The Insider System

Chapter 408

Chapter 408: Not My Problem Pt.4

Chapter 408: Not My Problem Pt.4

A few hours had passed, and Lake thought it would be time to get all the items from Felg. By the time he had them and finished talking to Felg, there was a good chance it would be time for him to meet Lucas in his office. On the way out, he remembered he still hadn't apologized to his servant, so Lake did as he walked out the door.

As he walked through the office to use the elevator, Lake decided to ask instead of just guessing. "Are you going to be ready soon?" Lucas didn't look up, but Lake saw the man's head nod right before the elevator started to take him to floor two. He couldn't help but get excited over this because it meant he had a chance to find another item that would give him Perception, and just one or two more could let him go close to his top speed.

The number of things he could steal in one day with a mixture of his speed and Ghost Touch would make gaining his next million gold easy. Getting to the office where Felg was working on his items, Lake saw two were still on the table while the rest had moved to other places in the room. "Are these two giving you problems?"

The first of the items still on the table was, unsurprisingly, the knife, but the second was the Credglin, which he hadn't expected. "I just wanted you to look at them before I said they were clear. You could tell the knife was tracked, so I figured you'd be able to tell if I've cleared the tracking mark."

"What about the mace? Why is it up here as well?" Hearing his question, Felg turned the mace so the symbol on the front was visible before answering. "This symbol is a little weird. I just wanted to ask where you got it."

"I took it off of a thief, so I don't know where it's from. What's so weird about it?" Lake had inspected Credglin when he had first obtained it, and he didn't remember anything saying the symbol was special. "It focuses the shockwave enchantment, which I'd never seen before. Usually, the enchantment has a focusing element if the person who makes it wants it to go in a specific direction. While this mace has the most basic version of a shockwave enchantment and this symbol here." josei

"And you don't know how this works?" Getting a shake of Felg's head as his answer, Lake said. "Why don't you keep it for a while in that case? Tell me when you've figured it out, and I'll come get it." He wasn't currently using Credglin, so having Felg look into it didn't cost him anything.

"Are you sure?" Lake nodded before pointing at the knife to signal Felg that he was inspecting it. After he had read through the facts, Lake saw one that said this knife had been cleared of a tracking mark and told Felg. "You did it."

Going to grab the knife off the table, Felg held out his and asked. "If you want, I could look into this knife's background."

"That isn't necessary. I've inspected it, so I already have what I'll do to find information on where it came from." Lake had partially read through the knife's information twice now, so he understood it was something from before the God of Metal had ascended. Items from before then were frequent as most high-level items existed for long periods after being created, and it seemed this knife had somehow been affected more by the God of Metal taking over the control of Metal from the God of Earth.

Lake remembered reading that before the God of Metal, metals were just a part of the Earth element, so this change having the ability to cause problems made sense, but he still hadn't quite been able to tell what that problem was. "I'll be taking it to the Metal Temple the next time I go to the Metal Domain, so I'll come and tell you what I find out."

Lake planned to head there eventually anyway because the Oracle Guard he had helped had given him a piece of armor and said he would receive a reward for helping them if he was to bring it to the Temple, and not claiming his reward would be a waste.

"I'll be looking forward to that. Have a nice day." After saying his goodbyes to Felg, Lake returned to Lucas' office with everything back in the proper place. "Just sit over there. Everything will be ready for me to leave in a few minutes."

Sitting down, Lake pulled out his map to get it ready to show Lucas because he wanted to see if the man knew of a good reason they should pick a different target. The map had locations labeled, and Lake felt there was a good chance Lucas would know precisely where they were going and who controlled it after he pointed the location out to him.

"Alright, is that the map we'll be using? Bring it over." After a while, Lucas stood up and cleared some space on his desk for Lake to put the map down. Laying it in front of Lucas, he pointed and said. "As you can see, I've marked the locations for you so you can make the call on where we go today."

"What are the different colors?"

"Purple is the journals, and everything else is the items on this list, red being the things over level fifty." It had only taken about an hour of work to mark everything on the map, so it was a good use of his time because now Lucas could see everything as well. "Oh, I made you that list like I promised. It only holds five names, but all legendary items I've heard are in the Holy Domain."

Taking the piece of paper from Lucas Lake instantly recognized the first name on the list and said. "This dot here is the first thing on this list, but these other four are unknown. I'll add them right away." Using Detector, Lake quickly put four new dots on the map in seconds.

"Oh, only two were inside the Holy Domain, after all. It doesn't matter, though, with a single thing on that list worth months of travel." lake probably had a warped sense of how much time he was willing to put into gaining these items, but if Lucas said months, that was probably how most people felt.

"Okay, we're ready to go as soon as you pick a path for us today." The closest of the journals was a good target, but if they went a different way, they could hit more dots in the few hours Lucas had free. Lucas seemed to think hitting the most spots in a single day was the better plan because he took a pen off his desk and started drawing lines.

"I'll add more depending on how fast we hit these first few. It's time to go." Lake nodded and followed Lucas onto the elevator before asking. "The places you didn't draw lines to that were along the way have reasons, right?" Lucas nodded before answering. "I avoided cities and places owned by Demon Worshipers while drawing our path."

"I understand the second thing, but why cities?"

"Being seen in too many places in one day could be a problem for me. People might think I'm up to something."

"Could hiding your face fix this?" Surprisingly, Lucas shook his head to this question. "No, there are people that watch my every move the second I step out of the guild and have been for years. I can shake them, but they tend to find me after a few hours whenever I do, so I just put up with it."

"Who are they?" Lake had never noticed someone watching them more than ordinary when they had gone out together, but if Lucas said there were people, he believed him. "People from other guilds. It's nothing to worry about. They aren't strong enough to stop us even if they wanted to."

"So, do you have people that watch other guild leaders as well?" Lucas nodded to this question before explaining. "It's important to know where the biggest threats are and what they're doing at all times. It's mainly just the other dangerous people in town that I keep up with, though."

"Would you mind if we lose them today? I don't want anyone to see us gather so many things in one day because they might start following me around, thinking I'm important enough to warrant something like that."

"Don't worry; It will probably happen if we're moving fast. Like I said, nothing to worry about." Lake felt that Lucas was right about them losing the people following them without even trying. The two of them were extremely fast and short on time, so they would move as quickly as possible from when they exited the guild to when they returned.

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