The Infinite Mystery

Chapter 190 - Qin Feng's Decision

Chapter 190 - Qin Feng's Decision

The falling meteor-like fireballs were destroying everything in the Demonic Mountain Forest. Demonic Beasts were running for their lives. Some rare medicinal herbs were ruined and many people venturing inside the Demonic Mountain Forest were killed as well.


"Save me!"

"No, I don't want to die. Someone, help me!"

Many painful screams as well as calling for help from people were echoing continuously inside the Demonic Mountain Forest.

The most frightening thing was that there was no end to the falling meteor-like Fire Balls. The Fire-winged Heavenly Sparrow was still like the scorching sun floating high in the sky and many huge balls of fire were continuously exploding out from its body, destroying everywhere they landed and burnt everything in their paths.

When Qin Feng found that he could increase his cultivation of the Second Layer of Nameless Cultivation Technique, he was overjoyed and immediately decided to stay back.

Although the danger was great if he were to stay back, the benefit he would gain was huge. So, his decision was quick.

Taking advantage of the time when everyone was focused on running with their lives and no one was paying attention to others, Qin Feng retreated back and made his way towards the ancient altar that has already been destroyed.

His entire body was covered with hundreds of destructive bolts of lightning as he was executing the Floating Thunder Step and making his way towards the ancient altar.

Along the way, he kept dodging the falling fireballs from the sky as he slowly approached the altar.

It took him less than 15 minutes to once again arrive in front of the destroyed altar.


Half an hour later, many people finally crossed the core area of the Demonic Mountain Forest and retreated back to the inner area. Only then did they heave a sigh of relief.

"Where is Qin Feng?"

Only after arriving here did everyone looks at their friends and other members of their corresponding sects.

Seeing that Qin Feng was not present, a worried look suddenly appeared on Fan Feng Yi's face as she asked if anyone had seen Qin Feng.

Jin Zhanshan also became worried as a frown appeared on his handsome face. He looked in the direction of the altar and said, "Is it that Qin Feng was caught in the attacks of the Fire-winged Heavenly Sparrow? No, he shouldn't be. He is not weak at all. Even Gu Zi was not his match when they fought."

It was at this moment that Gu Zi, who was still covered in blood, said with a sneer on his face: "Humph! He must have died under the attacks of the Fire-winged Heavenly Sparrow. He was just lucky to win against me. If not because I underestimated him, there is no way he would have won against me. So, stop comparing us. You can see for yourself that he failed to come back. I'm certain that he is already dead."

"Humph! Bad guy, where did you get the face to say all these things. We clearly see Brother Qin Feng winning against you and you are making excuses here. Wait for Brother Qin Feng to come back, I'll make sure to tell him everything you said."

Hua Xing said angrily. She couldn't endure the fact that Gu Zi said Qin Feng is dead. She and her senior sisters have spent a few days with Qin Feng and already know that he was very powerful. Qin Feng's character was also pleasing to their eyes, and Qin Feng was very gentle to her and treated her like his little sister.josei

"Little Xing, stop it." Fan Feng Yi stopped Hua Xing. Hua Xing was still a child and doesn't know how dangerous Gu Zi was. If Gu Zi were to be angered here, he wouldn't care about the Hidden Orchid Pure Land and will attack to kill Hua Xing.

Behind Gu Zi was a big sect of the Central Region. Even if Gu Zi were to kill Hua Xing, the Hidden Orchid Pure Land wouldn't be able to do anything.

So, Fan Feng Yi immediately stopped Hua Xing from saying anything further.

Gu Zi's face was turned dark when he heard Hua Xing but seeing fan Feng Yi scolding her, he stopped himself back.

Although he could afford to offend the Hidden Orchid Pure Land, there was no way he could afford to offend both Hidden Orchid Pure Land and the Fan Family at the same time. If he did offend them, even the sect behind him wouldn't be able to save him.

"Humph!" Gu Zi only coldly snorted and walked away with the disciples of the Sky Martial Sect, leaving behind some words: "Tell that guy if he manages to come back alive, tell him that his head is mine to cut."

No one says anything or tried to stop Gu Zi from leaving. It was not that they were afraid, it was just that the current situation didn't allow them to continue bickering on some useless issue.

Right now, the most important thing was to search for Qin Feng. Fan Feng Yi, Hua Xing, Zhi Shu, and Jin Zhanshan wanted to go back and look for Qin Feng but at this moment, Fan Xiaoruo, who was also the cousin of Fan Feng Yi, said, "There is no need for anyone to go back."

"Xiaoruo, what do you mean?"

Fan Feng Yi was well aware of Fan Xiaoruo's behavior and attitude. She knew that Fan Xiaoruo was not someone who will say something without any root. If Fan Xiaoruo told them there was no need to go back to look for Qin Feng, there must be a reason.

As expected, fan Xiaoruo's answer reassured everyone and confused them as well.

Fan Xiaoruo said, "When we were escaping, a fireball was about to fall on me. It was at that moment when a man covered with lightning caught my hand and threw me out of the range of the fireball. Although I only saw the side of that man's face, I'm sure that he was Qin Feng. I saw him going back in the direction of the ancient altar."

Yes, it did happen.

When Qin Feng took advantage of the opportunity that no one was paying attention to other people, he immediately made his way towards the ancient altar, but it was also exactly at this time he noticed a fireball that was about to land on a beautiful young girl.

She was Fan Xiaoruo. Knowing that Fan Xiaoruo was the cousin of Fan Feng Yi, Qin Feng immediately used the Floating Thunder Step, appeared in front of Fan Xiaoruo in an instant, caught hold of her hand, and threw her outside the range of the fireball.

All of these happen in the time of fewer than ten seconds.

After throwing her off, Qin Feng continued to go back to the altar. He didn't even turn to look if Fan Xiaoruo was all right or not.

But Fan Xiaoruo did see his side face and kept looking at his disappearing figure. She once again started escaping only after Qin Feng's figure disappeared from her line of sight.

"What?" Hua Xing was the first one to exclaim. She was not worried that Qin Feng went back to the altar, instead, she looked excited. She jumped like a little monkey and caught the hand of Fan Xiaoruo, saying, "Sister Xiaoruo, tell us, how did you feel when Brother Qin Feng held your hand?"

Hua Xing's eyes were sparkling brightly as she asked this question. Her face was full of hope as she looked at Fan Xiaoruo.

Fan Xiaoruo was not sure what to answer. She had never been asked such a question before. She grew up in a strict environment and because of this, almost all the time, she stays emotionless. She never shows any sign of emotion on her face.

When Qin Feng caught her hand, the situation was very dangerous. There was no time to think in a different way, so she didn't know what to answer Hua Xing.

"Little Xing, you are starting again. Come back!" Zhi Shu caught the collar of Hua Xing's robe and pulled her back. She also gave Fan Xiaoruo an embarrassed smile while pulling Hua Xing back.

"But... Why would Qin Feng want to go back to the altar?" Jin Zhanshan asked. He was not sure but he do want to know the answer. Since Qin Feng wanted to go back to the altar, there must be some reason behind it.

"lets' not think about it for now. Since he went back even after knowing the danger there, he must have been prepared. We should go back first and notify our respective sects of the event here."

Fan Feng Yi looked in the direction of the ancient altar. A worried look flashed in her eyes but she quickly recovered. Then she turned and told everyone what she was thinking.

Thinking for a few seconds, Jin Zhanshan also agreed with Fan Feng Yi.

After that, in less than two minutes, everyone left the area and dashed towards the outside of the Demonic Mountain Forest.

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