The Insider System

Chapter 196

Chapter 196: God Of Light

Chapter 196: God Of Light

Stepping into the Oracles Sanctuary Tiff could tell the amount of mana in this room was much higher than anything she had ever felt before even with her mediocre aptitude in magic. It made sense that this room would be full of light mana considering one of the most important people to the God of Light lived here.

She was sure having more Light Mana here helped the Oracle with her ability to make contact with the God of Light at any time and vice versa. When the God of Light had gone looking for Akal to get revenge for the death of his wife the Holy Goddess, the Oracle had been the only way they had been able to stay in contact with him.

"Go and sit in the circle next to the Oracle." Tiff nodded to the one who had brought her here and started to walk deeper into the sanctuary. Halfway to the Oracle Tiff started to see that the Oracle was very clearly already talking to something and Tiff just went ahead and assumed the God of Light was already here.

Not wanting to make him wait, Tiff stopped dragging her feet and went and sat in the circle of light around the oracle like she had been told to. Now that she was close enough Tiff saw the Oracle's words were silent and it was just her mouth moving with no sound actually being produced. josei

She guessed it made sense that they were speaking directly into each other's minds since they weren't in the same room but Tiff wondered why the Oracle had her mouth moving at all if she wasn't actually using it but decided it was probably just how the oracle had first used the skill and it had stuck till now or maybe she had no actual control over if her mouth moved or not when she was using the skill that allowed her to speak to the God of Light.

Seeing the Oracle's mouth stop moving Tiff looked up to see the oracle was now looking at her. "Were you trying to read my lips?" Tiff wished that was what she had been doing because she was sure that would be better for her if she was to answer this question honestly by saying she was thinking it was weird that she was moving her mouth. Thankfully the Oracles tone was playful so Tiff wasn't required to say anything and could just laugh it off.

"Come closer you'll be meeting with the God of Light personally so you'll need to hold onto my hands." Tiff always felt like her hands were sweaty whenever she had to make hand to hand contact with someone so she quickly wiped her hands on her pants while she was getting closer to the Oracle.

Putting her hands on top of the Oracle's Tiff was about to say something when she felt a massive voice enter into her head. The sudden noise caused her to close her eyes in surprise but she quickly reopened them and found herself somewhere new. She knew enough to know this would probably just be a hallucination but that didn't mean she didn't want to look around.

"Did you hear what I said?" Tiff heard the voice again but this time it was at a normal volume that didn't make her head hurt. Tiff turned towards the very normal looking man who was now standing where the oracle had been and said. "What?" Tiff spoke to answer this question before she really thought about who was talking to her. "I said it's good to meet you Tiff." Tiff was surprised to hear the God of Light call her by the shortened version of her name because usually only the other members of the 23 used this way of calling her.

Tiff guessed the others who had already come to talk to the God of Light had been saying Tiff like it was her actual name to him so he had just thought Tiff is what everyone called her. She wasn't going to correct him though because she had no problem with him calling her this. "It's nice to meet you as well."

Tiff wasn't sure what she should address him by so she just held off on deciding and made her greeting as polite as she could. "You can just call me by my name." It seemed the mind reading she had been worried about had already started. "You want me to use your actual name?" Tiff wanted to make sure before she actually started calling the God of Light by his first name that that was what he wanted.

"Yeah I've never liked being called a god to my face. I'm sure you know all that's different between me and you is how high our stats are." Tiff guessed that was true if you considered points of divinity to be a stat and she guessed someone who had had them for as long as the God of Light had would.

To the God of Light who could have a massive amount of Divinity it had probably lost its splendor a long time ago. "You're not the type who likes to talk are you." Tiff realized she had just been staring and said. "Not usually." She was pretty sure she hadn't helped by saying that and had instead made it awkward and was about to say something else when the God of Light beat her to it.

"It's fine, I remember when I met a god for the first time. It was the God of Light of the world I was born on and I had nothing to say either, or at least nothing nice." Tiff didn't know if the God of light had said that last part just because or if he had been able to read all of her thoughts and knew how she felt about all gods. Either way she was sure their meeting would be coming to an end soon.

"Alright, Let's get down to why you are here. You have two options: a test or an interview. If you do well you might get the Legendary job so choose wisely." Tiff couldn't help but think she should just tell the God of Light that she didn't want the job but realized right after she thought this that he had probably read her mind so he would already know.

"You should still try." Tiff couldn't help but remember the Temple Head had a very similar response to when she had told her she didn't want the job as well. "Yeah Dayna remembers everything I tell her but it's more important to understand than to be able to recite all of the wisdom that I've passed down. I'm not saying Dayna doesn't just that sometimes it seems all she's doing is saying things she heard me say."

Tiff had never heard anyone call the Temple Head by her real name and hadn't even known what it was. Now that she knew it all she could think about was that the Temple Head of the Light Temple had the word 'day' in it. "Her parents were also my followers so it's not a coincidence." Tiff was starting to get tired of having a conversion where she didn't actually say anything and was about to choose the test to end this but the God of Light said. "Sorry, I can pretend I can't hear what you're thinking if you would like but it would just lengthen this for no reason."

Right after he said this the god of Light asked. "Do you actually want the test or were you just making a hasty decision because I think it's the right choice for you personally. The interview is kind of long so it will just be more of me reading your mind after I say something." This solidified her choice so she said. "Yes."

"Alright, do you want the preamble or not?" If he didn't just say the preamble it must not be that important so she asked. "Is it important?" The god of light shrugged as he answered. "It would be if you could remember it during the test." Tiff didn't like how that sounded and said. "Ok let me hear it."

"Ok so you are going to hallucinate yourself in three different lives. You'll be the same person as you are now just in vastly different situations and you won't remember this life. I'll be watching as well so it can be kind of embarrassing for some people once they get back but I'll look away during times where you're doing stuff that doesn't really matter to the test."

Tiff understood he meant things like her having intimate moments with others and when she started to think about what this test entailed she asked. "Will I remember it when it's over?" Tiff didn't think she would be able to handle the emotional burden of living three lives. She would probably have children in at least one of them and when she returned to reality she would have to deal with the fact they weren't real.

"Yes you will but it will be fake." Tiff knew only the situations would be fake. She would actually love any children she had because living a normal life in which she got to have a family was one of the things she thought about the most and one of the reasons she cared about the other members of the 23 so much; they were her family.

"I would like to switch to the interview." The God of Light nodded and said. "It's up to you. Come on, let's sit down." Tiff realized that at some point a table and some chairs had formed near them and after running for a full day she wouldn't refuse to sit even if this was most likely not her real body, It felt like it was.

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