The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 118

Chapter 118: I'm Sorry...

In front of me, I saw Cage and the two others scattered across the ground, dead. Their bodies had fell victim to Jeredal's lethal poison.

That wasn't why I was horrified though. What I was really focused on was Jeredal with a sword driven through his chest who was lifting Risa in the air, choking her.

"You know… I don't usually struggle against weaklings like you, especially a healer. You heroes are really something else. A shame that I didn't get to fight all of you since a part of my army is already dealing with the two groups."

He brandished his dagger in front of Risa before inching towards her neck.

"Maybe my father will finally look my way once I tell him I killed a hero and bring your corpse to him. Yeah, that's going to be nice," Jeredal chuckled which then escalated into laughter.

"No… you can't!"

I got up but fell as I lost all feeling in my left leg. I was immobilized. Fuck. I can't move at full speed with only one leg.

"Ah ah ah, I heavily suggest you don't do that," Jeredal said.

I looked at him to find him holding Risa in a chokehold, placing his dagger across her neck.

"Don't come any closer. If you do, she'll die you know."

A smirk crosses Jeredal's face as he tightened his grip. I could see Risa struggle to breathe and something inside me told me to stop him.

I limped forward and Jeredal took a step back, dragging Risa along with him.

"Didn't I say not to do that?"

Jeredal grinned before the edge of his blade touched Risa's neck. The next thing I knew, I saw blood leak down her neck.

"N-no… stop."

Hearing my meek call, Jeredal's eyes brightened. Suddenly, he took his dagger and stabbed Risa in the arm.



Instinctively, I jumped forward but tripped, hitting the ground. I heard Jeredal cackle as he slowly moved back.

"I see… you and this girl must have something in common. Well, all heroes are connected in one way or another. I know she's your friend but… maybe she is something more?" Jeredal asked in curiosity.

"Let her go…!" I growled.

I put my hand over my chest while I quietly amassed mana inside me. Once he's caught off-guard, I'll quickly activate Shadow Overlord Domain and rescue Risa. Then, I'll obliterate him entirely, leaving nothing behind.josei

Jeredal blinked once before shaking his head, snickering.

"If I do, she's dead anyway. Let me tell you this. You see, I always put my enemies in despair and always shine a little hope on them. What you are thinking now is that you can catch me off-guard and rescue her, right?"

He… he saw through me?

"Sorry, but even if you do manage to kill me, my poison would just activate, killing her."


"Did you forget? Do you have the memory of a goldfish or something? Did I not mention I can wrap any blade in poison? Did you forget that this dagger of mine is already covered in poison? It may have been a little tiny gash, but my poison can enter the tiniest of wounds. In other words, she's already infected with my lethal toxin."

"No way-"

"Yes way! You have no other choice now. There is no way for me to remove my poison unless you have the antidote. However, I always change the properties of my poison, so even if you managed to develop an antidote to counter my poison, I can always create a new and deadlier one. You only have two choices. One, attempt to kill me and she dies, or two, let me go and she dies. Either way, she dies!"

Jeredal laughed like a madman before stabbing Risa once more.

"Mmf!!" Risa opened her mouth to scream but Jeredal covered her mouth, muffling it.

"S-stop," I said with a weak voice. I couldn't control myself anymore. I tried to control my emotions but I just couldn't.

Jeredal stared at me, spinning his dagger before stabbing Risa once again, her scream muffled once more.

"Hmm… Nah, why should I?"

"J-just please… let her go… I'll do anything," I muttered, tears streaming down my face.

"Anything you say?"

Jeredal took a moment to think about it, pressing the back of his blade against Risa's throat.

"Alright then, why don't you-" Jeredal began but then the sound of a horn blared.

Suddenly a horn blared, catching Jeredal's attention. His guard was dropped and I quickly took action.

Closing the distance between me and him, I equipped Osiris and with all my strength, I threw a punch straight towards his face.


He flew back, his jaw dislocated from his skull, tossing Risa to the side while I fell to the ground. Jeredal managed to catch himself but he puked blood.

"You bastard!" An angered Jeredal yelled as he glared at me while holding his dislocated jaw. "I'm going to RIP that head off your FUCKING body!!"

Jeredal ran towards me and held his dagger in a reverse grip. I couldn't move as I had used the last of my strength to knock him off his feet. The only thing I could do was hope that Osiris was tough enough to protect my neck.

I began to block with my gauntlets as Jeredal swung his dagger down. I closed my eyes and readied myself for his attack, but seconds passed and nothing happened. So when I opened my eyes, I began to feel a sense of regret.

"…a-are you alright?" A wounded Risa who was over me said with a dagger plunged through her heart.

"…what are you doing?" I asked her. "Why did you protect me?"

"Protecting you, what else?"

