The Imbecile Lord Is Married to Five Beautiful Goddess

345 Chapter 345

345 Chapter 345

[Iron Heavy Swordsmanship:100 Heavy Stabs]

Alex's hands moved, and a hundred swords stabbed at Mark reflecting on his eyesight.

In a second, Alex's hands moved hundreds of times like a Gatling gun.

Mark raised his sword to defend himself and tried to blast the strikes away with an aura blast while raising his sword to block the rest.


A loud metal screeching sound echoed one after another.

Mark wasn't able to deflect all the blows, some passed through his defence and hit the sword pushing him back and some hit his chest.

Small holes appeared over his armour and pierced the skin and his figure shot back and slid off against the back.

Alex raised his sword to cut him down and appeared over Mark who was laying on the ground.

As he swung his sword, Marion raised his hand and threw a handful of sand from the ground.

As Mark fell down, he felt a subconscious fear and he gripped his fist on the ground.

'I have to win no matter what.'

He turned his head and could see the sight of a sword falling over him and at the last moment, grabbed a handful of dirt.josei

Alex's steps collapsed and his momentum fell.

Mark felt now was the time to finish things, and he slashed his sword using his trump card.

Getting into position, his figure disappeared leaving behind a trail of destruction in the form of a crevice on the ground.


His momentum was interrupted as Alex blocked the sword even before Mark could begin his sword move.

Mark's whole body shivered and as he raised his head, his heartbeat hastened.

Alex's eyes were opened wide. His iris had become as red as blood and his eyes were moist.

There was partial dust and gravel in it, still, his eye stayed open wide without closing even for a second and those sharp piercing eyes were staring straight at Mark giving him goosebumps.

Alex stared at Mark as if he was some rotten filth and soon going to be a deadman.


No, he was a bit frustrated.

He was using the sword fight as it had been months since he had a proper fight but this guy had to ruin it by using such a petty trick.

If only Mark knew just how Goddess Of War trained Alex, this guy might already be pissed in his pants.

No matter what the situation, one should never take his eyes off his enemies.

To make him adapt to his surroundings, she would put Alex's head into the water, and then onto piles of sand, again and again, to train him to keep his eyes open.

Before that brutal torture, this was nothing.

"It seems, I have gone a bit soft."

Mark heard a deep, heavy, harsh voice and before he could speak something, he was hit on his torso.


Mark was sent flying but before he could land, his back was hit and his body shot towards the sky.

Alex used teleportation to appear everywhere Mark appeared and kicked him.

Ripples formed in the air along with thundering booms one after another.

Mark yelled in pain due to the series of hits coming out of nowhere.

Alex's image appeared above his head with a huge great sword of ice hovered in the air.

Mark squealed like a pig seeing such a scene.

Alex without mercy swung it down and wrapped it in a crimson aura.

The virtual world was distorted due to the blast of aura.

The sky seemed to be cut along with the land and Mak's body disappeared out of existence and everything turned white on the screen.

In the Colosseum, those who were witnessing the spectacle grasped in shock wondering what happened just now.

Mark's figure appeared on the stage, and he slurped down on the ground with freight.

"I am alive." He held his shoulder and recalled the last scene but as he signed in relief, he felt an intense blood lust aiming at him.

He looked up to see Alex staring at him venomously and felt as if an entire mountain was weighing him down.


He held his throat and found it hard to even breathe.

"The Winner Of The Match is Alex."The referee interfered after seeing Mark's condition and tried to mediate between them.

He was also one of the professors and knew Alex.

He was a maniac on equal footing to Quinn and both of them had spars going over each other's throats in secret with a handful of Professors to witness.

"Now, moving on to the next match."

"Alex, do you want to challenge anyone?"

Alex rotated his gaze and it fell on Hurt who averted his eyes and shrink back then it fell on Jeremy and Joey who also tried to look up at the sky.

Only an idiot and a masochist who wanted to get a good beating would fight this guy.

Alex shook his head and as he stared around, Quinn's unhappy expression caught his eyes. He looked sad with the way it ended.Alex shrugged and gave him a cold shoulder.

The referee coughed and raised his voice" Is there anyone who wanted to challenge Alex?"

Alex released his pressure and stared at everyone looking at him.

His eyes were enough to warn a challenger, conveying that if you step in now, you are going to die.

With no one coming forward to challenge him, Alex walked back but a servant came towards him and informed him that Prince Sean wanted to meet him.

Alex's brows furrowed with a frown and he wondered what happened.

'Maybe he wants to convey something personally after Mark failed to do his work.

"Lead me!" Alex walked towards the VIP stands where Prince Sean was waiting for him in a separate room.

Alex passes through the VIP stands and notices Yvonne peeping at him while trying her best to mask her worrying expression.

Alex on his way stole a few glances at Yvonne and sent a few flying kisses swiftly without anyone noticing.

Even if one of her Knights was quick enough to notice the situation, he just pretended to be blind and deaf.

The escort stood at the door and gestured for Alex to enter.

Alex found Sean standing before him and gave him a polite greeting.

Sean was a Mythic rank warrior and was now 32 years old. He had broad shoulders and black hair, with slightly tan skin due to spending most of the time in borders.

Alex heard that he had married recently and already had a daughter.

Before him, Alex looked like a newborn calf.

Sean returned the greeting and said"Royal Father had asked me to give you this."

Sean waved his hand and another servant appeared with a letter and an insignia of the Royal.

"Do you know the contents of the letter?" Alex asked.

Seam shook his head.

Alex took the letter and wondered if this was all.

"Now that I have done the work I have been entrusted with so why don't we sit down and have a chat, "Sean spoke with a smile.

"Why not? I have been waiting for this opportunity to know the First Prince who is renownedly known as Third Generation Sword King." Alex's lips curled upwards with a large grin.

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