The Insider System

Chapter 235

Chapter 235: Back To The 25th

Chapter 235: Back To The 25th

Seeing everything in front of him crumble and fly away, Lake felt confident that he had won. He felt Exp so he knew he had killed at least a few of the people that had been in front of him if not all. He didn't have time to go through the rubble to find the bodies though because looking up to the stone top of the 41st tier Lake knew he needed to run to dodge the collapse he had caused.

It seemed there was no way around the fact that Wave wasn't a good skill to use in an enclosed area unless he wanted stuff to fall on him. Running until he didn't hear anything falling anymore Lake looked back at the area he had just been fighting in. If he had to guess he would say he had effectively destroyed a third of the city with this one move.

Of course the tiers this far down were much smaller so it wasn't as crazy as it sounded but it was still crazy to think he had done this with 10 mana. One small Fire spell cost more than that unless he gathered the Fire mana from the surroundings. Done here and wanting to get away before he found out if the people he had just been fighting had somehow survived and chased him, Lake looked for the way up to the next tier.

It wasn't hard for him to find the elevator shaft up and start climbing. Once he got to the 40th tier he didn't stop and kept going. He was done playing hero even if he didn't earn a single more gold until this was over he felt like he needed to start to prioritize safety a bit more and standing out wasn't the way to get away from the fighting.

Setting Detector to look for a tier with no Demon Worshipers that could kill him and casting Fly to make it easier for him to go up Lake didn't stop until he got to 25th tier Lake realized this was like the halfway point between the two sides of the formation since the top eight were above ground and under the influence of the other side of the formation. He also realized there was a small amount of Earth mana in the air around him.

Stepping onto the 25th tier, Lake remembered that this was actually where he had been sent by Masters on his first day of looking for Demon Worshipers. What were the odds that this was also where Detector said he would be the safest. Walking into the city Lake saw this place seemed almost untouched with no destruction to speak of other than what he had done when he was here.

He wondered if the Demon Worshipers had decided to not control this part of the city when the mana siphon had failed to drain all the earth and metal mana from it because it would give the people here the ability to fight back. Arriving in the area that he had accidentally destroyed the day he had been practicing his Earth magic, Lake found a house that was still standing and opened the door.

Once he was inside he looked around to make sure no one was hiding and sat down. Taking out his bread lake took a couple of bites before resting his head onto his arms. After a few minutes of sitting like this, Lake got up and looked for the bedroom. He felt safe enough here to actually sleep. josei

He wasn't sure how much time had passed since he slept but he felt tired so it didn't make sense for him to wait to go to bed. He was happy to find the bed in this house was one for a regular human and his feet didn't hang off the end when he laid down. Closing his eyes Lake couldn't help but think back to the fight he had just had.

He wondered if the main guy had lived or not. He had seen them move before the Wave hit them but that didn't mean they had been successful in getting away. He guessed it didn't really matter if they lived or not because they weren't the only Demon Worshiper he had to worry about.


"Tiffany." Looking up from her book Tiff saw one of the Temple Heads people standing in the doorway. "Yes?" Tiff kind of already knew what this was about, it had been three days since she had returned from the Light Domain and all the others had had their turns to go see the God of Light.

"The Temple Head wants to see you." Getting up and putting the book about Demigods back on the shelf, Tiff walked to the Temple Heads office. Stepping inside she saw the Temple Head was alone, probably already done speaking with the person who had just returned. "Feel free to sit down while we wait."

As she was sitting down Tiff asked. "What are we waiting for?" She was answered not by the Temple Head but by the door opening. Turning and seeing Dawn enter, Tiff wondered if the Temple Head knew what the God of Light had told her and was giving them the chance to say goodbye.

"Alright now that both of you are here we can get started. I know you can't really say what the God of Light said to you during your meetings but he told us to send both of you." Dawn didn't seem surprised by this and Tiff kind of knew why.

Ever since they had been back from their meetings they had tried to talk about what happened a few times and while they couldn't get anything important out Dawn had seemed to already know what she was trying to say. The God of Light had said lots of the others had talked about each other so she wouldn't be surprised if Dawn had asked the God of Light about her.

The God of Light wouldn't have a reason not to answer since he could just make it so you couldn't repeat anything he told you. "Are you two ready to go or do you need some time to get your stuff?" Tiff would need a few minutes but she let Dawn answer. "We need a bit to get our bags ready."

"Well get to it. Come back once you're done." The two of them walked out into the hallway and Tiff could tell they wanted to ask each other questions but sadly they couldn't talk about what they actually wanted to. She had learned a way to learn a bit about what the other knew in the past few days.

"What do you think the God of Light wants from us?" Dawn shrugged and said. "I'd love to know, I guess we'll have to wait and see." By the sarcastic voices they were both using they were able to tell they both already knew what was going on. Of course that didn't mean they knew the same thing but they most likely did.

Getting to her room Tiff grabbed the bag she had prepared as soon as she had gotten back and walked back out into the hallway to wait for Dawn. A few seconds later Dawn came out of her room with her bow and a bag and nodded at her. "Are you ready?" Tiff gave a thumbs up and they both walked back.

Walking back into the Temple Heads office the Temple Head said. "Let's go." Following the Temple Head towards the front gate of their base Tiff noticed she had a bag as well but before she could ask the Temple Head started to talk. "I'll be going with you two this time to keep you safe. We're pretty sure the Demon Worshipers have noticed what we're doing and there's a good chance we're going to run into some trouble on the way."

Tiff wasn't surprised they were being more careful this time. The thing she actually found surprising was that they had been able to send the members of the 23 one at a time with nothing bad happening. The Light and the Holy Domain were extremely close so as long as you moved fast there wasn't much of a chance but they had rolled the dice 23 times.

"Are we the only three going or will we be taking some guards?" Tiff felt like taking guards was an ok idea depending on what they were going for; if they wanted to move fast it didn't make too much sense though. "No, just us three. Others would just slow us down."

"What about other members of the 23?"

"They need to be here in case they attack. With me being gone we'll need the rest of the 23 here to have a chance of winning the battle if it's anything like the last one." This was true, the last battle had taken almost all the members of the 23 and the giants other than the one they killed had still gotten away.

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