The Incubus System

Chapter 209 - Strange Report

Chapter 209 - Strange Report

Chapter 209: Strange Report

The Incubus System Chapter 209. Strange Report

It was 02.54 PM and my class was almost over. As usual, my lecturer was still speaking at the front, while I wrote his explanation in my book. Occasionally, my eyes glanced at the front as my hand continued to write. Likewise, with the others.

"I'm hungry ..." Larry's weak voice came from beside me. I snorted annoyed and turned to him since he said the same thing over and over again even though I had ignored him.

Larry's chin pressed against the desk. His eyes looked at my lecturer lazily, his hand that was on the desk stopped moving his pen onto his book which was full of messy writing.

"Move your hand, the class is almost over," I said in a low voice with a frown. I was also hungry since I didn't have time to grab my lunch earlier, but I still could concentrate throughout our class. Also, even though I had to run to my class earlier, at least I wasn't late like him. I thought he was late because he had to take care of another demon's attack, but judging from his full MP, it shouldn't be.

As I turned my gaze forward and went back to write, he whined again.

"But I can't concentrate when I'm hungry ..."

"Then just write down what he (the lecturer) said," I replied nonchalantly. My hand was busy moving on my book. As long as he wrote the explanation there should be a thing or two that stuck into his head.

"Can we grab some snack after this?" he said in the same weak tone.

A breath escaped my mouth before I answered.

"Fine." Our dinner would start at 04.30 PM so we couldn't eat heavy meals before that.

After that, he sighed once again, as if his life's burden was too heavy for him before he grabbed his pen and moved his hand.

* Ringgg !!! *

A few minutes later, the bell rang and the lecturer stopped his explanation. His hands tidied up all his items on his desk.

"Good luck with your exam, class." Then he walked to the exit.

My hand tidied my book into the bag. While Larry was waiting for me excitedly with a smile on his face. His book and all of his equipment had 'magically' teleported into his bag as if he was a magician. It was a normal thing for him, he would be sleepy or whine during class, but after the class finished, suddenly his strength returned.

"C'mon," he said impatiently.

I zipped my bag and stood up.

"Let's go."

We walked to the Cafeteria and queued at the counter to order a sandwich for our snack. And as usual, at this hour, the queue was quite long.

"What did you do before coming here? Why haven't you had your lunch yet?" I asked. Even though Larry was a mess especially for his academics, he usually ate on time to keep his health, at least for the past year. Of course apart from last Sunday since he was so depressed after losing his friend.

"I took care of something important before I came here," he said with a tired huff.

Looking at his reaction, I guessed it had something to do with association. Since I couldn't ask directly, I decided to find it out another way.

"Does this have anything to do with your guild in that online game?"

"Yeah. Something like that." josei

"What happened? Tell me."

He turned to me and frowned in confusion since I hardly ever showed my interest when he talked about games.

"Are you sure you want to know?" he made sure in disbelief.

"Yeah. At least I want to get some updates about nowadays' games," I reasoned. I hadn't played games anymore since my father passed away.

The look in his eyes turned serious as if he was a different person from the messy slacker who sat next to me in class earlier.

"Well ... My guild just had a sudden meeting earlier. The higher-ups said they just got a couple of urgent and strange reports last night."

"About what?" I asked. My brain was guessing about what the reports were since too many had happened last night. Has someone seen me in my Demonic Form on the Tempestechnologies? Or was it the report regarding last night's demon attack? Or ...

"They said the energy disturbance that protects the humans from monsters is getting worse. And they predict something will happen soon," he said in the same serious tone.

Tania also said the same thing before, but at least I knew the association had realized this.

"Then, what will your guild do to fix it?"

He shook his head from side to side with an apologetic expression.

"We can't do anything as long as we don't know the cause. In the meantime, they are still investigating it and trying to find a way out to fix it. But from the last investigation's results, the cause comes from our side, not from the enemy side."

Although I was sceptical that they would be able to deal with it after finding out the source, at least they had been on alert now. After I listened to Tania's explanation last night, I was really worried about the Demon Hunter Association. As ironic as it may sound, I thought my revenge plan to take over the demon hunter association wasn't bad for the humans or the demon hunters. Since they were quite clueless and unprepared to deal with the demon attacks. If I took over that association, I could prevent them from doing stupid things that could exacerbate this problem and improve the relationship between the demon hunters and the demons who helped Lord Damon.

In the middle of my thoughts, suddenly Larry spoke again.

"There is also another strange report. Our member reported that he was attacked by the monster army last night. He was dying, but when he opened his eyes he was already in the hos --- I mean the healer place, unscathed. We asked who brought him to that place, but the guards said they found him unconsciously in front of the entrance. We also checked the footage from the CC --- I mean the spy crystal, but it was broken... "Larry furrowed his brows in confusion.

From there, I concluded that Tania and Sarael had succeeded to bring the demon hunter to the hospital without being caught last night.

"But it should be fine as long as he survived, right?" I said.

Larry looked at me with a frown with a serious face.

"Dude, didn't you hear what I said? That member was surrounded by the monster army and he was sure he was going to die. He was badly injured, but when he opened his eyes he was already healed. There wasn't even a single wound on his body. Not only that, that mysterious man also saved him from those monsters. And according to his Monster Compass, they were powerful monsters. It doesn't make sense! " he said as if he vented all his curiosity to me. He took a deep breath to calm himself before speaking again.

"Moreover, they said the one who helped our member did not come from my guild."

"The world is wider than you thought. There could be other fighters out there who have the same goals as your guild's. It's just that they don't want to join your guild." Actually, we didn't want to since we were the demons themselves.

Larry was silent for a moment. From the look in his eyes, I could tell his mind wasn't there.

"Maybe --- I think I know this person since he helped me and my friends once. But I never saw his face." From his words, I knew he meant when I helped him, Theo and Emma, last week. He sighed.

"I've never felt so useless like this before. At least, not in this kind of fight," he said in a gloomy tone.

I gave a pat on his shoulder to cheer him up.

"The world will keep changing. But that's not a reason to give up." He was still devastated because he just lost his friend. With that report, now he knew that the borders between the human world and the demon world could be destroyed at any time.

"Besides, with that incident, doesn't it mean that your guild did not fight alone against those monsters?" I added.

His smile started to appear. Her eyes filled with determination.

"You're right ... Next, I have to ask that mysterious man to teach me to level up faster," he said with a clenched fist like a warrior's pose in a game.

"That way I will become the strongest warrior soon --- Wahahahaha!"

I facepalmed upon his loud laughter. While the students around us turned to us. I could guess what he meant by being the strongest warrior was he wanted to be the best demon hunter, just like my father. Although I didn't doubt his ability, his childish attitude was something else.

'Well, at least he has returned to his usual self.'

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