The Insider System

Chapter 249

Chapter 249: Eat Bread

Chapter 249: Eat Bread

Finishing the information on the last piece of armor he felt was a good fit for him, Lake was about to stand up and put the book back when he realized he wanted it. Looking around to see if anyone was looking, Lake put it into his bag before standing and looking for something else to read.

Going to a new box and pulling out the thickest book inside Lake looked at the title and put it back. Moving all the copies of that book out of the way, Lake looked at what was under it and found a book that was much smaller that looked similar to a magazine to him. Taking it out he saw it was a picture book with drawings of things from around the world.

Opening it and seeing what he would call a basic map of the world, Lake knew he had hit a jackpot in terms of basic information. Sitting down the first thing Lake did was look for the Dark Domain. He had heard about it from a lot of people and it was in a lot of books he had read so he had been curious for a while.

Eventually he found it but noticed it looked a lot smaller than the other domains. Once he thought about it he remembered the Demon Lord had attacked her not long after The Dark Goddess' ascension and it seemed she hadn't had much time to build up her domain before this happened. It was bigger than it looked apparently though because it had something in common with the Metal Domain, a large part of it was built underground.

Reading the information on the map, Lake turned to the page where the drawings of the Dark Domain were located and saw a city built in a cave like the one he was currently in. Underneath the picture he saw the word "Outdated" and understood they were saying this was no longer what it looked like.

The Dark Domain had come to be known by another name to some people and he was sure a place people called the Unholy Domain didn't look like a nice town anymore. Reading the passage about the Dark Domain on the next page Lake saw the information was written almost like a eulogy by a survivor that had escaped during the attack.

It was just basic information on how life had been for the people that lived there before the attack though so nothing he really needed to know. Turning back to the map, Lake picked out another place he had heard of before, the Water Domain, and flipped to the page the picture was on.

It ended up being pictures, he guessed with time you gained multiple things that were worth showing off to people that lived in the other domains. Looking at the pictures Lake finally realized why they had added the first one by reading the passage. He had thought it was a city built on a small island but it turned out the city floated on the water itself.

The next picture was a spire that went down into the water instead of up into the sky and reading what it was he found it was the Water Temple. Looking at the thin bridge that connected the only part of it that was above the water to land, Lake wondered if it didn't move around with the waves.

If someone had tried to build this in his world they would have had to use flotation devices that would raise and fall whenever the water did so you would need a bridge a lot thicker than this one if you wanted to hold it in place. There was no way it would work though even if you were able to build it it would most likely collapse and sink soon after from the constant stress.

Flipping the page he saw there was one more picture that related to the Water Domain but only in the way that someone important had been born in the building they were showing. The Goddess of Ice was unsurprisingly born in the Water Domain in a small town along its coast. Looking at the next page and seeing that the picture was from the Ice Domain Lake went back to the map to see if they were next to each other like he assumed they were.

They were next to each other but he wouldn't say they were close. Looking at the map it seemed they were close in the same way the Metal Domain was close to the Holy Domain with days of travel between their capitals but with nothing in between they were next to each other. Going back to the crystalline buildings that were in the pictures, Lake decided he was done for now and stuck this book into his bag as well.

It would give him something to look at the next time he had to sit and wait for something. Standing up, Lake looked at the closest person and asked. "Where's the food?" It was time for him to have his bite of bread for the day. "It's two doors down." Walking into the hallway and then into the room he was told to go to Lake saw they had a pile of food to choose from and started to dig for something he hadn't had yet.


Finishing the last bite of the pumpkin bread they had been served an hour or two ago Tiff said. "We should have this again the next time we're here."

"The next time you're here you mean." Dawn clearly didn't think she would be coming back as often as Tiff and she was most likely right. Tiff would need to go talk to the God of Light every time she finished a mission so she would be passing through the gate a lot and she wouldn't be surprised if it was by herself from now on.

Tiff had a better chance if she was by herself anyway because she could just stay invisible whenever she was in a dangerous place. The only reason she had been unable to do it this way last time was Dawn was told to come as well making the Temple Head have to come to keep them safe.

"Maybe I'll bring some back for you if you ask nicely." Dawn didn't seem to care whether she did or not and changed the subject by asking. "How long did they say again?" Tiff was pretty sure they could be getting back any minute and said. "They said a few hours but at their speed that should mean two or three."

After she got done saying this Tiff looked at the Temple Head to see if she had anything to add. It didn't seem she had even been paying attention to what they were talking about though. Looking at the Temple Heads face Tiff wanted to ask what had her thinking so hard but decided to let her tell them if she decided to.

Turning back to Dawn Tiff caught her eating the crumbs that were left of the loaf and said. "See, I knew you liked it."

"Whatever, it's just bread." Tiff could tell Dawn was thinking she would bring her some no matter what. "Yeah you're right the stuff served at base is better anyway." Tiff was pretty sure that statement would have broken Dawn and made her ask for the bread anytime she went out but they were cut off by the door opening before Dawn had the chance to ask.

Seeing the two guys were now a bit beat up Tiff guessed they had run into whatever was meant for them. As they sat down the guy who did all the talking said. "The sky is dark from here, home. I'm guessing it's not just one this time." Once again, not saying exactly what they were talking about was making it hard for her to get it but she didn't even need to hear anything to know this was going to be rough.

One look at them had been all she needed. Looking at Dawn again Tiff wondered if they should just split up and tell Dawn to go back in a few days after everything had settled. She was about to suggest this when the Temple Head asked. "Is it just them watching?"

She was clearly asking about back up like they had gotten last time from the God of Light. "I only saw dark clouds but who knows. I doubt you'll be abandoned right after what happened."

"What is most likely happening is that he knows where you are and isnt wasting his people's time waiting on you." Tiff was guessing that he in this sentence was the God of Light and they were probably right that he knew where they were and wasn't going to send anyone to help until they actually needed it. josei

Looking at the Temple Head again Tiff could tell they were about to risk it and said. "Please leave Dawn here. She can come in a few days after this is all over." Tiff could tell Dawn was ok with this plan because she started to nod towards the Temple Head. "Are you ok with having her with you until it's calm again?"

Both of the men nodded and the one that did the talking said. "Leave some gold though. I don't have enough to get her a room." The Temple Head pulled out some gold and tossed it to Dawn as she stood up. Tiff then got a look from the Temple Head saying it was time to go so she stood too saying. "I'll see you in a few days."

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