The Infinite Mystery

Chapter 133 - Four-Marked Golden Crystal

Chapter 133 - Four-Marked Golden Crystal

_Wind City, Qin Family_

The entire Qin Family was filled with a strange quietness. In the drawing room. all the higher-ups of the Qin Family were present.

Su Rou, Qin Wu, Qin Wuying, and other people were standing quietly and in front of them was an old man, sitting on a chair. This old man was Qin Jiwei, father of Qin Wu and Qin Wuying, and grandfather of Qin Yao.

His face was filled with depression.josei

"Father, tell us what happened when you went to the Chen Family to ask for the whereabouts of Yao'er?" Not being able to stand the silence in this room that was sustained for almost ten minutes, Qin Wu stepped forward and asked.

Qin Jiwei shook his head and looked at Qin Wu with his pair of depressed eyes and said, "I failed. The Chen family is determined to get the Four-Marked Golden Crystal. They put up a condition and told me that... If I want my granddaughter alive, I have to give them Four-Marked Golden Crystal. Otherwise, they will kill Yao'er and then attack our Qin Family."

"If Chen Family alone would have dared to threaten me with my granddaughter, I would have slaughtered their entire family but unfortunately, the Chen Family is not alone, Lu Family is also involved with them in this matter. You all already know that the Lu Family and our Qin Family are arch-enemies. The Lu Family will not let a good opportunity like this to go waste. They were already waiting for so long to strike us down in one blow and now that a perfect opportunity is in front of them, how can they not take advantage of this opportunity?"

All the people present were shocked when they heard the name of the Lu Family. They never expected that the Lu Family was also involved in this matter.

The Qin Family was located in the Wind City along with the Lu Family, and the Wind City was ruled over by the joint forces of the Qin Family and Lu Family.

Wind City is a big and very developed city. All kinds of resources can be found in the Wind City. If this city were to fall in the hand of only one family instead of being ruled over by the joint forces of two families, that family's strength will definitely sky-rocket, and in a very short period of time, that family can gain a strong foothold in the alliance, benefitting from the alliance the most.

Because of this reason, the Qin Family and the Lu Family always fought in light and dark. This matter was something known to every single person of the Wind City.

Around four and half months ago, Qin Family got hold of the news that the Alliance has received a new item called the Four-Marked Golden Crystal that is a treasure which could help one break the limit of the Earth and advance to a cultivation realm beyond the Battle Spirit Emperor Realm.

How can such a treasure not arouse the interest of countless families and people of the Earth? The Lu and Chen Family also heard this news from their own source of medium.

They started to force the alliance to sell the Four-Marked Golden Crystal to them, but how could they had known that the alliance was not only forced by these three families but almost all the big families from all over the Earth.

They could not understand how this news was leaked out of the alliance and spread around the entire earth. There had to be someone from the alliance who leaked this news out for some benefit, but that time was not the time to search for the betrayer but to calm down all the families that were continuously forcing the alliance to sell the Four-Marked Golden Crystal to them.

Who would not want to break the limit of the earth and enter a new cultivation realm that has never be seen on the earth?

Now that the news of the Four-Marked Golden Crystal was already leaked out, the alliance could not keep it for themselves and also could not decide what to do and which family to sell.

So they decided to hold the auction of the Four-Marked Golden Crystal in which, all the big families from all over the world were allowed to participate.

This event became a historical event, after all, this was the first time when all the big families of the earth gathered at one place to fight for one item.

To hold this auction, the alliance specially build up a Nine-floored auction house that was spread in the area of three thousand meters. With the current technology, it only took three months of time for the alliance to build up this amazing building.

This was the one and only building of the entire earth that was spread over such a large land. Since this building was built for the sole purpose of hosting an auction and had nine floors in total, this building was named the Nine-Floored Auction House.

The building was actually built in the shape of a circle and the center area was left empty.

A big stage was built in the central area where the Four-Marked Golden Crystal came to light in front of all over the world. This auction was hosted live and anyone could see the auction online.

Just for a single item, the big families from all over the world came and gathered at the Nine-Floored Auction House.

At this time, the alliance faced another problem.

What if the winner of the auction was attacked by the combined forces of so many families? Wouldn't at that time, the winner family of the Four-Marked Golden Crystal will be destroyed instantly.

The alliance came up with an idea to solve this problem. They decided to give every family a special anonymous id and told them to bid with this id.

Obviously, the bidding was made online, after all, if the alliance were to let every family shout to put up their bid, with hundreds of big families present, how would they decide who the winner is? 

So, they made the auction online and all the families started to bid for the Four-Marked Golden Crystal with the given special anonymous id.

Now the question was if the bidding was online, why was it that the Nine-Floored Auction House was built, and why all the family gathered here?

The answer is simple, this building was built and everyone gathered here so that they can see the Four-Marked Golden Crystal with their own eyes in real, not online. After all, this Four-Marked Golden Crystal was a treasure that could help one break the limit of the cultivation realm of the earth. How previous was it?

The auction started and the bidding for this single item, Four-Marked Golden Crystal continued on for full four hours before it came to an end.

The winner of this item was of course the Qin Family.

Just to win this item over, the Qin Family went bankrupt and even sold many of their properties, causing the Lu Family to doubt that the winner of the Four-Marked Golden Crystal was the Qin Family.

They knew that Chen Xiao was the boyfriend of Qin Yao so they went to talk with the Chen Family and find out that the Chen Family was already plotting against the Qin Family for a very long time.

After the Lu Family told their guess to the Chen Family, the Chen Family asked Chen Xiao to investigate this matter, and the result was, not long after, the news of the winner of the Four-Marked Golden Crystal fell in the hand of the Lu and Chen Family.

The Chen Family that was already plotting against the Qin Family told Chen Xiao to cajole Qin Yao and take her somewhere far. Chen Xiao did as the Chen Family told him.

He enticed Qin Yao and took her fare away from the Wind City, kidnapping her successfully. Poor Qin Yao, she never doubted Chen Xiao. After all, he was the love of her life. She trusted him with all her heart but Chen Xiao actually betrayed her trust and after kidnapping her, he told her everything truthfully while laughing in arrogance.

With some struggle, Qin Yao was able to free herself and escaped but was caught in the mid-way. Chen Xiao along with the other four people of the Chen Family surrounded Qin Yao and attacked her, forcing her to retaliate against them, resulting in her and her pet, Iron-Headed Eagle to suffer from heavy injuries.

It was also at this time that Qin Feng arrived and successfully rescued Qin Yao. Qin Yao also killed Chen Xiao without showing any mercy.

After killing Chen Xiao, she gave Qin Feng's sword back to him and thanked him for his help. But since she was heavily injured and was also tired because of the previous fight, she fainted after thanking Qin Feng.

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