to help your friends. Do they have such a serious problem that they need little Tian to help them?"

Li Yan was also curious about this, especially after hearing her little Tian's inner voice before returning home.

It seemed like little Tian was involved with an interesting matter, he even met a new heroine today.

And she also remembered her little Tian had praised the appearance of a woman named Grayfia before. Actually it was this woman who made her curious for getting the pretty and beautiful compliment from her little Tian...

Her own appearance was very beautiful, but he had never heard little Tian praise her as lavishly as he did the woman named Grayfia.

This was also the reason why tonight she was so active, even wearing a sexy nightgown to tease her little Tian.

Give sister a compliment on her beauty little Tian!

Women are creatures who often compare their beauty, and Li Yan is no exception.

She was very confident in her beauty, even in the Empire she was very popular. If it wasn't for her status in the Qin family, there were many men who would pester her every day to propose marriage, but because of her status, many of them were afraid and didn't dare to provoke her.

Of course she didn't care about all those men either, because in her heart there was only the Qin family and her little Tian.

Qin Tian scratched his cheek, he wondered should he tell sister Yan?

Well, after all, sister Yan already knew about the existence of supernaturals like Kuroka, Raynare and Kalawarna. So there was no point in hiding about the Rating Game match that would be conducted with Riser.


Qin Tian began to explain about Rias and her peerage, then the matter of the political marriage in the underworld and the stakes in the Rating Game match that would be held in 5 days.

"So... The girl named Rias Gremory is your girlfriend, but she was forced into a political marriage by her family, and she wants to cancel the marriage through a bet in the Rating Game?"

Li Yan summed up Qin Tian's explanation quickly.

She was a bit surprised that her little Tian already had a girlfriend, but she quickly calmed down, after all there would be many lovers that her little Tian would have in the future.

Qin Tian nodded. "Yes, it's like that. So tomorrow I have to help them practice in preparation for the Rating Game."

"But little Tian, you said that you also participated in the match, did you also participate in the bet? What the man named Riser requests if you lose?"

Li Yan asked with narrowed eyes.

Qin Tian somehow hesitated to say.

"Well, I..."

After saying Riser's request if Rias' group and he lost, Li Yan's expression turned cold and killing intent flashed in her eyes.

"Sister will kill that man named Riser. Where does he live?"

"Wait sister Yan! You can't do that..."

Qin Tian stopped Li Yan who was about to go kill the chicken by hugging her waist and making her sit on his lap.

Li Yan was surprised by her little Tian's movement, there was a slight blush on her cheeks.

"B-but little Tian... That man named Riser is so presumptuous that he wants to make you his slave. Sister must kill him!"

"Don't do that, okay? With me in the match anyway, Riser can't possibly win. Does sister not believe in my abilities?"

"I believe..."

Li Yan of course firmly believed in Qin Tian's ability, she reluctantly gave up on the idea of killing, and looked at the handsome face in front of her with a seductive smile.

"Little Tian, how long do you want to hug sister in this position?"

Li Yan and Qin Tian's current position looks very intimate.

Li Yan sat on Qin Tian's lap with her waist tightly hugged by him. Her breasts pressed against Qin Tian's chest, the faces of the two of them were very close, and they could feel each other's breath.

"Oh, sorry, sister Yan is too delicious to hug."

Qin Tian said honestly, he directly placed Li Yan beside him. Although his face looked very calm and calm, but in his heart...

[Damn, sister Yan is so soft! If I keep holding her any longer, I might lose control.]

[As expected of sister Yan! With her face pretty as a fairy and her body is so perfect, how can this young master stand it?!]

[Must calm down, must calm down, fortunately this young master's ultimate villain cultivation is strong enough to self-restraint, at least for a few few minutes.]

Li Yan was very happy, finally little Tian praised her beauty!

Her face is pretty like a fairy?

Her body is so perfect?

Hehe of course sister are so beautiful that little Tian is trying hard not to eat her, right?

Li Yan got what she wanted tonight. It was better to stop teasing her little Tian now, because she didn't want the other party to be unable to sleep.

"Little Tian~ then, sister will now go to bed. Tomorrow don't forget to take sister to meet your friends, okay?"

"Um, okay?"

Qin Tian said with a question mark because before sister Yan left, she kissed his cheek quickly.

It caught him off guard for a moment, when he realized, he was already alone in the living room.

Qin Tian smiled wryly.

"It seems unlikely that I'll continue to think of sister Yan as just an older sister, right?"

The fire inside his body ignited again because of Li Yan, she wasn't even responsible for putting out the fire in his body.

Then Qin Tian remembered Kuroka who was still inside his room, without lingering he immediately rushed to his room!

Kuroka who had just finished eating her porridge inside the room, was surprised by Qin Tian's sudden arrival.

