The Insider System

Chapter 341

Chapter 341: Keldon

Chapter 341: Keldon

After Lake waited some time the man behind the counter had split everything into two piles and said. "Everything here is above my level so you'll need to go to an actual branch office to get it apprised or you can take my best guess if you are ok with that."

Lake was about to ask where he should take it because if these items were too good for this man the things from the castle would be too when he realized he no longer had his badge for the Thieves Guild. Like everything else he had on him it had most likely been destroyed when he had smashed a barrier with his bare hands.

He was about to ask the guy behind the counter what he should do to get a replacement when he remembered there was actually some other time that he could have lost the badge. During the fight where he had been getting hit in the back constantly his bag had been destroyed and he didn't think he had remembered to use Retrieval to get his badge back after all of his things had fallen out of his bag.

Sticking his hand into his bag he tried to call his badge back and when he felt a coin sized thing appear in his hand he knew he had been right. "Where's the guild branch at?" As he asked the question he showed his badge to prove he was a member. "It's in a different town, are you sure you want to travel that far for just a few pieces of jewelry?"

"Well how long will it take a cart to get there?" Lake didn't actually know how fast he was but he had heard cart travel was usually how people described distance in this world even though every cart was different. "A two day trip. You want a name for a cart that will take you there the fastest?" josei

"No, just tell me the name of the town." Lake was more than capable of getting there himself and just wanted to know the name so he could set the magic compass to point him there. "Alright the town is called Keldon. You want me to get your money for this ready?" It seemed the man still wanted to buy the lesser items he had brought in so Lake nodded and said. "Sure." While putting the other stuff into his bag.

A few minutes Later Lake was walking out with a huge bag of gold that he quickly got rid of once he got out of town along with all the stolen stuff the man hadn't bought. With recall there was no point in carrying stolen goods since he could call this bag to him at any time.

Once he got that out of the way he used the magic compass technique and set it to point him in the direction of Keldon. He knew he had a bit of a journey ahead of him but from the things the man behind the counter had said while he was giving him the gold Keldon was worth the trip. Apparently it was one of the three biggest towns in all of the Earth Domain and might also be the first that was settled depending on who you asked.

Lake found it odd that no one had asked the God of Earth but maybe this was something that had been forgotten because it hadn't mattered when the first cities were being settled here in the Earth Domain and no one including the God of Earth had bothered to write down exactly which town had been built first.

It could have also been a situation where a lot of little settlements were established around the same time so it was hard to know which was the first out of the ones that were still around today. He could see the god not even knowing if the actual first one had been destroyed making one that had been settled later the new oldest.

It was just too bad he was already running out of the two days he had given himself before he headed back to the Holy Domain and would probably have to go back before getting a good look at Keldon. He still wanted to see what it was like though so even if it was going to make him late he was going to go.


Opening her eyes Tiff didn't waste any time and got up and ready for her day. She was sure the Temple Head would have things to tell her with how long she had been asleep and she wanted to stop by Dawn's room to see if she was there or not. Dawn trained a lot and they both had other things to do as well so Tiff needed to make sure to look for her every chance she got or it could be days before they would see each other.

Finding Dawn's room empty Tif wasn't surprised and she went towards the Temple Heads office to see if she was there. Finding this room empty as well Tiff decided to go see if there was a meeting in the big room. She had noticed no one was around and the halls were usually only this empty when a meeting was going on so this made sense to her.

Opening the door to the auditorium Tiff instantly saw she had guessed right and tried to figure out if this was a meeting she had to be in before walking in by listening to what was being talked about by the Metal Oracle. "Like I said earlier, the God of Metal hasn't made up his mind yet."

This was all Tiff had to hear to decide she wanted to be in this meeting and walked in to take a seat as she listened to more of what the Oracle was saying. "It just seems like we're going to be forced into a truce with the Demon Lord soon if the God of Light isn't able to find where he's hiding."

Tuff had no idea what had caused them to have a meeting about something as explosive as this or why she hadn't been woken up for it but she felt like maybe more information had been shared to the Oracle by the God of Metal for her to spread to them. "You're saying this like we aren't already trying to find the Demon Lord."

Tiff wasn't sure who yelled this towards the Oracle but the Temple Head quickly took the stage to calm everyone clearly sensing that the crowd was getting out of control which tiff understood, she hadn't been happy about what the Oracle was saying when she first heard it either. "Alright everyone I ask that you stay civilized and remember who you're talking to."

After the Temple Head said this she returned to where she had been standing and the Oracle went back to talking. "I'm not saying you all haven't been trying, I'm just trying to warn you that it looks like you'll be out of time soon." Tiff wished she had been here earlier so she knew everything that had been said up until now but she would just have to ask after this was over to know how much speculation had happened or if this was confirmed information.

"So does the God of Metal want us to go all out to try and help or stay out of the situation in the Metal Domain? You've been giving a mixed message this whole time."

"The God of Metal wouldn't give another Temple orders. He just wanted me to pass on what is going to happen if the God of Light is unable to finish the war soon. We don't want it to be a surprise to the other temples or gods when we stop fighting back in a few days and sign a peace treaty with the Demon Lord."

After the Oracle said this she got off the chair that she had been sitting on and walked over to the Temple Head. Tiff took this to mean the meeting was over but stayed in her seat until most of the people had left. She was about to walk up onto the stage to join whatever conversation the Temple Head and Oracle were having when she saw Dawn and decided to go talk to her instead. "You're finally awake."

Tiff wasn't sure just how long she had been sleeping but she knew it had to be a while if this was the first thing Dawn said. "Yeah. So what did I miss?" She knew this was kind of an annoying question since Dawn would have to break down everything that had happened no matter how much had been said but it would give her an excuse to talk to Dawn for a while before she had to go and speak with the Metal Oracle.

"It was actually pretty short. You came in right after the Oracle got done with her opening statement and just a few questions were asked." If that was the case Tiff guessed she didn't need to worry about this too much so she looked over her shoulder briefly before turning back to Dawn and asking. "Are you about to eat?"

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