The Insider System

Chapter 187

Chapter 187: Downwards Spiral Pt.3

Chapter 187: Downwards Spiral Pt.3

Lake watched as the girl with the bow hit every shot she fired and soon all of the Demon Worshipers on the stairs were dead and they were able to head down to the basement. There was a metal door here like the other basement they had raided so Lake used a similar move to knock it down using Crunch.

As soon as the door was down Lake lifted his barriers in front of him and used Mana Vision to see where the rest of the Demon Worshipers in the room were hiding. This basement was much smaller than the last one and there were no other rooms so they were all just hiding behind small things inside. josei

The fact they were just hiding and not firing spells made him think of people hiding from an explosion so he figured the entrance was rigged to explode and one of the Demon Worshipers was just waiting to trigger it. Looking back Lake said. "I think there's a trap, let's back up some and then Grendia can make us a new entrance."

Lake didn't know if the Demon Worshipers had heard what he said or not but they were able to get away from the door with no problems. Lake hadn't thought about the fact that the Demon Worshipers might just trigger the trap if they heard their plan to enter another way while they were still by the door.

"Alright Grendia, open a way in." Watching Grendia start to move the stone to make a way around to the side of the room, Lake used Mana Vision to see if the Demon Worshipers moved from where they had been hiding. They didn't move even when Grandia opened the new entrance right next to one of them.

Lake started to think maybe he had been wrong about why the Demon Worshipers were staying behind things inside the room and maybe there was no trap. Walking into the room Lake saw he had been wrong and there were no Demon Worshipers left and the things he had thought were Demon Worshipers behind boxes were actually dead people or undead inside wooden coffins.

This confused him at first because Detector had shown him more Demon Worshipers down here than they had killed so using Detector again lake saw it was indeed picking up the bodies as Demon Worshipers which meant these were probably undead and not just bodies. "Sorry Grendia, it looks like I was wrong about the trap."

"No it's good to be careful and it's not like it's hard to use Earth magic down here." Lake nodded and remembered when he had said that to her the first time she had asked him about being an Earth Mage. "I think these are undead." As he was saying this he used Detector to make sure he was right and found they were in fact undead Demon Worshipers.

"What should we do? Can we kill them without them waking up?" Lake didn't know the answer to Julie's question so he said. "Undead can be kind of hard to kill with normal means should we try to seal them. It seems like overkill since there's only four of them but there's no way to know how strong they are."

Lake looked at the formation guy as he said this to see if it was a thing they could do. "We would have to carry all of them into one place if you want me to seal them all at once." That seemed like a very doable plan to him but Lake was afraid the undead would wake up if they were to move them.

Making up his mind Lake said. "Get out of the room I'll move them and if they wake up we'll all run away and fight them outside. I'll call you once I'm done. Wait, how should I set them up to make it easy for you to seal them?"

"Stand them up in a circle, I'll be able to use the same formation as earlier that way." Lake nodded and once the others left the room he grabbed one of the coffins and started to move it. Nothing happened with the first one but he knew that that didn't mean he was in the clear. It was possible that this undead was just a particularly heavy sleeper.

Setting the first coffin down on its foot end Lake went and grabbed the next one. He was able to stand it next to the last one with no problems and went for the third. Like the last two nothing happened and he stood it right next to the first two. Taking a deep breath, Lake went to grab the fourth and final one.

Lake knew how luck could be a real bastard so he decided he wouldn't get upset if he failed on the fourth one before he grabbed the coffin. As soon as he had it in his hands Lake could tell there was a difference in weight and knew that any differences were a bad sign. This undead weighed a lot less and as soon as he stood it up to put next to the other three he felt the body shift inside the coffin.

He guessed the fact that it was smaller had given it a lot more room to move around inside the box and he could tell right away from the noise that the undead had landed hard on the bottom of the coffin. Holding his breath Lake gave it a few seconds before he started to move the coffin again and only started to breathe again when he had it in place.

Now that he had it all set up, Lake started to wonder if maybe these Undead were in some kind of magic sleep and would only wake up when one of the now dead Demon Worshipers that had been here did something to wake them. If that was the case they would have probably been a small part of whatever was supposed to happen tomorrow but for them to really be that important he felt like there should have been more than four.

That being said he had no idea how strong they were so maybe four was enough to cause a big problem for the city. "Hey they're set up, you guys can come back in." As the others came back into the basement he saw them all get out of the formation guys way. He got straight to work and Lake watched as he started to make the same formation again.

"With four of them it might take a while for it to work and there's a good chance that they will awake once it gets to work sealing them if there isn't something keeping them asleep so get ready to step in." Right after he said this the formation guy activated the formation and Lake watched him position the four identical parts of the formation he was pretty sure were the seals so one would hit each undead.

Once they were in position the formation shrank and broke through the wooden coffins so it made contact with the undead inside. The undead didn't react even then and after a while the undead became metal statues like had happened to the ball of flesh before. "That went well. Grendia, will you get them up to the road. We need to get back to the staircase before the people from the guild get there."

After he said that he went ahead and started walking back up to the road and thinking about the various things they had found Demon Worshipers doing in the city so far. He knew he was missing a lot of pieces to their plan but he was starting to think their plan had been to destroy the city with 1000 different small things all at the same time.

Lake guessed doing it that way had its benefits but if that had actually been their plan he felt like they were going to fail now because they had already cleared out a good number of their bases. This was making him think all these small fries were just distractions and there was something big they were missing because they were too busy with all this easy stuff.

There was no way for him to know but he felt like there was no way the Demon Worshipers would make it this easy to stop them if they actually needed to destroy this city. He knew he had a bit of an advantage in finding them because of his skills but the Demon Worshipers would know about skills and prepare for ones like his.

He had found them using a Legendary skill so other people could also have Detector or something similar and as he was thinking this he remembered a time before Detector when he had just been using Mana Vision to find things and he had stumbled upon the vault he had stolen the Holy dagger from.

Mana Vision had been able to see the things inside of the vault but the vault had blocked a good portion of the mana making it look like there were only weak things inside the vault. Lake was pretty sure if he was to look at those items without the vault in between them it would have looked a lot different.

This meant there were ways to block skills like Detector and Mana Vision and Lake was just finding the dredges that they hadn't bothered to hide with magic. Lake had also only been to a few tiers because he had been assigned to them by Masters meaning he probably hadn't even been near the actual place the real danger to the city was.

Lake was sure the sun was down by now and the second day was coming to an end. This meant his original deadline of leaving once they got down to the last day was already here and if he wanted to be safe he should get Nia and hit the road. Lake wasn't going to do that though, at least not until he had a chance to talk to Masters one last time; which, by looking at how tired the others in his group were looking, he was sure it would be soon.

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