That night, she had to play again with Qin Tian until morning.


The next day, in the living room.

"Now it's time, is sister Yan ready?"

"I'm ready to go little Tian."

Qin Tian nodded, he looked at Li Yan's appearance who was currently wearing a short-sleeved white T-shirt, jeans, sneakers and her ponytailed hairstyle, making her appear with a new style, and adding to her charm.

Sister Yan also looked very beautiful in such clothes.

Qin Tian thought with an innocent expression on his face.

Li Yan narrowed her eyes while looking at Qin Tian and asked. "How does sister look now?"

"Very good, sister Yan matches any style of clothing."

[So pretty! Like a cool type heroine that came out of manhua!]

Li Yan nodded in satisfaction, not at the words that came out of his mouth, but from his inner voice.

"Then let's go." Li Yan said while holding her little Tian's hand.

Qin Tian was dressed in sportswear at this time, he also tied his long hair into a ponytail like Li Yan.

"Okay, let's go. Asia, Rayanare, Kalawarna, guard the house while the two of us are gone."

"Yes, young master!" Asia, Raynare, and Kalawarna said simultaneously.

Qin Tian nodded, then he remembered something and turned to Asia.

"And Asia please take care of Kuroka in my room, she might need your help."

"Um, okay young master, I'll take care of her."

Asia replied with a puzzled expression, clearly she didn't know last night Kuroka played until the morning with Qin Tian, and she was so exhausted that she hadn't gotten up yet this morning.

Qin Tian smiled wryly at Asia's confused expression, while the other women made knowing expressions, especially Li Yan, she pinched his hand.

"Why are you pinching me sister Yan?"

Qin Tian was confused, he wondered why he was pinched so often these days.

Li Yan made a reprimanding expression and said. "Next time don't overdo it when doing it with Kuroka, you'll put too much strain on her body."

Qin Tian nodded, he admitted last night maybe he went overboard, but this wasn't entirely his fault okay?

It's also sister Yan's fault for leaving him after getting him excited!

Of course he couldn't say this.

"Where's your answer?"

"Okay, sister Yan..."

Qin Tian sighed, he didn't want to argue with sister Yan about the matter last night.


Li Yan smiled like a good older sister who successfully advised her younger brother.

Without saying much more, Qin Tian took out a card with the Gremory symbol from his pocket and threw it on the ground.

"Little Tian what are you doing?"

Li Yan's lips twitched, she laughed at Qin Tian's action of throwing a card like a child.

"Don't laugh sister Yan! This is a card that allows us to teleport to the underworld!"

Qin Tian pouted, he somewhat regretted using the teleportation card Grayfia had given him before returning home, because the way used it looked embarrassing.

It would be better if he teleported through the void and directly broke through to the underworld, with his cultivation it was possible to do that, and he wouldn't be humiliated like this time.

[This young master has been humiliated in front of sister Yan! It's all your fault Grayfia!]

Grayfia who had gathered with Rias and the others in the underworld was confused as to why she was suddenly blamed.

What is this woman's fault, Tian-kun?

Are you slandering me?

Li Yan stopped laughing and looked at the card curiously. "Oh, so it's some kind of magic tool..."

She guessed that the card was given by the woman named Grayfia to her little Tian after hearing the inner voice just now.

While saying that, the teleportation card had already begun to activate and created a red colored magic circle under Qin Tian and Li Yan's feet.

"Yes, now we will start teleporting."

Li Yan nodded and let the magic energy from the magic circle envelop her body, then she began to teleport, as did Qin Tian beside her.


Author's Note

I cried...

Qin Tian: "What else now?"

Koko: "Sttttt Host!"

Qin Tian: "...."

Last night I watched an anime...

My fragile heart was jolted after watching that anime...

It was so sad...

Kahvel-san I love you!

Kahvel-san hiks hiks uwaah!!

Akeno: "Can you first explain the chronology before crying?"

Rias: "That's right! Explain properly and what anime exactly did you watch?

Qin Tian: "Explain hey!"

Koko: "Ei!"

Grayfia: "You guys... stop yelling at people who are crying!"

Hiks hiks as expected from Grayfia-chan!

Only you understand me.

Grayfia-chan, are you free tonight?

How about I invite you to dinner at...

Grayfia: "Maybe next time, I have a lot of unfinished maid work tonight."

Grayfia-chan said that while wiping away my tears with a tissue.

Even when she rejected my offer, she still treated me gently...

Making me unable to get angry of course, I liked her even more.

Her expression was cold as usual, yet I could see the tenderness in her eyes when she looked at me.

[Her gaze left me in a daze and I could see hallucinations of silver-colored butterflies flying behind Grayfia-chan. Creating such a beautiful background that Grayfia-chan looks like a silver-haired beauty Goddess and no one can match her beauty!]

