The Insider System

Chapter 370

Chapter 370: The Deal Pt.6

Chapter 370: The Deal Pt.6

As they were waiting on the steps for someone to come and tell them what to do Donny had been unable to keep his eyes from wandering at the surrounding city. If his brother had survived the attack there was a good chance they were only about an hour away from one another and it would be a lot less expensive to go and retrieve the shield himself.

He wasn't keen on the idea of fighting his brother himself but it was probably better then whatever he would do to make enough money to pay the man who would bring it to him. Donny had heard the discussion between the man and Hampton; he would need to gather at least fifty thousand gold in order to feel that he had enough for at least a down payment on the amount the man would want.

Donny had never made even close to that amount in a single year so he knew he would be tempted to do something he normally wouldn't. Donny had been through a lot back when he had still been living in the Holy Domain so he knew for a fact he couldn't always control himself when there was something he really wanted.

Of course back then he had just wanted the voice in his head to go away before it talked him into something much worse than he had done to drown it out but it still showed he couldn't call himself 100% trustworthy. He knew he wouldn't kill his brother though so it was much better for him to go looking for him himself than let some hired thug do it.

Turning to Fendis Donny whispered. "I cant wait any longer. I'm going to go look for my family." This made it seem that he was going looking for his family just because he was worried which was kind of a lie but he did plan to make sure they were alright while he was taking the shield back so he didn't feel bad for misleading Fendis in any way.

"Alright, is there a way I can get in touch with you from now on?" Hearing Fendis wanted a way to find him on the off chance they weren't able to find each other after they split up he quickly wrote a few ways for him to get in touch with him down on a piece of paper before turning to leave.

He didn't get very far though before he stopped and tried to make it look like he hadn't been about to walk away because it seemed the guard had found someone to come tell them what they should do from now on. "Which one of you is Donny?" Donny raised his hand to the question and was swiftly handed a piece of paper with orders written on it.

Reading through it he found that the Fighters guild was being rebuilt and the Metal domain was asking no one to leave before they were paid because it might take a while to get everything calculated. At the very end it also briefly mentioned an award for certain people and was signed by Rigbis so Donny knew this could be considered an actual order that he needed to follow. josei

"Alright all of you are coming with me to help with rebuilding the guilds." After he said this Donny quickly led them towards where he had watched the old guilds evaporate just a few days prior to help in the reconstruction. "Does it say what happened to end the war?" The note had glossed over this fact so he just shook his head no while they walked.


Lake had eventually stopped watching the clerk who was having a conversation with someone all the way on the other side of the building and just stared ahead while thinking about what he might get once he had the money. He had found that it seemed skills could do about anything so it was hard to guess something like this so he instead tried to think about the problems he had that could be solved with a new skill.

The first and most obvious problem was one he had been dealing with for a while; not being able to use his full speed because his perception wasn't high enough. This was already slowly being dealt with everything he earned points from a job but a skill like The Sight that he could control better would be nice.

The next problem he could think of was the fact his gear was always getting destroyed because it wasn't even close to what he would need for his level of strength but he didn't think the Insider would be giving him a skill he could wear so he didn't see this one being solved anytime soon.

The last obvious problem he had was how he was constantly having to go from one place to the next to get anything done. It wasn't too big of a deal because of the speed he could move but he would still like something that would let him just teleport or something but up till this point the only people he had seen even mention teleportation were those inside the Alchemist guild and even they couldn't afford to do it all the time but it told him it was possible so he could hope for something like this as his reward.

None of these things really felt like something that would help him fill the role that the Insider was supposed to fulfill though so he guessed it would probably be something that helped him steal while blending in. He just hoped it was something he actually needed because he already felt like he was more than capable in these areas already.

"Sir, our master would like to talk to you in person." Hearing this Lake had been about to walk out without even thinking about it but then remembered all his treasure was sitting here. "Do you guys steal from members or is it against the rules of the guild?" Lake knew thieves would steal from one another but he wanted to know if he could trust the guild while he was a customer selling loot.

"No, your stuff will be here for you when you get back." Lake could tell the man wasn't lying so he followed him even though he knew there was a chance the guy only thought this was the truth. After a while he had been led down a few back hallways before being brought before a fancy looking door. "Go right in. She's waiting for you."

After he was told this by the clerk Lake didn't knock like he normally would have and just walked straight into the room in front of him. Like he expected because of his spying there was a single person in the room silently sitting behind a desk.

She was probably only a few years older than he was and didn't look like someone who would work for the Thieves guild but she was here and clearly in control so he greeted her. "Hello." Lake had no reason to start the conversation like he normally would just because the person he was talking to couldn't be trusted.

With his skill that let him detect lies he would know if they were going to try anything as soon as they started answering his questions. "Hello to you." After the lady returned his greeting but didn't say anything else Lake felt like they were stalling for some reason and used Mana Vision to make sure no one was poking around his treasure.

"Can you see through walls?" Before he saw anything he had to look back at the lady behind the desk because of the question she asked. "That's not a good way to describe my skill." He couldn't help but think the only reason she hadn't said anything right away was because she had wanted to see what he would do.

If he was right and that had been her goal she had gotten him good. "Well whatever it is you're doing, go ahead. I have no plans to mess with your belongings." Lake knew looking now would just make her think he had been lying about looking through walls but he still went ahead and did it anyway.

After seeing no one he turned back to the lady and asked. "What did you want to talk about?" He could tell she was fine with him just standing here forever so he felt he had to ask to get things moving. "Just this report." After she said this the lady took out a pretty big stack of papers and started to read. "I don't know how it was done. It was like the part of the building that held the valuables was just teleported away."

This one sentence was enough for him to know this was a report on the robbery he performed back in Keldon. He didn't get where she was going though so he stopped her from reading more by asking. "Can you just tell me the point of this?"

"Fine, it kind of ruins the fun but I guess you're in a hurry to go back and wait for the barriers to run out of mana. I just want to know how I can buy something from you that you could just teleport away right afterwards." Lake couldn't help but smack himself after he heard this question because it was so obvious that anyone could put this together as long as they weren't an idiot.

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