The Insider System

Chapter 203

Chapter 203: By Sword Light

Chapter 203: By Sword Light

Hacking into the Gargoyles Lake eventually got swarmed enough that he was able to hit multiple at a time. He saw this as a good thing even if it didn't look like it was to any observers. As he was cutting his way out of the crowd and towards the fighters that had been in the middle of the original swarm, Lake heard another salvo of chains hit some of the gargoyles surrounding him.

While he didn't need the help he was happy to know that he had backup if anything bad did end up happening. He had noticed that there was a distinct lack of Demon Worshipers or Undead even though there should be a good number of them. He knew this was probably a bad thing for them and there could come a time where they were attacked by another group of enemies.

After continuously swinging his sword for a while, Lake finally heard the noise he had been waiting for and took a brief second to look at what job he had unlocked. [Job unlocked Swordsman] He wasn't disappointed in what he had gotten; he just wished it had been Enchanter so he didn't have to think about it anymore.

Either way Swordsman would be a good job for him since he used a sword every now and then. He did find it weird that he was able to get a job from fighting something that didn't give Exp though but maybe you could unlock a job no matter what you were doing as long as it was impressive enough and met the conditions.

After about twenty more gargoyles Lake finally made it to the people who had been surrounded and while he didn't stop to talk to them because he couldn't he made it obvious what he wanted from them when he turned his back towards them and started fighting the gargoyles that had started to close in behind him.

With that all Lake needed to do was slowly widdle down the ones that were left and keep an eye on the three dwarves he had left outside the circle. If it ever looked like they were in trouble he would rush out back towards them but he doubted he would need to do this since their chain spells were so good at incapacitating whatever they hit.

Lake wasn't worried about their mana either since it seemed they had mana potions with them so they should be able to last until he finished off all of the remaining gargoyles that were here. He was unsure just how many there were in total with large groups running off whenever they got their hands on someone but the group they were fighting had already been cut down by a third since he and the dwarves had arrived.

Cutting a few more Gargoyles in half, Lake went ahead and started to set Detector to look for Demon Worshipers. While he was in a fight, this wasn't really the type of fight that needed his full attention since it was really just him cutting down anything that got too close to him so he could use this time to make sure they weren't about to get ambushed.

Not seeing anything with the current setting Lake switched Detector to look for undead. This time he saw a few lights not that far from him inside some of the buildings that were surrounding the small lot that this battle was taking place in. It didn't take him long to put this together with the actions of the gargoyles.

If they were dragging people away and turning them into undead they were technically a force that would be able to grow in number and it made him realize why there were no Demon Worshipers around, they were probably thinking that the gargoyles would handle themselves well enough that whoever was fighting them wouldn't be able to keep up with the undead that were constantly popping up.

When they had made this plan they probably hadn't expected that the fighters guild would already be here and were hoping by the time that the Fighters guild got here the gargoyles had had some time to build up some numbers by attacking the people living here. josei

It might have been one of the reasons the Demon Worshipers had chosen to put the other half of the grand formation down so deep and not in a more important tier. It was a good plan with the fact that everyone that should have been down here this deep being mostly miners who weren't particularly good at fighting unless you counted their Earth and Metal magic that had been taken from them by the mana siphon, but sadly for them they had been found out before they activated the formation so an army was here waiting for them.

Of course all of this was because of him so he hoped he wasn't the only one who noticed how much help he had been. That would come much later though because now that he was getting a grasp on what the gargoyles were doing he was sure it would take a good amount of time to track and kill every enemy in the city.

Eventually Lake ran out of gargoyles that he could reach in his current position so he moved towards the few that were left on the other side of the surviving fighters. On the way around the Light he had Imbued onto his sword started to fade so Lake went ahead and recast Imbue Light hoping this might be the one that finally got him Enchanter.

It didn't happen right away but maybe it would while he finished off the few remaining gargoyles. Getting a good strike in which he was able to damage three of the gargoyles at once Lake realized he should probably go ahead and switch his job to swordsman in case he ended up in a fight where he could earn Exp.

He didn't really have time to read the description of swordsman just yet but he was sure it was a Common job so he would only get 2 stat points every time he leveled it compared to the four he would get if he stayed with Light Mage and with the fact that Mage jobs gave Intelligence he wasn't interested because he would hit 200 in Intelligence in no time if he wasn't careful.

Once that happened he would have no choice but to start considering finding a way to get his hands on divinity and he still felt wholly unready to make that decision since he didn't really understand anything about being a demigod. He also wanted to take some time to find out what kind of effects stats had as they moved towards the high 100s.

He was sure there would be effects that weren't normal since you weren't supposed to be able to get your stats past 100 unless you were a divine. To him this meant he should get something that was meant for demigods if he kept raising his stats.

Cutting the last gargoyles that were standing in half Lake moved towards the ones that had been unable to free themselves from the chains and finished them off with the few survivors that still had the energy to swing their weapons and finished them off.

Once they were done he and the others started to look around in the piles of smashed and unmoving gargoyles for any that weren't actually dead just buried. He ended up finding two that had been so tightly wrapped up by the chains the dwarves had cast during the battle they had no hope of moving and finishing them off before he realized he could use Detector to look for any that were alive by setting it to look for still functioning gargoyles.

He chose the word functioning since these were technically golems so he didn't think living was the right way to describe them. He then remembered Detector already made the distinction between something when it was alive or dead because there was a time in the past where he had had to set it to look for corpses when he had been looking for someone.

This didn't really matter in this situation because like he had said gargoyles weren't alive like normal things were. Seeing there were still three that were buried, Lake went and finished them off. As soon as the last one was done he went to put his sword away when one of the normal people said. "Don't, it's the only reason we can see."

After he heard this Lake looked around and realized that they weren't lying. Something had caused all the light sources to go out so his brightly glowing sword had been by far the brightest thing and probably helped the regular people fight as well as the dwarves who could sort of see in the dark.

Taking his sword back out of the sheath that was part of his belt Lake held it up in the air above his head and asked. "Are you all that's left?" When he had gotten here there had been around 20 but a few had been dragged away so the 17 that were left made him think there might still be a group hiding somewhere that this group had been trying to protect.

He thought this because they didn't have any obvious wounded people and while this could mean anyone who had been wounded had been taken it could also mean they were in one of the surrounding buildings laying low until they could be healed. "No we're it unless there's another group somewhere in the city that's still alive."

Lake doubted that considering with their numbers they were probably a few groups that had met up but maybe they would end up finding a few other people. "You still have some of the people that the Metal Temple sent. Does that mean you have your communicators?" Lake wanted to know what the Temple wanted them to do since he was starting to think there was no reason to worry about running.

Now that he had killed most of the gargoyles and there weren't really any Demon Worshipers around he felt like this was the safest place to be in the city. "We have two of them but we haven't received anything after the initial order to move in." In that case he guessed they were on their own.

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