The Insider System

Chapter 394

Chapter 394: The Deal Pt.30

Chapter 394: The Deal Pt.30

The trip to the next item was much longer and Lake eventually realized it was because he was leaving the Holy Domain. Since he hadn't specified the closest item on his list needing to be in the section of items in the Holy Domain it had brought him to the next closest item which seemed to be in the Light Domain.

He had found this out by having Detector highlight the name of the item that was closest to him which was a knife called Green Twit. If it hadn't been something he was interested in he would have probably turned around but a knife with neat abilities was something he really wanted.

Green Twit Estimated Lv.50

He just hoped the item's name didn't mean it had an effect that was going to lower his Intelligence when he used it. "What are the odds the arrow would point me right to the gate into the Light Domain?" As far as he could tell every Domain had a wall even if it wasn't on its border so him being led to a wall made sense but for it to be exactly where the gate was was very unlikely.

This made him think there was a real chance that there was a town of decent size on the other side of the gate and the person who owned the knife currently was there, possibly living in a house. He wouldn't know till he made it through this line to enter the Domain though.

When he was close to the front of the line Lake got his ring into his hand by using Retrieval. Showing it to the guard, Lake was waved through as a member of the Temple of Light. As he walked through the gate Lake saw that he had been wrong about there being a big town but there were a few buildings so he Set Detector to look for Green Twit and saw something start to glow in a building that looked like an inn.

He knew this probably meant he would be dealing with a person this time instead of just getting to steal the item off of a shelf but like with Credglin all he needed was to touch it once and it was his. Walking in Lake saw the knife was at a table with two men who were silently sitting near the back of the bar area of the inn.

Finding a seat near the two men he did his best not to stare till he felt no one was paying attention to him but as soon as he stole a look at the man he could tell he hadn't gotten away with it. Guessing it would be weird for him to just look away quickly with the man being able to tell someone was looking at him. It wasn't like looking at someone was weird, he just needed to play into it by making it seem he was just looking around and had noticed the guy had a cool knife on his belt.

After a few seconds he looked on to the other guy that was at the table with the man who had the knife and when he didn't feel this guy being able to detect people looking at them Lake decided to use them as the target of Detector to get more information on the pair of men because he feared the guy with the knife might have senses strong enough to tell a skill was being used on him.

The first thing he set it to was 'blading man who can kill me' since the guy next to the guy with the knife was losing his hair while the guy with Green Twit wasn't. When no one started to glow, Lake assumed he would be fine if a fight broke out but he still wanted to get his hand on the knife without causing a problem so he just went on like he was a normal customer.

"Hello I don't have any money at the moment but I'm a member of the Temple of Light. Would it be ok if I got a drink? I'll pay you next time I pass by." It would have been fine with him if the guy running the inn had said no but he received a drink within a few seconds of asking so it gave him something to do while he passed the time waiting for an opportunity. josei

If after an hour or so he didn't get a chance to touch the knife it would probably make more sense for him to move on and try to get something else. "Did you say you were from the Temple?" Hearing someone ask something Lake realized that before he could have reacted the guy who had Green Twit had come up to him and sat down in the seat next to him.

"Yeah why?" The man didn't answer and held up his hand to show he was also wearing a ring that marked him a member of the Temple of Light. "You said you didn't have any money, do you need some help? I know you have just come from the Holy Domain so just say if you do."

Lake wasn't the type to turn down free gold but he didn't think it was what he should accept from the guy when he had been offered help in general. Instead he should say there was someone chasing him and ask for the man to guide him safely to a Temple but instead attack him while they were on the road.

He wouldn't be doing that though because now that he was a member stealing from the Temple again would just complicate his already busy life since he had been after this weapon to use not just stick inside Inner Vault and he wouldn't be able to sue it around anyone from the Temple because they might know what it was and who it had belonged to.

"No I'm alright I just forgot to take money out before I left the city. I was in a hurry to escape, you know." If this guy was a strong member of the Temple there was a good chance he knew they had just handed over the Holy Domain to the Demon Lord out of necessity. "Oh, well, have a nice day then."

As the man headed back to his table there was a brief moment where Lake could have made a fast motion to touch the knife but he controlled himself and turned to finish his drink so he could leave. On the way out Lake took out the list and set Detector to find the name of the closest item that wasn't Green Twit.

Seeing the next thing was also in the Light Domain, Lake decided to go after it before heading home for the day so Lucas wouldn't be worried about him not coming home.

Ring Of Silence Estimated Lv.50

Lake had only put things he wanted onto the list if they were in other domains but jewelry was still rare on the list so he was excited he was going after one on the first day even if he already had a skill that made everything he did silent.

The book had said something about most blacksmiths not making jewelry because the same amount of time and effort could be used to make a full set of armor and Lake had no idea why that was but it seemed to be true because there had to be a reason a small ring could be so much more expensive than things like swords or armor.

An hour or so later Lake made it to the first big town he had seen all day. It was around the size of the guild district in the Holy Domain's capital which was still twice the size of the town he had taken Wilmur from. With the arrow pointing there Lake was sure this was where he was going so he entered the town and waited for the arrow to change direction when he passed the ring.

Eventually he saw the arrow start to angle down a bit which meant he must be right next to wherever the ring was. Setting Detector to Look for the Ring Of Silence Lake saw a very small thing start to glow just a few feet from him. It was probably also in a basement since it was like two feet under ground level.

Activating Mana Vision Lake saw the ring was on the finger of a person and it kind of looked like they were doing some kind of work. After watching for a while he decided they were digging and he wondered if maybe they had something like coal in their basement for heating purposes. He knew back in his world people had used to keep piles of coal around and he was sure you had to use a shovel to move it in an efficient way.

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