The Infinite Mystery

Chapter 93 - Strange Little Town

Chapter 93 - Strange Little Town

"It's you!" When that girl saw Qin Feng, she immediately recognized him.

"Murong, do you know him?" When a handsome young man with light blue eyes saw the reaction of that girl, he asked. The surprising thing was that this young man was already at the Early Stage of the Golden Core Realm and he was still not over 18.

Su Murong shook her head and said, "I don't know him. It's just that I met him once. He knows a lot about alchemy."

Qin Feng's mouth twitched when he heard this. He knew that he was now targeted by this girl.

"What luck? Sigh!" Qin Feng muttered and sighed.

The young man with beautiful pair of blue eyes looked at Qin Feng in surprise when he heard that Qin Feng knows a lot about alchemy. He walked forward a few steps and started to introduce himself and his teammates.

"I am Ye Cheng, the leader of this group. You will be under me during this mission." Saying this, he pointed at that Su Murong and said, "You have already met her, she is Su Murong, my fiancé."

Qin Feng was surprised to hear that the girl called Su Murong was this handsome senior's fiancé.

Ye Cheng continues to introduce other teammates, saying, "They are Yang Fan and Feng Yan, and..."

There were more than forty students. Qin Feng greeted everyone by nodding his head lightly. 

"Since everyone is here, let's depart!" Ye Cheng ordered.


They left the Heaven Star Sect via the transfer array and appeared in the Tianwu City. A little over one hour later, the group had left the Tianwu City area, heading in the direction of one of the borders area.

Half a month had passed.

"Everyone be alert. The small towns in this area are frequent places the bandits appear. Although these bandits' strength is higher than ours, they always come out in large numbers amassing close to a hundred people at a time, and they are extremely cruel. When you come across them, all of you must not display any mercy!" Standing before the desolate entrance of a small town, Ye Cheng reminded the students of this warning.

After traveling for two weeks, they finally reached the destination point: the junction between the Blue Star Country and the Bright Moon Country.

According to Ye Cheng, these bandits came from the Bright Moon Country, sneaking past the Blue Star Country's army patrol to the Blue Star Country's border towns, killing, robbing, and kidnapping people. Once these bandits had robbed a place, they would quickly retreat back into the Bright Moon Country's territory, causing a huge headache for the border soldiers.

After Ye Cheng warned the group, he led them into the desolate-looking little town.

Only after hearing this did Qin Feng came to know the detail as well as the reason for this mission.

Since the Heavenly Star Sect was located in the Blue Star Country and was the greatest sect of the country, it had the responsibility to guarantee the safety of the country.

In the quiet little town, the streets were empty with not even the shadow of a person. The doors of every store and house were shut tightly as the silence became eerie in the group's minds. Occasionally, black smoke could be seen rising from some random buildings.

A while later, Ye Cheng split the students into three teams. One team was led by her and the other two teams were led by the other two students at the Early Stage of the Golden Core Realm. Each group has roughly ten-something students. Each team will act separately and regroup at the town entrance. Whichever group, that found the bandits were to release the signal to inform the others of their position.

Both Su Murong and Qin Feng were arranged into the same team led by Ye Cheng.

The students followed Ye Cheng from behind as they continued onward along the streets. One hour later, they still had yet to see any bandits. The whole town was blanketed in an atmosphere of desolation, hopelessness, and something else, something strange.

"Strange, where did the people in this small town go? Why can't we find even one person?" A young man named Ye Yong who was on the same team as Qin Feng frowned and asked out loud.

"Could everyone have died? If that is the case, where are the bodies?" Su Murong interjected.

Not only there were people, but there also weren't any corpses either. There were no traces of fighting or blood splatters as if all the people in the small town had vanished into thin air.

Qin Feng's brows creased into a furrow.

However, the group continued onward, and when the team came to the north side of the small town, suddenly, Qin Feng stopped. This is...? The smell of blood! Yes, this is the smell of blood!

The smell of blood was extremely light, but somehow, Qin Feng could clearly smell it and he was not wrong in his judgment. Ever since he broke through to the Late Stage of the Innate Realm, his hearing ability and sense of smell have improved exponentially.

Su Murong and Ye Yong noticed Qin Feng's sudden reaction and were doubtful in their hearts. And at this point, without warning, Qin Feng's silhouette dashed forward, shocking the rest of the team.

"Qin Feng!!" Ye Cheng cried out. She, Su Murong, and everyone else also sped up.

Not long after Qin Feng sprinted abruptly. Up ahead on the same street, he saw two middle-aged men in peculiar clothing. The two middle-aged men looked up when they saw Qin Feng as well as Ye Cheng, and over ten people at the back and they panicked. Turning around, they wanted to run.

Prior to this, Ye Cheng had described the characteristics of the bandits' clothing to students. From the way these two middle-aged men were dressed and their hasty retreat, there was no doubt they are part of the Bright Moon Country's bandits that came across the border.

"Want to escape?" Watching their actions, Qin Feng let out a cold smirk. In an instant, with a flash, he had crossed the ten-meter distance between him and the two men. Closing to them, Qin Feng swung his sword, and a cold, sharp light slit across one of the men's throats. Qin Feng also punched the other man, sending him flying, but keeping him alive.

Qin Feng came to the spot where the man landed, and his voice was filled with iciness as he questioned him: "Talk. Where are the town's people?"

That middle-aged man was terribly frightened and he cried out, "Don't kill me! I'll talk! The town's people were herded to the square up ahead!" He pointed to a direction in front.

However, just as he finished speaking, Qin Feng pointed a finger at his forehead, and it pierced through the temple.

Qin Feng's silhouette flashed again in the direction the man had pointed.

And at this point, Ye Cheng and the students arrived, and seeing the two lifeless bodies, he ordered to Ye Yong: "Quick, release the signal to notify the other two teams!"

"Yes, Senior brother!" Ye Yong answered, quickly taking out a smoke ball and crushing it towards the sky. In less than a second, a blue-colored light shot up the sky.

Moments later, Qin Feng had rushed to the aforementioned square and came before an open space that could accommodate a few thousand people. Bodies were strewn everywhere. Some of these bodies had all four limbs cut off, some were headless, and some had their intestines dug out.

These bodies were what used to be the town's people.josei

The smell of blood curdled in the air.

And on the square, some hundreds of bandits were gripping sharp blades in the midst of their massacre of the town's people. Mournful wails resounded in the square. This group of bandits actually numbered close to three hundred!

Seeing this bloody scene, he was reminded of a scene where he witnessed the massacre of his last life's hometown. A strong fury erupted in his heart and both of his fists clenched tightly as a sharp killing intent broke out from his eyes.

Subsequently, Ye Cheng, Su Murong, Ye Yong, and the rest of the students arrived at the square, and all of them became equally furious as they saw the bloody scene before them.

When the big group arrived, the bandits on the other side that were immersed in the joy of slaughter suddenly stopped and turned around and looked at the new guests.

"The Heavenly Star Sect?" A middle-aged bandit that wore an elongated black hat covering half his face walked out from the group. His eyes swept over the other side and when his gaze fell on Su Murong's curvaceous body, the middle-aged bandit chuckled lecherously, "I just said there isn't one decent woman in this little town, yet I didn't expect they would send one here now!"

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