The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 112

Chapter 112: Grim Hydra Fist

"Wha-!?" The Warlock gasped before I clutched his face in my hands.

"Stop moving."

I immediately shifted into my Altima and had him stare into my eyes as I activated Timeless Purgatory.

Once he was sucked in, I began killing him repeatedly, over and over again.

After 100 deaths, I stopped and blasted him away with a force of Oppression. He began screaming in pain as he was hit with the pain of 100 deaths.

I then turned to the Tank and performed Twisted Chaos Dance on him. His body was struck all-around before having his pressure points hit. When he fell to the floor, I threw him up into the air. I then formed Caustic Blue and launched several waves of Lapis Lotus towards him.

Before he was able to hit the ground, I appeared under him and he was immediately penetrated through the stomach by Caustic Blue. His blood trickled down my arm before I dropped him on the floor.

Now then...

I turned to Hall who glared down at me. After exchanging glares, he began to laugh.

"Hahahaha, splendid. Truly magnificent. To think you also had Vozahlaas. If you didn't, you would definitely be dead by now. I knew you were still holding back your true might. There was no way that you swinging some stupid sword was your true power. I knew you were still holding a large portion of your power back."

I merely looked at him like some disgusting bug, and he continued to laugh.

"That glare... that is someone who has a cold and calculative demeanor. Tranquil rage... something that is rarely seen in mortals, especially humans. You are an interesting specimen..."

Hall continued as I noticed his wings slowly regenerating.

"I've grown up fighting my whole life that I've almost gotten bored of it. At first, I expected you to be able to reawaken my fighting spirit, but your earlier performance was so disappointing. This... this is what I've been waiting for. So... fight me."

I dashed towards him and delivered a kick to his face. He managed to dodge and appeared above me. He extended his hand, and I was hit with a compressive force. I swung Caustic Blue, dissipating the force he had sent towards me.

"Tch... take this!"

He sent another force at me. This time it was different. Instead of some compressive force that was pushing me away, I was being slowed down. My arms, my legs, my entire body were slowed down.

Hall gaped his mouth and out came a breath of Dragon Ice. I opened my mouth and shot back a stream of Dragon Fire.

"What the-? You can shoot Dragon Fire in that state? No matter, I still have more up my sleeve."

I swung Caustic Blue before launching several waves of Lapis Lotus towards Hall. Hall attempted to counter them with his compressive force, but they were futile against Banishment. Hall was splattered with many blue arrows and he groaned as his energy was being sucked away.

"Damn it..."

Hall reverted back to his original form. As Lapis Lotus wore off, he struggled to stand on his feet.

"I felt my energy being drained from that... such a powerful move, it was even able to pierce my skin too. Looks like you give me no choice."

Hall was wrapped in energy before growing bigger and bigger, twice as big as he was in his ice dragon form.

"Now then, let's get started."

Hall spoke in a deep voice before flaunting off his new form. It was a black wyvern with two sets of wings(both being his set of arms) and pinkish glowing streaks running across his body.

"Just because you've grown bigger doesn't mean you've won," I said coldly before getting into a fighting stance.

"Be arrogant all you want, but I will be the one to win this. Even if you possess Vozahlaas, you will meet your fate."

"Enough talk." I interrupted. "Fight me, if you're ready to die."

"Well, if you insist, then I will!"

Suddenly, pink rays fired from Hall's back and they shot towards me. I activated Rebellious Shield to take care of the beams, but when they collided with my shield, they split into multiple pieces and I ended up being struck by the rays.

"How is that? It took me a while to be able to kill this dragon. It was... what was it called again? Oh right, it was a Black Violet Wyvern. Its rays, which are called Ultraviolet Rays, have one job and it does it right. They will home after their target and they will split up as many times as they want if they need to. So no matter what you do, the only way you can avoid them is to not!"

He then fired another wave and I quickly began to fly away. As I sped up, the rays also sped up with me.

"Oh, I also forgot, they can speed up as fast as they need to."

This bastard.

Since I had no choice, I stopped and took the hit.

I felt the rays slash and pierce my body all over and when I opened my eyes, I felt a burning sensation take place on the left side of my face. This bastard. His rays burned my face and blinded me as well!josei

"What's wrong? Is this all your icy cold rage has to offer?" Hall taunted, but I wasn't foolish to get angry at his provocation.

