The Hitting Zone

Chapter 1109 V3 ch343 CIF Quarterfinals

Chapter 1109 V3 ch343 CIF Quarterfinals: West Valley Prep (5)

Chapter 1109 V3 ch343 CIF Quarterfinals: West Valley Prep (5)

I was only a few steps behind him, also eager to leave the dugout for a chance to hit.

Garret's name was announced. He knocked his bat against his cleats and headed for the batter's box. He got ready as did the pitcher. I was more than a little jealous that he was getting pitched to but I wasn't. I didn't think there was that much of a difference between him and me. Too bad our averages said otherwise.

Garret was late on the first pitch, fouling it back. The second pitch, he made solid contact, pulling the ball to right field. The outfielder chased it back to the warning track, made a jump, and came down with the ball, causing the crowd to groan.

I gave Garret a look of sympathy as he came back, but he didn't look bothered. He just smiled and gave me a pat on the top of my helmet.

I headed for home plate as my name was announced, but before even getting there I was being waved on. I sighed and ditched my bat, starting a jog to first. One of the worst games I've ever played in. So annoying.


"Why are you running away?!"

"They're scared!"

"So pathetic!"

The crowd jeered and for once, I felt that it was a little uplifting. They also wanted to see me hit.

"You better get a hit this time, Noah!" Someone yelled out.

"This guy can't be any good if he has to walk Jake!"

"Hit it out of here!"

Unfortunately for the crowd, Noah had to listen to Mr. Miller. And Mr. Miller wanted to try the sacrifice bunt again. There was already an out this time so Noah really had to lay it down. We planned to do it on the first pitch to try to catch them off guard. The pitcher started his motion and once he was committed, I took off for second.

The shortstop was covering, leaving me a path to the base. I didn't have eyes on the back of my head to see the play so I made another diving slide, probably my worst of the day. I landed more like a belly flop and then my fingers hit into the base wrong. I hissed in pain.

I glanced up and noticed no play being made at me so I got up and looked. Noah's bunt must have been fielded by the third baseman and he was out. But he still did his job of advancing me to second. It was up to Bryce now that I was in scoring position.

Bryce was able to foul off the first pitch. And the second. Then he chased a ball low in the dirt for strike three. I headed back for the dugout, taking off my helmet.

"You had two good swings, Bryce." I overheard Coach saying. "As a pitcher, you especially should know that he wasn't going to throw you anything good on an 0-2 count."

"I thought I could reach it, Coach. Won't happen again."

"It's not bad to take chances when we have the lead but you have to use your head out there." Coach spotted me coming in. "How's the hand, Jake? Saw you shaking it like it hurt."

I was taking off my batting gloves so I showed him my hands. "It's okay. Just jammed it."

He got closer to examine it. "Okay. As long as you're good."

I nodded. I switched out my gear and took the field with the others.

Top of the sixth, in the bottom of the order. Garret made quick work of the eighth batter, getting him to strike out on the cutter. His seventh of the game now. The nine hole spot was originally the pitcher, but the coach came out to notify the umpire of a pinch hitter.

The new batter stepped in and Garret took him on. I thought things were going well when Garret had him cornered on a 1-2 count, but then the batter made contact. A single to right field. I was already thinking double play like the last inning, but we were back to the top of the order and the guy pulled the ball down the left field line for a single, but the runner made it to third from first. Runners at the corners with only one out.

I looked to Noah.

"You're alright. Let's see an infield grounder. We'll turn a double play." Noah was saying encouraging things from afar, not signaling for a mound meeting.

I trust his judgment so I joined in too. "You've got this, Garret."

Garret jammed this guy with an inside pitch. The grounder went down the third baseline. But because there was a runner on third, Jason was in perfect position to field the ball. Barehanding it to me at second. I transitioned the ball from glove to throwing hand and got the throw off before being barreled into by the baserunner. My vision went sideways and I landed on my stomach as the player took me out. We were a tangle of limbs and I was still processing what had happened and what might be hurting when a pair of hands pulled me out and away from the player.

Noah looked me up and down. "You good?" He started to dust me off.

I nodded. "I'm okay."

"How do you know?" Noah frowned. "You haven't tried walking yet. Walk it out. Move your arms around. Twist your body." He started to instruct me.

"Woah, woah, hold up." Garret joined us. "Don't tell him what to do when you're not the trainer. Drew is here somewhere." He glared at the opposing player who was slowly walking back to his dugout. "That guy did that shit on purpose."

