The Highest Bounty

Chapter 68 - Who’s The Employer?!

Chapter 68 - Who’s The Employer?!

Chapter 68: Who’s The Employer?!

No matter how strong a fortress was, it would have a weakness. What more when it came to humans?

To a certain degree, biological bodies and mechanical bodies bore some resemblance. If something was wrong with one part, it would most likely affect many other areas.

In a mechanical body, the loosening of a screw could destroy the entire machine instantly. Similarly, if one function in the human body was not working, it might bring illnesses that could eventually take the life of a person.

Mechanical bodies have inevitable weaknesses, as do biological bodies. Naturally, humans, as one of the latter, are not spared of this. In reality, humans are one of the more fragile forms amongst the biological bodies as these weaknesses are even more fatal if exploited.

Perhaps in Gu Ding’s eyes, or even many other martial arts practitioners’ eyes, Ter’s defense was flawless. However, in Neptune’s eyes, it was a completely different story. There were flaws in the other party’s every movement. No matter how indistinct, as soon as Neptune caught it, he would be able to pinpoint it.

“In a battle between different ranks, it is not solely a competition of amplified strength,” Neptune explained in Gu Ding’s ears. “I can help you once or twice, but if you want to become intrinsically stronger, you need to learn how to judge the other party’s weaknesses yourself.”

Gu Ding knew what Neptune said was right. Although he was really unwilling for anyone to intervene in his fight, he knew from what had happened earlier that there was no way he could break through Ter’s defense.

Following the flaws that Neptune had marked out, Gu Ding began probing and launching testing attacks.

His first target was naturally the other party’s eyes. This was a weakness for almost every biological body. Unfortunately, Gu Ding completely overlooked this point earlier.

His fists opened and his fingers were exposed. Gu Ding employed Terminating Finger, a move that he had not employed in a really long time. His fingers moved like a snake on high-alert, heading straight for Ter’s left eye.

Seeing this, Ter immediately raised his right hand to block. Although Gu Ding’s attacks on his body were not enough to injure him, his eyes would never be able to bear a martial arts practitioner’s attack that was equivalent to 3000 points Cell Index.

In a split second, when Ter raised his hand, he exposed a flaw on his right rib. Gu Ding set his eyes on this flaw, lifting his knee and smashing into it at lightning speed.

This impact sent Ter staggering. He could clearly feel that Gu Ding’s attack nearly broke his ribs. He also noticed that Gu Ding’s attacks were starting to become more targeted now. It was fiercer and more lethal.

After succeeding in launching one strike, Gu Ding was in high spirits. Meanwhile, Ter finally realized that the one he was facing this time was no mouth-watering appetizer, but an unrivaled bone that was impossible to gnaw on.

Seeing that the other party still had no plans to initiate an attack, Gu Ding leaped up once more, launching an even more violent attack at Ter. This time, his attacks were all aimed directly at the vital points: temple, ear, throat, precordium, lower back, back of his head, ribs...

In such a short time, Ter was overwhelmed. Initially, the majority of Gu Ding’s attacks could be ignored. He just needed to make sure he protected his vital points so that the other party would not hit them. However, now, every one of Gu Ding’s attacks headed straight for his vital points, causing him to be completely exhausted from warding off the strikes.

Eventually, he was hit one or two times in the ear as well as the back of his head. This made him dizzy. As for the other attacks, the pain caused had multiplied when compared to the ordinary blows he received earlier.

This wave of attacks lasted for a full ten minutes or more. Ter was confused and disoriented from Gu Ding’s continuous blows. Due to a lack of strength in his body, he could not even get a hold of Gu Ding’s clothes.

After wiping the blood flowing out of his nostrils, Ter knew that Gu Ding had broken his nose bridge. He began to regret his decision to accept the mission.

Their fight happened to be carried out outside Hermean Alliance’s main entrance. Basically, this was considered one of the most busy areas on the entire planet, meaning that thousands of people had watched this unfold. There were also a few fellows who had recorded the fight between the two.

“Your defense is useless against me now.” Gu Ding stared at the battered as well as an exhausted Ter, feeling slightly moved. If not for Neptune, he might not have been able to break the other party’s defense at all.

“Is that so?” Although Ter was slightly injured, it had only bothered and pained him slightly. Gu Ding’s attacks were powerful enough that he was not able to resist them. He had also decided to give it his best shot. “You pushed me to the edge. During the next half an hour, I will show you my true ability.”

As soon as these words left his lips, the muscles throughout his body started swelling as his body grew larger. With bloodshot eyes, his being began emanating a tyrannical aura.

“He has activated the Rage Attack mode. Although they say that Rage Attack Level 2 can only last ten minutes, his toughness means that he should be able to last half an hour. After entering the Rage Attack mode, not only will his attack prowess shoot up, his speed will too. Stay vigilant. With his current attack prowess, you’ll be done for if you take just one hit,” Neptune reminded Gu Ding.

“Half an hour? Let’s see who’s stronger then!” Gu Ding broke into a grin. He quickly activated Ultimate Arts Level 7, causing his combat prowess to once again double.

Ultimate Arts Level 7 Silent Step was more than twice as powerful as its Level 6 counterpart. It even created an afterimage in the sky, making the onlookers exclaim when they saw it.

Ter, who had entered the Rage Attack mode, began attacking too. He charged toward Gu Ding whilst waving his enormous fist, causing the faint sound of the air splitting to rumble outward.

Gu Ding employed his Silent Step, avoiding this punch. Despite that, he was still scraped by the shockwaves of the blow. His sleeves were shredded to pieces.

“This is one really potent attack!” Gu Ding sighed to himself. He was being more careful now, avoiding Ter’s second and third punches.

At the same time, he was also patiently waiting for a chance to launch a fatal attack.

Finally, when Ter fired the fourth punch, he left his chest exposed. Gu Ding employed the Silent Step, searching for an opening to enter. He brushed past Ter’s fist, landing a power-accumulating elbow attack on Ter’s chest mercilessly.

After taking the hit, Ter’s heart stopped beating for a few seconds. Even his movements halted for a few seconds. Even so, Gu Ding did not waste this chance. Immediately after, he followed it up with a heavy knee to the other party’s crotch. Without waiting for the other party to collapse, Gu Ding launched another Steel Fist at the other party’s throat to choke him. josei

After taking three consecutive critical hits, Ter collapsed to the ground. With one hand holding onto his crotch and another on his throat, he let out a cry of agony.

Gu Ding, on the other hand, landed steadily.

At this moment, Liliath and the rest appeared in front of Ter at blinding speed, pointing the cannon barrel that had been loaded with the armor-piercing shells straight at Ter’s head, she said. “Hand over your intelligent wristwatch!”

Although Ter was slightly hesitant, it was useless once the other party takes it as this thing would lock itself after it is removed from the master body. However, if he did not do as Liliath instructed, he had not the slightest doubt that she would put a bullet in his brain. Thus, he could only take off the intelligent wristwatch.

Liliath took the wristwatch and tossed it to Gu Ding. “We’ll take this as loot. This is not the end of it, though. Tell us your employer’s name...”

“I can’t tell you that.” Ter knew that even though his reputation was bad, if he revealed who had hired him, no one would work with him in the future.

“It seems like you think that the employer’s life is more important than yours now, do you?” The corner of Liliath’s lips curled up as the cannon barrel was jabbed once again against Ter’s forehead. “Let me ask you one last time. What’s the employer’s name?”

Ter could see a chilling and cold killing intent in Liliath’s eyes. He knew that if he did not reveal the name, he might be drawing his last breath.

“His name is Ricky...”

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