Instead, I shifted into my Altima form and performed Twisted Chaos Dance. As my attack traveled towards Hall, he flapped his wings and flew away to avoid my attack. Like his Ultraviolet Rays, Twisted Chaos Dance also homes in on its target. Though it is unable to speed up like Ultraviolet Rays, it can instead distort the space between its target.

How does that work? Well, Distortion allows me to cut and twist space with minimal effort, meaning that I can warp my attacks to wherever and whenever.

Anyway, my attacks caught up with Hall and completely barraged him. Using Black Magic, I appeared above him and threw him to the ground before using Piercing Red to pierce his stomach.

Hall laid on the floor and reverted back to his original form. He began coughing up blood as he tried to stand up. I landed next to him before grabbing onto his collar.

"Damn it... this was not how it was-"

"Shut up."

I silenced him and slammed him into the dirt. He groaned as he tried to lift himself up, but to no avail.

I took a deep breath before walking over to his subordinates and tossing them to where Hall was.

"Are these all your subordinates?" I asked him, demanding if this was everyone. He shook his head before I lifted him up on his feet. So this isn't everyone... well, it doesn't matter, I have the leader here.

"You are strong... but you can't kill me..." He muttered at me in his injured state as I gave him a cold glare.

"Spout as much nonsense as you want. Even if you are immortal, there are many ways to end you."

"I see... well then..." He groaned before placing his hands around the hole in his stomach.

In an effort to try to attack me once more, he blinded me with the blood that spilled from his stomach. I stumbled back as he cackled.

"You couldn't even see that I was bluffing about my injuries!? To be honest, this pain is nothing compared to what his majesty offered! I'm immortal! With Vozahlaas, you can never kill me! Now... you die!" He shouted as I sensed him move, about to strike me down.

"No...," I began. "NO! YOU'LL BE THE ONE TO PERISH!!"

I instinctively avoided his attack and delivered a brutalizing punch to his chest. The force of my fist managed to impale his chest. Hall spat out blood before he limped on my arm.

"You think blinding me spelled your victory? No... you had already lost when you spoke of my girls. Provoking me blew your chances of winning. You mocked me, you angered me, and you failed to beat me. Now, you'll pay the price for making me mad."

I pushed him off my arm and opened my eyes. Since I was blinded to my left, I could only see in my right, but my vision was all bloody. However, I could still see where Hall was.

"Heh heh, try all you want. No one has managed to kill me, not even his majesty. No matter what you do, my passive skill, Vozahlaas, will keep me alive. Remove my head if you will. I am immortal."

"You won't be immortal for very long," I said grimly. "Because after this, there will be nothing left of you. I'm wiping you off the face of the planet."

"Let's see how long you are able to keep that attitude up. You possess Vozahlaas too. After all, the damage we dealt to you earlier has already vanished. You may have won this time... but I will haunt you from the depths of hell. Your immortality will save you, but can it save others?"

I stared at him silently before taking another deep breath. I started growling before I opened my mouth.


I pulled back my clenched fist and rammed it into his head, smashing it into pieces.


A furious roar emanated from my throat and at that moment, a massive wave of energy exploded from my fist. The color of the energy was black and purple and caused a pillar of energy to shoot up into the sky. As the pillar of energy shot into the sky, it split up, forming multiple dragon heads which then dropped from the sky and scattered everywhere, triggering many explosions. After that, a massive shockwave shot from my fist, incinerating everything around me.

I pulled my arm back and stared at the pile of ashes beneath me. It was then blown away by the wind.


I stared at the arm I had used to perform Grim Hydra Fist, and the skin was completely torn off. My arm was now replaced with black flesh. It wasn't burnt, just my demon flesh. I couldn't feel my arm, but I'm pretty sure I can use it for Black Magic. However... damn, I don't think I'll be able to use this arm for a while.

I glanced at the ashes being carried by the wind. Souls levitated into the air as well, and I knew that one of them was Hall's. I retrieved my sword and placed it on my back before lifting myself into the air and clenching my hands together.

"Immortal my ass. I may be arrogant and selfish, but even I know when it is time to give up. Enjoy purgatory," I said to Hall's soul before vanishing from the area.




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