Risa grinned as blood dripped from the side of her mouth, her gaze focusing solely on me.

"Tch, get out of my way."

Jeredal tried to pull his dagger out from Risa but it was stuck so he just tossed her aside. Then the horn blared once again and he clicked his tongue.

"Damn, just a little more and it could've been done. Oh well, it doesn't matter, I won either way. Both this and the battle. Nearly everyone is already dead, though the heroes aren't. Whatever, my poison has already taken effect. Enjoy your few moments with her, loser."

Jeredal turned as he was wrapped around in black smoke. Then he vanished.

I looked around, checking if any enemy was around us. The area was clear. I lifted myself off the ground and tended to Risa.

"Risa. Risa! Are you alright?"

I noticed that Risa's veins began to darken. Shit, the poison has already taken effect!

"Risa, speak to me. Say something."

I shook her and she opened her mouth, muttering a few words. I couldn't hear her so I got nearer.

"You… are a horrible… liar."

Risa looked at me with a smile on her face. Guilt completely took over my body. The poison had already spread through her entire body.

Damn it! If only I could've stopped him before she was infected. It's my fault that this happened.

"R-Risa… I-"

"It's alright," Risa muttered under her breath. "Cage already told me everything."

I paused for a moment before turning to Cage who laid dead on the ground.

"I-is that so?"

"Yes. I know everything. You did it for my sake, correct?"

Risa stared at me, waiting for me to answer her. I tried my hardest not to cry but I eventually just let them flow down my cheeks silently.

"I'm sorry. It's all my fau-" I began but then Risa interrupted, putting a finger over my lips.

"No. Don't blame yourself. It was all my fault. If I had done something, all this wouldn't have happened."

Hearing her say that, I shook my head.

"I wish I could've saved you back then. If only I had the confidence to save you. I'm really sorry Naoko."

She took my hand, interlocking her fingers with mine. With her other hand, she caressed my face and smiled.

"You may have changed, but one thing for sure is that you are still the same old crybaby you were back then."

Risa began coughing up blood, and instinctively I tried to heal her, but it was useless. Of course, even healing magic can't deal with poison.

"Naoko," Risa whispered my name faintly and I gripped her hand, moving my ear closer to her mouth.

"Forget about me, alright? You have others to worry about and I am not one of them. It looks like I'll be dying here."

"N-no, don't say that."

"I don't want you to get angry on my behalf. I just want you to live your life. Alright? Please, will you promise me that you will forget about me when I die?"

I stayed silent as I wanted to respond with a no, but the look in her eyes wanted me to say yes.

I gulped and nodded.

"Well then, will you at least take my first kiss before I die?"

I slowly pulled away from her after she said that. The urge to weep grew stronger and stronger as I tried to hold back my voice. She looked at me with a sad smile as she waited for my response.

I nodded my head and she gently pulled my face closer to hers before our lips met.

At that same time, her hand slipped from my face. I pulled away as her grip on my hand loosened.

She passed away… with a smile on her face.

"…damn it."

I closed my eyes, frustrated and miserable. This is… my fault… I was… useless.

I felt all hope exit from my body and be replaced with misery. Suddenly a message flashed across my eyes.

[Notice: The third consequence has been delivered…]

My vision began to blur as I saw the message. My body became drowsy and I limped on my knees.

[You have committed… the Sin of Sorrow…]

[Another astral chain has broken...]

[Now commencing the next consequence, the Trial of the Fallen…]

[Requirements that must be met in order to complete…]

[One, the skill Derivation will be sacrificed…]

[Two, ingest a soul belonging to a demon lord or their descendant…]

[The third and final one will be given once you've completed these two requirements…]

[Do you want to proceed with the Trial of the Fallen?]

I stared at the messages in front of me. This is… the Trial of the Fallen?

It says I need to sacrifice Derivation, my… well, cheat skill. Must I really do this? It has been one of the many skills that have helped me until now. It's how I got to this point…

[Do not worry as a stronger skill will be given…]

Is that so…? But…

I rubbed my temples and tried to think about it but my mind was completely void of all thoughts. I just couldn't think.

Fine… whatever…

[Notice: The skill Derivation EX has been sacrificed...]

[Please complete the second requirement...]

I got up on my feet and stared at Risa's deceased body. I turned away and looked at the scenery around me.

The only thing I could see was ice.

I tried to move but I fell on my knees.

"I...I can't do it..." I began. "I just... can't."

[Then I shall do it for you.]

I turned around, startled by the voice. When I turned, no one stood behind me. Then a hand snatched my face. A figure appeared next to me and I saw myself, my past self.

[Your emotions are hindering you. If that is the case, then I'll make those emotions your weapon.]

At that moment, I felt pain run through my entire body before my vision faded black.




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