The Insider System

Chapter 247

Chapter 247: What’s Wrong With That One

Chapter 247: What's Wrong With That One

Putting his book down, Lake thought over what he had just read. He hadn't expected to find something relevant to him in a book of legends but he hadn't ever thought about how long Akal could have been around the God of Light before he betrayed him. Lake had known Laka had been on the God of Lights team but it ended up being for a lot longer than he had expected.

Lake had always expected for Laka to have been a new recruit or something but it ended up being that he had joined the God of Light around the time the Dark Domain fell to the Demon Lord. He guessed most people had picked a side around then so it was nothing special but the fact it made it into a book of important legends told you how important people saw it as.

Really what made it important didn't happen for a few more years after the story he had just read. With this story over, Lake flipped through the book for anything else he would want to know and stopped at a picture of the Mages guild/ Alchemist guild. It was the Mages guild when this story took place though so he was going to be calling it that while he read.

Stopping only a few lines down from the beginning, Lake repeated what he had just read out loud. "The Holy Domain." This was a question he had wanted the answer to for a long time but had never remembered to actually ask because the conversion had nothing to do with it. Thinking about it it made perfect sense to him that the place he had been was the Holy Domain.

Where else would the war between the Demon Lord and the Temple of Light be taking place if not for where the God of Lights wife ruled over before she was killed by Akal. It seemed these days the Light Temple had taken it over to protect it from the Demon Lord but it was still technically the Holy Domain in name most likely.

At least he finally knew why no one was ever saying where they were or what it was called in a sentence. It was like using an ancient name that didn't really matter at the moment. That being said people hadn't been saying the name of the Metal Domain very often either but he was sure he had heard it a few times.

Returning to his book to see what the story was actually about instead of spending all his time on the introduction, Lake found the story was about the fall of the Mages guild and the founding of the first Temple that was more about fighting than doing things for the gods they served. Before the fall of the Mages guild all the warrior type mages had been a part of it but after they had no choice but to move on to the Temples that were originally much more peaceful.

This had resulted in the first Temples moving on from their rules that kept them neutral to whatever was going on around them out of necessity even if they didn't flat out stop saying they were neutral. It was an interesting story but he didn't really care about the characters or the plot. He would have rather just gotten his hands on a history book or naked someone who had been alive at the time since it hadn't happened that long ago.

It made him wonder if this book was for children in the hope that if they made it interesting they would actually read it. Looking through a few pages and not seeing any big words he was pretty sure he had correctly guessed who this was written for. It didn't really matter though since he wasn't from here and actually needed more stuff they would teach to children.


Seeing the world fade back to normal Tiff Looked around and saw Dawn and the Temple Head had actually waited this entire time. She wasn't even able to take her hands away from the oracles before Dawn asked. "How do you feel?" She felt fine and it was manly because nothing was really any different about her until she started to level up her new job.

After a few seconds of silence she remembered none of them could hear what she was thinking and said. "I'm good, the God of Light said it went better than expected." Standing up and walking out of the circle of light she had been sitting in so she could see them better she continued. "I have something I need to do right away so I need to get back to the Holy Domain."

The trip back was probably going to be as or more dangerous as the one here since she was now an actual target meaning the Demon Worshipers would want to kill all three of them no matter what. "Oh the God of Light told me to give you this." Turning around Tiff saw the oracle was holding something out in her hand. "What is it?"

Tiff already knew by the time she had asked because she had something very similar in her bag. She was sure the new one would be a lot nicer though if the God of Light was giving it to her now. "It's a talisman like the one I used to get away from Mezull. The God of Light makes them himself when he has the time."

Hearing the Temple Heads words Tiff went ahead and took it. "The nice thing about them is they aren't single use they just have to be recharged by the God of Light after you use them. Plus their level of protection is unparalleled."

"Does it just go in my pocket or do I need to wear it?" There was a strap that looked similar to a bracelet making her think she needed to wear it like one would with any type of gear. "I keep mine on my ankle actually but yes you should wear it so you don't have to worry about it getting separated from you if someone hits your bag."

Tiff was sure the Temple Head had a reason to keep it on her ankle so she went ahead and took off her boot so she could put hers on like that as well. Once she slipped her boot back on she knew it wasn't going anywhere so she stopped paying attention to the new feeling on her leg. "How do I recharge it?"

"It works off of Light mana so all you'll need to do is wear it until it recharges but if you need it recharged faster you can always come see me or the Temple Head." Turning back to the Oracle Tiff gave her a smile and said. "Tell him I said thank you for the talisman." She had been told to get to work right away by the God of Light so they needed to go before much longer but it would be rude if she didn't say anything at all to the oracle directly.

She decided to go ahead and thank the oracle as well since she had also had a part in what happened. "Thank you for your time." The oracle was a person so just treating her as a way to the God of Light would eventually have a bad effect between them. "I look forward to seeing you again."

Turning and giving the Temple Head a look they started heading towards the door. "Wait, what about me?" Looking at Dawn she understood what she meant. Dawn hadn't been given a talisman so she was going to be vulnerable and since she was a Holy magic user she was still a prime target even if slightly less than them.

Demon Worshipers were heavily incentivized to kill them by the Demon Lord so even if all they got was Dawn they would consider it a huge success. Looking at the Oracle Tiff could tell she didn't have any good news for them so she asked. "Is there really no way to get her something to protect her?"

"The talisman I just gave you was actually mine and we don't have any more at the moment. She has something already right?" Looking back at Dawn she watched as Dawn pulled out her talisman out of a pocket on her armor. "What's wrong with that one?"

"If there was nothing wrong with it you wouldn't have given a better one to Tiff." Dawn made a good point but the way she said it came off a little disrespectful but the oracle didn't seem to mind too much and said. "I was just doing what I was told." Seeing the oracles smiling face Dawn seemed ready to drop it and said. "I'll just have to be more careful I guess." josei

If there was really nothing they could do there was no reason to start a fight. It wasn't like the Temple made a habit of throwing people to the wolves if it wasn't necessary. She was sure if they needed help there would be someone to the rescue like there was the last time. Walking out of the Temple and looking up into the sky Tiff wondered where the Gods and Demigods were actually located.

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