The Insider System

Chapter 259

Chapter 259: Heading Home For The Day


Chapter 259: Heading Home For The Day

Lake had been watching the gate for long enough that he had seen a few people dressed like Demon Worshipers moving around the fortifications of the gate. He hadn't seen any actually leave the gate though so he wasn't sure if he would be able to get one of them. He really only needed to get inside though so it wasn't completely necessary for him to disguise himself.

All he really needed to do was rush the building and hope they didn't have anything that he couldn't see that could stop him because it would probably give him away when he hit it. Once they knew he was trying to get inside they might activate a barrier that he wouldn't be able to break out of fear of being injured by it.

Setting Detector to look for obstacles that could stop him, Lake started to run towards the gate in a straight line at a speed that would give him the time to react if Detector lit something up in front of him. Right when he was about to jump onto the wall so he could enter the fortified part of the gate from the top, Lake felt someone notice him.

At the speed he was moving someone would need a really high perception to notice him but when you took into account the Demon Worshipers here were on the lookout for enemies coming from the Holy Domain it made sense they had someone like that here. Instantly deciding to commit, Lake jumped onto the gate wall at the same time he saw a dark Barrier come to life.

Setting Detector to look for people that can kill him, Lake saw The Sight activate and knew he was already being attacked. Not knowing where it was coming from, Lake just dropped and rolled. Getting back onto his feet looking the opposite direction, Lake still didn't see the person or the attack that had activated The Sight but looking straight down he saw a person that was glowing gold and knew they were the only one here he had to be worried about.

Thankfully he had already been through a battle that was a treat to his life and knew what he should do. Lake used the skill combo that made his Dexterity jump to a point where he wasn't even willing to try and do the math before letting Wave off directly downwards at the Demon Worshipers. The wave of mana that flew from his fist instantly destroyed the ground he was standing on and as he was falling with the rest of the gate he gathered the mana necessary to cast Fly to lower himself to the ground.

[Level up]

The gate now lay in a pile in front of him but the barrier that the Demon Worshipers had erected still stood so Lake knew it wasn't over just yet and this was confirmed when he saw people coming out of the very bottom part of the wall that the gate had been a part of. It seemed his Wave attack hadn't hit everyone that had been in the other parts of the gate.

It did seem that he had killed the one person he had to worry about though so really the rest of this fight would be him slapping them around so they would get rid of the barrier. Running over to the closest person and grabbing them, Lake threw them while saying. "Let me out and I'll leave you alive."

He had destroyed the gate and that was really all he had wanted to do so if it let him leave now he had no problem letting a few of them go. The Demon Worshiper he threw didn't say anything so Lake grabbed another one that looked like they were about to attack him and threw them straight up into the sky.

"Let me out or I'm not going to catch you." Lake watched the person's face shift from they didn't care to realizing they could die as they went higher and higher and once they hit the top of the barrier and started to fall back down they started to scream but they didn't give in and just let themself hit the ground.

Lake didn't get any Exp from them hitting the ground so they were still alive and he walked over and said. "I'm going to do it again." As he picked them up, Lake had to dodge a few people's attacks but he was quickly able to throw the Demon Worshiper into the air again.

As they were coming down after hitting the top of the barrier he didn't think they would survive the impact with the ground so he quickly said. "Tell me to catch you and I will." Lake didn't say they had to tell him anything to make him save them this time so he was hoping they would just accept and he could question them once he had saved them.

Maybe it would cause some kind of gratitude even though he had been the one to throw them in the first place. But, like the first time the Demon Worshiper wasn't willing to talk and just let themselves hit the ground. Feeling the Exp Lake was about to commend them for their loyalty but realized it was probably forced through the curse.

It was completely possible that they were unable to tell him what he wanted to know. Lake had no idea if there was a way to get around the loyalty curse but he said. "Fine, I'll just stay here and kill whoever comes to stop me." With him here forever the Demon Worshippers would have a hard time rebuilding the gate so he was hoping the loyalty curse would let him leave to keep this from happening.

To make sure they didn't think he was just saying this, Lake grabbed the next person and crushed their head. Sadly it didn't seem his new plans made them change their plan of keeping him here with the barrier so he just went ahead and killed the rest of them. Once he was alone he started to think of a way to break the barrier without touching it.

The most obvious way would be to use Wave again at the barrier but he didn't know if that would actually keep him from getting hit by the retaliation from the barrier. He felt if you were inside the barrier you were trying to break it would be able to get you so he turned to Detector to find the best method to get out.

He started by seeing if the barrier would glow if he set Detector to look for barriers that were safe for him to break with Wave. Seeing the barrier start to glow golden Lake knew the part where he had added 'for him' in Detector's setting was probably why and braced himself to be hit by something that wouldn't be able to truly hurt him.

Using the same skill combo he had earlier to raise his stats as high as he could Lake used Wave in the direction of the barrier and could tell he had destroyed it in one hit but he also felt a hot feeling on his skin at the same exact time and when he looked down he saw his clothes and armor smoking having been burnt to a black crisp.

Moving slightly Lake saw his jacket start to fall into pieces onto the ground and the rest of the clothes soon followed with the only thing that really survived being his helmet even though it too was heavily damaged. Being left mostly naked Lake grieved the loss of the armor he had just gathered through great effort.

Taking his bag off of his back and seeing it destroyed as well, Lake wanted to start crying because this left him with nothing other than the stuff he could take off of the corpses that were laying on the ground behind him. Lake quickly grabbed a robe off one of the less bloody corpses and was about to head back to Wezz's group when he looked the other direction.

He had told Wezz he would be back in two days which actually gave him time to go back to the Alchemist guild to replace all of the stuff that had been destroyed. Things like potions, clothes, and food were more important to him than whatever Wezz's people might be going through at the moment and he knew this might be his last chance to go back to the Alchemist guild for a while.

With the trip back being a straight line from here with minimal need for him to worry about what he ran into he could go as fast as he wanted and he thought this might be a good chance for him to try a new method of getting around that didn't rely on the ground or the fly spell.

Lake was getting to the point that whenever he used even a portion of his agility he had to worry about his feet going through the road or whatever he was running on and the air resistance was almost like he was trying to run through a solid wall which made him think he might be at the point that he could run on air if he tried hard enough.

Even if he was wrong he was sure he could use Wind Magic to make it work at least a little so the trip back to the Alchemist guild was a perfect opportunity to figure it out.

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