The Hitting Zone

Chapter 1107 V3 Ch341 CIF Quarterfinals

Chapter 1107 V3 Ch341 CIF Quarterfinals: West Valley Prep (3)

"You doing okay?" I heard Coach ask Garret when we entered our dugout. 

"Yea, I just think they're rather good at connecting with my fastball." Garret shared his thoughts. He and Mitchell sat together to talk about the pitch selection. I heard him saying he wanted to use his cutter and slider more, using the fastball less or at least using it out of the zone. 

"I'm happy that you aren't a pitcher." I told Noah. 

"What?" Noah let out a small laugh. "Where did that come from?"

I gestured to the pair that were talking strategy. "If you were a pitcher, you would be like them. And then you would try to get me to be like you."

"I wouldn't force you to be like me." He denied. 

I raised an eyebrow. "You play infield; I play infield. You run a lot; I have to run a lot."

Noah started waving his hands, getting me to stop. He laughed some more too. "Okay, stop right there. You play infield because you have a weak arm." He gave me a pointed look. "You're stronger now, so you can play outfield if you want. Coach would let you."

I cringed. 

"And you had to run a lot because you were out of shape. I don't force you on my early morning runs anymore. These are all coincidences. We have two brothers that pitch, and none of us catch." I opened my mouth to refute, but he covered it with his hand. "I'm not a catcher. That was an exception. I like to play baseball, okay?"

I nodded and he took his hand away. 

"I'm more into the action and less into the mind games that batteries try to play. It's not very interesting." He turned his attention to the pitcher on the mound as the bottom of the second inning started. "I rather hit and get on base too. Offense is where you win games. Defense is where you lose them."

That wasn't the first time Noah told me that. I grinned. "Catchers can play offense too."

He nudged me. "Zip it."

Sean started our half of the inning with a pop out to short. Brian got it a little further, but the center fielder was able to run in to make the catch. Korrey struck out on a foul tip to end the side. 

We took the field for the top of the third inning, but it was all Garret and Mitchell. West Valley's bottom three batters all struck out swinging. Garret and Mitchell had planned well, utilizing his breaking balls to corner them and then throw a fastball outside of the zone to get them to chase. Garret was perfect through three. And now would get his first at bat this inning. 

But first, Jason and Mitch. 

Jason led off with a bloop single over the second baseman and I immediately finished getting ready for my at bat. 

"If we load the bases, it would be interesting to see if they walk you." Noah rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Don't jinx it." I told him, exasperated. These were the kind of games that I hated the most. I stood near the entrance and was zoned in on Mitch's at bat. Just get on, I prayed. Mitch just couldn't connect though. He swung and missed, three times. He came back to the dugout with an apologetic look. 

"Hey, hey, don't mind." Kyle greeted him back inside as I moved to the on deck circle. 

Garret stepped into the lefty's box and the catcher squatted down. I gripped my bat tightly, feeling a little more than annoyed that they were willing to pitch to Garret. I wanted to have a chance to hit, but now I wished for Garret to hit a home run. Make them regret pitching to him. 

Garret pulled the first pitch just foul of the right field line. The very next pitch, he straightened it out and the line drive dropped before the right fielder could get there. Jason rounded second to sprint to third. The ball was relayed in and the second baseman tried to throw Jason out at third. 

"Safe!" The umpire gave his ruling. 

Garret clapped his hands at first. Jason called for 'time' and stood up to dust himself off. I think you should take a look at

My name was announced and I headed for the batter's box, eyes on the catcher and umpire. I held my breath and gripped my bat, begging in my head for the guy to squat down. 

"We're intentionally walking him." The catcher notified the umpire. 

I made a face of disgust, feeling...mad. Unbelievably mad. I tossed my bat back towards the dugout and jogged to first, pushing Garret to second. The crowd was already booing and I wanted to join in. 

Coach Riley nodded at me as I got on first. 

"You've got this Noah!"

"Come on, Noah!"josei

"This is our chance!"

"Drive them home!"

It felt like everyone was here for Noah. I couldn't hear any chants for West Valley. Maybe they didn't bring in a bus of students like we did. 

Mr. Miller gave the sign for everyone to run on contact. We had to try our best to avoid any double plays. Noah wasn't going to be able to bunt with bases loaded and the play being at home plate. At least, not when he was unsuccessful in his first at bat. 

I took my lead off first base, trying to push myself beyond being comfortable. The pitcher's focus should be the guy closest to scoring. Plus, he faced Jason. 

"More Jake." Coach Riley said. 

I gritted my teeth and took that extra step. 

The pitcher threw his first pitch to Noah. Noah swung and missed and I went back to the bag to reset. The next pitch was a ball. Then a foul for strike two. A ball in the dirt, but the catcher made a clean pick of it. 2-2, Noah made contact, almost hitting a grounder at me. 

I jumped to avoid the ball and raced to second, choosing to dive head first at the bag. 

I heard cheering and peeked around to see what had happened. Noah was out at first. Garret stood on third. And Jason was at home plate, picking up Noah's at bat. The second baseman must have only had a play at first. I let out a long breath of air, relieved. We didn't come up empty-handed. 1-0. 

I made sure the ball went to the pitcher at the mound before getting up and shaking some dirt off. Bryce came up next, and Mr. Miller gave the sign to run on contact again. There were already two outs, no chance of a double play. 

I was signaled to take a bigger lead, and I tried. I had to remind myself that it was hard for a pitcher to pick off the runner on second, especially with someone fast like Garret on third. The pitcher really didn't pay me any mind as his focus was solely on Bryce at the plate. He didn't even care to check on Garret at all. It was a good idea considering he got Bryce out last time, but luckily for us it didn't work. 

Bryce hit the ball up the middle and we were off. Mr. Miller waved me on to go home and I tagged third and went. Garret got the bat out of the way and was signaling for me to slide. I made another dive for it, unsure if it was the best idea. I felt the plate under my hand and a beat later, a heavy slap landed on it. 


The crowd roared as I got up. 


I slapped hands with Garret and we headed back to the dugout together. 

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