"Nothing we can do about it." Sean said, coming over and picking up my hat in the process. He swatted the dirt off and plopped it back on my head. "Do you need help to get back to the dugout?"

"I'm okay. Really." I rolled my shoulders back and started to walk back for the dugout. With everyone else. The double play must have been good even though I didn't get to see it.

Coach was already outside our dugout. Kyle was standing right beside him, being held back by Tanner.

"We can't let them get away with this, Coach." Kyle was saying. "We either take it up with the umps or retaliate."

Noah let out an exaggerated cough. "No retaliation."

I glanced at him. josei

Noah held up his hands. "Hey, I know how you feel about that kind of stuff."

"Everyone back into the dugout." Coach ordered. He looked at me. "You're okay?"

"I'm okay." I repeated.

He nodded. "Okay. Get checked out by Drew just in case." His eyes found Sean's. "You and Brian get ready for your at bats. I'm going to go talk to the ump for a second." He glanced at Garret. "Keep them in check."

Garret herded everyone into the dugout and we all started to give each other space. With the exception of Noah hovering over me as I got checked out by the trainer.

"Anything hurt in particular?" Drew asked me as I laid down on the bench.

"No. I mostly landed on him." I explained.

"He took you out right under your feet." Noah said. "Man, I wanted to tackle him right then and there." He saw my look and cleared his throat. "But I clearly know that that's wrong." He started to wag his finger. "But if they dare to do it again, I can't be held responsible for my actions."

Drew chuckled. "Okay, calm down. No harm, no foul." He finished a stretch on me. "Jake isn't upset so you shouldn't be upset."

"That's a false equivalency." Noah told him. "His feelings belong to him and mine belong to me. Out of respect to his feelings, I won't start a fight. But I also won't be afraid to join in one of I have to."

I sat up. "I think it's okay to let this matter drop."

"We can't just let them take out our best player." Noah raised his voice. "It's the playoffs. They're feeling desperate and will make stupid decisions." He patted my shoulder. "Be careful."

"Okay. I will."

Coach came back and the game resumed. He came over to check out the situation but I assured him that it wasn't anything. Drew confirmed my story and Coach relaxed a little.

"I told them that I'll hold them responsible if the game gets out of hand." Coach said. "Not that I think it will. We're three outs away from closing things out. I'll go talk to Garret what I hope to see in this last inning." He left.

Sean got a hit off the new pitcher, sparking some excitement in our dugout. It got even louder when Brian hit a single of his own to right field and Sean made it to third. No outs and runners at the corners. Korrey smacked a sharp grounder almost right up the middle, but the shortstop was there to make a diving stop; from his knees, he shoveled pass the baseball to the second baseman. The second baseman had to turn all the way around to throw to first. They were able to convert the double play, but we were able to tack on another run to make it 4-0.

All three guys came back and I slapped hands just like all the others.

"You should have knocked that guy on his ass." Kyle told Brian, elbowing him.

Brian shrugged helplessly. "You don't think I would? If I knew Jake wouldn't get upset, I would have made sure that guy was sore tomorrow." He looked my way. "No offense, Jake. That's just part of the game sometimes. But I know you wouldn't have liked it."

I nodded. "Thanks." I narrowed my eyes at Kyle.

Kyle shrugged, unbothered. "Don't look at me like that. I would do that for anyone on my team that got taken out like you did. Eye for an eye."

"I'm going to tell Mom." Noah snickered.

Kyle reached for him and the two started to go back and forth. Our inning ended with the next batter; Jason grounded out to short.

"Dalton, you're in for Jake." Coach announced. He glanced at me, but I didn't give any objections. I didn't love fielding, and was honestly sick of this game. I didn't even have to bring my bat today.

Garret had a shaky start to the top of the seventh inning, walking the third batter in the lineup to face the cleanup. Garret relied heavily on his breaking balls before the cleanup hitter hit a grounder to Noah. Noah flipped the ball to Dalton at second, who threw to Sean at first.

Everyone in our dugout was up against the fence, cheering loudly for Garret now. One more out for the complete game shutout. The fans were shouting and screaming too, all for him.

Garret took a second to wipe the sweat off his forehead and readjusted his cap. He used the rosin bag and got settled. On the very first pitch to the fifth batter, the guy made contact and popped it high into the sky. Noah started to run back as Korrey and Bryce ran in. Noah called them off and made the catch over his shoulder. That was game! We were moving on!

I raced Kyle out of the dugout and headed for Noah like the others.

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