The Insider System

Chapter 421

Chapter 421: Hidden Hostility Pt.3

Chapter 421: Hidden Hostility Pt.3

"Why were you talking to the God of Light for so long?" Tiff wished she could tell Dawn the reason, but she'd promised not to tell anyone, so she just shook her head and said. "We had a lot to talk about, but I can't get into it."

The reason why she wanted to tell so badly was because Dawn was the reason. With the core she had just retrieved for them if the god of Light said Dawn could be the next to become a Demigod, but he didn't seem to think Dawn was the one who should go next.

While it was true that Dawn was one of the stronger members of the 23, there were about three others who were just a better choice at the moment, and unsurprisingly, the God of Light wanted Greg to go next. "Well, can you at least tell me how long it will be until you have to leave again?"

There would probably be an announcement at some point talking about their next actions, so Tiff decided she could just tell Dawn when she would be going on her next hunting mission. "It will probably be a few days." They needed more Devine cores, but the Demon Lord would have already moved the younger giants that would be their next targets to somewhere safer, so they had to wait until they found a way around this problem.

"That's not really that long." Dawn was right, but with how fast things had been moving recently, it would probably feel like weeks to her. "So, is everyone going to be training today." Tiff hadn't been here, so she didn't know what the other members had been doing to pass the time in the Light Domain. "Yeah, but aren't you tired?"

After Dawn's question, Tiff realized how long it had actually been since she slept before saying. "Surprisingly, no, maybe the state I'm in while speaking to the God of Light is similar to being asleep." If she was right, Tiff had definitely gotten more than a full night's rest in the time she'd been speaking to the God of Light.

"That must be the case if you aren't tired, but are you hungry?" It took her a few seconds to think over, but after she did, she nodded. "I think I could eat. What meal is it right now?" She'd almost completely lost track of time, but Tiff knew the time of day would change what they were serving, so she had to ask before they decided to eat.

"I think they just started serving dinner." When she asked, this was the answer she was hoping for. "Perfect timing, huh?" After pulling Dawn to the cafeteria, Tiff got a plate of food slightly bigger than normal before sitting down to eat. "Is there anything you can tell me about your mission?"

Tiff knew that she would have to tell Dawn that she couldn't disclose information a few times before the other girl gave up, but she wanted to at least try to say something that wasn't against the rules first. After thinking for a while, Tiff decided she wanted to hint at the fact the fight had been over after a single attack, but knowing she couldn't say it directly, she instead said. "I feel a lot more confident in our ability to win now."

Her choice of what to say probably wasn't the best way for her to make Dawn understand what she was getting at, but it said a lot about What would be happening in the future. Hopefully, Dawn could put it together that her fight with the giant had been extremely short and surprisingly easy.

"That's great to hear. I'm guessing the dagger was a bigger help than you were expecting. The rest of us have had our weapons for a while and had been able to use them on undead already, but that was your first time. It's a shock isn't it?" Tiff wasn't too surprised at how easily Dawn understood, but to say the reason was the weapon was only half right.

Sadly, Tiff was still unable to break her skills down to other people because her job was still supposed to be a secret. They would be able to talk about it in detail if Dawn did end up being the second person to be granted this job, as the God of Light hinted. "All right, we have to change the subject. I can't talk about this anymore." josei

"Fine, but I'm not going to be the only one who wants an answer from you, so be ready to share some more cryptic messages with the others." If Dawn was right, Tiff would just say the same thing again, so there was really nothing to get ready for.

After taking a few bites of her food, Tiff finally thought of something else they could talk about and said. "Can you believe the God of Life is making a race already?" This was something that had been told to her by the Temple Head right before she went to speak to the God of Light, so she knew everyone else already knew about it, making it safe for her to mention.

"Yeah, people are saying she's going to make the first Angelic race. Did the God of Light say anything about it?" He hadn't, but even though the answer to this question was no, Tiff wasn't allowed to answer it. After about a minute of no one saying anything, Dawn eventually realized what she had done and said. "Oh sorry, I Didn't mean to bring him up again."

"It's fine. It's just really annoying that I can't say anything, but it won't be like this forever." Tiff would fight much harder next time to make sure Dawn was the next one chosen. "Hey, you two, the Temple Head just called all the 23 to gather in her office."

"Thank you for telling us. Come on, Tiff, we don't want to be late." She hadn't finished eating her food yet, but Tiff knew if all the 23 had been called for something it was probably more important than the rest of our food. Leaving her half-eaten food behind, Tiff followed behind Dawn until they reached the office that was maybe a bit too small for everyone to enter at once.

She and Dawn are still able to squeeze into the back of the room. She didn't get to stay there though, because as soon as she stopped moving, the Temple Head called her forward to stand in the front with her and Greg. "Now that everyone is here, I'll get straight to the reason I've called you. Greg has been chosen as the next person to receive a legendary job by the God of Light."

Tiff couldn't help but notice that no one seemed as jealous this time, but after a few seconds, she realized it wasn't because they were treating Greg better than they had treated her; it was because now they all knew it wouldn't be years until they got a chance it would really only be a few weeks at most.

I meant the jealousy was gone and had been replaced with sincere celebration for what was good news for not only the Temple, but for everyone here. Greg had been the obvious choice from the beginning, and the fact she had been chosen first was still hard to believe.

"All right, that's enough. It's about to happen, so all you need to get ready. We will be spending the next few hours standing around the Oracle as Greg meets with the God of Light." To Tiff, this sounded a bit boring, but she could tell by the faces of everyone else around that they couldn't wait to watch the process that would make Greg more than eligible to be a Demigod.

"Temple Head, will we be allowed to talk during the process, or should we all stay completely quiet?" As the Temple Head answered this question, Tiff finally took the time to look over at what the face of Greg looked like. She was pretty sure if she'd been able to see her own face when she had been chosen, it would have looked, um, overwhelmed, but that wasn't what Greg looked like.

He was clearly relieved and excited which fit his character perfectly. He'd been nice to her the entire time, even when the others were still mad, but Tiff was sure Greg would have been secretly disappointed had he been looked over twice in a row.

If she was in Greg's place, she would have started to wonder if there was something wrong with her performance in the tests the God of Light had given them. The God of Light had looked through their entire life when he had met with them, so it was pretty nerve-wracking to be what was considered the best of the 23 and continuously get passed over.

None of this had happened though, so there was nothing for Greg to worry about anymore. "Okay, we have about 10 minutes, make sure you're ready to stand around for hours without moving." Realizing they'd been dismissed, Tiff made her way To Dawn before asking. "Is there anything you need to do?"

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