The Imbecile Lord Is Married to Five Beautiful Goddess

Chapter 600 Chapter 597

Chapter 600 Chapter 597:Argument[2]

A shrill scream escaped from everyone's mouth. Tarkel, who was just talking a moment ago, just disappeared before everyone's eyes and reappeared under Alex.

With a snort, Alex kicked him and sent him flying. josei

A sharp crackling sound was heard as Tarkel's body flew back into the air and slid against the ground.

"Your Majesty! What are you doing?"

"This is against the law."

"Your Highness, please maintain the courtesy and decorum of the court."

The nobles shouted and screamed trying to condemn him for his tyranny.

"It seems, you all haven't done research on me or perhaps everyone has forgotten about me during these six months or so," Alex muttered nonchalantly.

"Take him away and treat him in church."Ordering the soldiers, he looked around.

"Just as you consider commoners are worthless pieces of trash. You are also worthless pieces of garbage. We are in a threatening situation. If before I would have entertained you but in the present scenario, I don't have time to cultivate leeches who suck off the blood of their own."

"What do you mean by that statement, Your Highness?"The nobles retorted back fiercely.

"Since you all think about the welfare of the country then let's do this. From now on, the nobles will not have any right to correct the Imperial taxes and the tax of nobles will be paid by themselves."Alex declared.

Everyone's expression became pale on hearing Alex's declaration. This was akin to putting a nail in their coffin.

Who didn't know that all the money they paid to the centre was looted from the common people? Sometimes, they even hide the money and pay low taxes. In a way, they never had to pay a single penny.

"You can't do this."

"I object."

"No, we object, "Heiz screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Why do we have to pay tax separately for the flirty commoners?"

"You are changing the law and depriving us of collecting money from our very own people. This has never happened in history."

Alex's expression turned ugly. Everything he says, these people would jump into the objects.

'Do you think this is your home? Should I just kill everyone here?'

Alex's eyes became dark and the temperature around Alex fell greatly. Just as he was contemplating things, he felt a soft touch.

Looking down he saw Catherine holding his hand.

"Alex, keep your temper in check. We can't just kill anybody as we wish without a proper cause. Alex, you are an Emperor now, you need to be just in your ruling. The noble power's true role is to keep an Emperor in check. This is a hurdle that an Emperor had to cross by himself."

Alex calmed down a bit hearing Catherine's soft tone.

"I know that. It's just that I find such things troublesome. We can just cut them off directly alas."Alex massages his forehead for a moment.

"Okay, I understand your thoughts. I know I am acting like a tyrant but I have no other options. The entire world is in peril. We could be wiped out any moment from now."

Everyone's vision became blank following Alex's declaration making them wonder what he meant.

"What are you trying to say, Your Majesty?"Solanar asked politely.

Alex nodded and started to explain.

The nobles gasped heavily hearing Alex's words. Some were sceptical while some shivered in fear thinking about the descent of the God of Darkness.

Many of them had saw Emperor Kevin's figure becoming as big as the entire world. The sight struck fear deep into their heart. All of them already guessed that something troublesome had happened, however, this was just beyond their imagination.

"This is why I wanted to enact Military law."

"All the noble forces would be sent for special training. Wide-scale military training camps would be opened all around to take in more people to fight. There will be no fighting at the border so all the border troops would be brought back. I have a suitable task for them."

"Your Majesty, isn't that too much? I mean calling off the soldiers who defend the borders might be a big problem. What if other countries attacked us?"Solanar asked, giving Catherine a pleading look but she just shook her head.

"Don't worry, I assure you there will be no war nor any trespassing would be shown from the other Empire. Everyone would follow the same suit."

"His Majesty, please give us some time to think about this."

"We need some time to think about this."

"Just give us a few days."

A thick vein bulged over his forehead.

Seeing Alex lose his patience, Catherine took charge.

"Okay, you have 5 days to decide. We will meet after 5 days. Come prepared. We can't stretch this matter for more."


The nobles finally heaved feeling life returning to their bodies. They felt as if they had just come out of the mouth of death.

As they went back, Yvonne who just sat there silently asked Alex"You seem to be too impatient."

"I haven't seen you all for many months. The first thing I saw after coming here is useless banter. I wanted to finish things quickly and have some rest but these bastards seem quite adamant about obstructing my decisions. Greedy assholes."Alex spat angrily.

"All of them would soon call for a meeting to discuss the benefits," Riya murmured.

"Is this how you deal with them every day?"Alex stared at Catherine's expression, who just sighed.

"Where is Christina? I also didn't see Athena while coming here?"

"Christina is overseeing the soldier's training outside the capital and Athena has gone for special training to Central Church," Catherine replied.

"Yeah, I remember that now."Alex pinched his brows. Though he was the one who took Athena there, he forgot that for a moment.


Taking a deep breath, Alex murmured.


A shadow flickered before Alex and an old man appeared before him.

Kneeling, he spoke with respect"Yes Your Highness!"

"Track every movement of these damned nobles. Pull out every piece of dirty secret hidden by them. Find out all their weaknesses. I want them in two days."

"As you wish!"


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