Uhuk uhuk!

Grayfia-chan suddenly coughed as if she was choking, making me worried of course.

What's wrong Grayfia-chan?

You're suddenly coughing...

Grayfia: "I'm fine."

Grayfia-chan said with a blush on her cheeks, but her face was still cold, making her look cute.


Maybe she's a bit feverish?

Qin Tian: "Stop pretending, you did it on purpose!"

Koko: "You did it on purpose."

Rias: "You're pretending to be dense!"

Akeno: "Ara, ara..."

What's wrong with these people?

Hey, I don't understand what you guys are talking about.

Don't talk too much so this note doesn't get too long.


I heard.

Those people are getting noisier.

I ignored them and just looked at Grayfia-chan with a smile.

[Just looking at Grayfia-chan's face makes me very happy.]

[I can stare at her forever.]

I can hear someone saying "Fuck" behind me.

Grayfia-chan suddenly covered my eyes with her hand.

[Her hands are so fucking soft!]

[Stay like this as long as possible Grayfia-chan!]

Grayfia: "Stop teasing me and explain what anime made you cry earlier."

Grayfia-chan said that, then she removed her hands from my eyes.

Her face had already returned to being cold as usual and the blush on her cheeks was gone.

She seems to be in her professional maid mode now.

Ahh... It's a pity that I wanted to see the blushing and shy Grayfia-chan for longer, but it's okay if that premium moment is over.

Grayfia-chan like this is also very beautiful, I like it.

Grayfia: "Dog man..."

Okay, okay, Grayfia-chan I'll explain!

Grayfia-chan nodded, seemingly satisfied with my answer.

I sighed and looked at the readers.


The anime is titled "I'm standing on a millions life"

A very beautiful title, but the anime was actually quite boring.

I even almost fell asleep while watching the anime at the beginning, but in certain episodes, there were scenes that made my eyes foggy and shed tears.

So here's the story, I'll just tell you the scene that touched my heart. The MC is Yusuke Yotsuya, you know he's Japanese from his name, and this anime is also made in Japan. Of course it's an anime after all, cough.

Well long story short, the MC and his friends were transported into the game world and they were given a quest. Skip that, then on the way MC or let's call him Yusuke. Yusuke met a woman named Kahvel, she was a beautiful brown-haired woman, the kind of rustic beauty that would make a man feel warm and cozy just by being around her.

Yusuke and Kahvel slowly get to know each other, then in certain episodes, they experience life and death situations that make their relationship even closer.

Yusuke was a dense loner, which annoyed me while watching it, but I still persisted in watching the anime because I started to like the look of the woman named Kahvel.

Kahvel began to fall in love with Yusuke, at one point, when Yusuke was asleep, she sneaked up on him and kissed him. The scene was witnessed not only by me, but also by Yusuke's friends who were all women.

They were shocked to see Kahvel so boldly kissing Yusuke secretly, I grinned and was satisfied to see the scene. I continued watching, then when there are meetings, there must also be farewells. Yusuke and his friends had completed the quest and they had to return to their home world.

Kahvel reluctantly parted ways with everyone, especially the dense Yusuke. Yusuke and his friends said something like we'll be back again soon or something I kind of forgot.

After that, after a lot of nonsense, Yusuke and his friends finally returned to the game world. In their home world it seems that time has only passed a short time after they left the previous game world.

After returning to the game world, they rush to find Kahvel's whereabouts, but when they meet her again. Kahvel said it had been 15 years since they were separated, making everyone surprised, I had a bad feeling at that time, especially when two little children who looked like Kahvel were hiding behind Kahvel.

And sure enough, after 15 years of separation, Kahvel had married another man and had two cute daughters, so cute that I wanted to slap Yusuke for how dense he was before.

My mood dropped dramatically at that moment, but I still continued watching because I was expecting something. Luckily I continued watching, then I saw a scene of Kahvel and Yusuke talking on top of the city wall while watching the sunset.

Kahvel looked mature then, she looked like a milf and Yusuke still looked like a teenager. Then came the scene that made my eyes red and misty. After 15 long years, even after marrying another man, and having two daughters...

Kahvel suddenly kissed Yusuke with the sunset in the background which made the scene look beautiful. After finishing kissing Yusuke, the rays of the setting sun highlighted the side of Kahvel's face, her mature face looked very beautiful, she smiled while shedding tears and said...

"I... Love you, Yusuke."

Fuck! I felt my heart clogging up, tears spilling out as I watched the scene. An uncomfortable feeling filled my heart. I pressed the pause button on the video and I cried silently while staring at the monitor screen that displayed Kahvel's smile. That smile looked pitiful and made me feel my heart tighten. Well, that's all for today. I started to feel sad again when talking about Kahvel.

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