The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 154 The Beginning Of The Cursed Era

Chapter 154 The Beginning Of The Cursed Era

Rex looks at his front and widened his eyes in surprise.

The man in front of him turns out to be the principal of Ochyra University, his cold eyes are looking at Rex who is on the ground.

He got teleported to the principal's office where Adhara went before.

Rex jumps back creating distance between them, he looks at the principal warily and said, "Why did you teleport me here?"

"Do you have it?", the principal said while sitting on his chair.

He intertwines his fingers in front of his face as he knits his eyes studying Rex's expression.

Without giving any sign of weakness at all, Rex replied, "What? Do you mean the contract you gave to Adhara? Yes, I have it! and I tore it to pieces"

Rex decided to bluff his way out, he pretends that he doesn't know what the principal means.

He knows that the principal gives Adhara a proposition to stay at Ochyra University, the principal knows that convincing him is harder than convincing Adhara.

That is why the principal does that, he tempts Adhara to force Rex to stay.

Because of this, Rex decided to brings that matter up rather than a heavier matter which is the spellbooks he stole.

The principal raises his eyebrows hearing this,

"You think you can pursue me by making Adhara stay here?", Rex said continuing the act.

His act is spotless as if it is natural, it should be believable because of how fast Rex thought of the bluff.

Hearing Rex, the principal leans to his back with a slight chuckle, "Don't mistake me for a fool, Why would a student like you following a member of the FAA", he said slowly.

This makes Rex slightly waver, 'He knew I was following him?'

Looking at Rex's slight reaction, the principal becomes even more confident, "Let me ask you again in case you didn't hear me quite clearly, Do you have it?"

Rex is in a predicament, he went silent while gazing at the principal's eyes.

After a slight pause, Rex then said, "Are you accusing your students of something he didn't do? Just because you saw me following someone?"

The tension kept rising, the principal gaze becomes heavier.

"If that student does that right after I got an information of stolen goods, then it's natural to be suspicious", said the principal without breaking eye contact.

Rex puts his hand behind his back trying to calm him down.

The principal's gaze is so sharp and overwhelming, he's the most powerful Awakened in Ochyra University and that fact unconsciously makes Rex pressured.

He then said, "Aren't you supposed to protect the top first-year like me? Which side are you on?"

"Definitely not the side of a student that is just about to leave this university", the president said insinuatingly.

Hearing this, Rex shuts his mouth as they both look at each other.


In a faraway city, a level four city on the south side of Ratmawati City.

There's a man and a woman chasing each other flirtatiously, they're both beautiful and handsome as they run around the forest.

Blazing golden hair flows down beautifully to the woman's back, her eyes are bright blue, and although her skin is a bit dirty it didn't hide her jade smooth skin.

The man is not that far off, his eyes are breathtakingly hazel, and his lean and proportional body can make any woman goes crazy.

Both of them seem to be filled with love as the man grabbed the woman.

The man pinned the girl on the ground while both of them are laughing happily, their eyes spark with burning lust as they both started to make out.

The sound of insects creaking filled the forest as the moonlight shone on both of them.

It's midnight over here and they both are pleasuring each other, their burning lust and love makes them forget about their surrounding.

Both of them indulge in the act of love.

Not long after, the man and the woman walk out of the forest and goes back to the city.

The city is not that good as the wall is only made of hardened wood, and it only spans about two miles from the entrance to the other end.josei

Just as they enter the city, a commotion was heard.

"People of Tolk City, gather around the city hall!"

"Everyone must gather right now!!"

A man shouted from afar making other people immediately went to the city hall.

The man and woman that just got back looks at each other, they then heard the whispering of people around them.

"Is it already that time of the month again?"

"Yes, there's mud on the back of my house. Put it all over you daughter but make sure it's not that obvious"

Hearing this, the man then said, "Come, we'll put some on you too Ellie"

"Don't I look dirty enough? It's okay Rafael, they won't pick me", Ellie said with a playful smile.

Rafael argues that they should put more but Ellie denied saying that it will be too obvious, they then go to the city hall after Rafael surrenders.

Around the city hall, many people gathered.

There're hundreds of people gathered around the city hall, and they all got counted.

After all of them gathered and confirmed that all of the citizens are here, three people walk up to a wooden stage prepared in front of the city hall.

From the look of their glowing aura, they are certainly an Awakened.

The crowd quietened down after they saw the three people standing on the stage, it's like the crowd is afraid of them.

"As you all know, the time of the month has come. Is there any volunteer to be these gentlemen's partner for the next month?", a man beside the Awakened said.

Based on the man's clothes, he seems to be the city head.

Hearing this, the crowd becomes noisy again.

One of the Awakened got irritated by their noises, he burst his aura creating a spark of red aura making the crowd feel pressured.

All of them instantly went silent again after feeling the Awakened's power.

The Awakened that bursts his aura before is the one on the right, and from the people's expression they seem to didn't like that particular Awakened.

After a slight pause,

One woman raised her hand, "I'll volunteer for the next month"

The woman that raises her hand is by no means ugly, in fact, she's a pretty girl with a killer body.

Hearing this, the city head then replied with a delighted expression, "Who are you willing to serve?"

The woman looks to the three Awakened before she points to the Awakened on the left, she picks that Awakened without even hesitating.

The Awakened that got chosen laughs, "I got a good girl boys", he said to the other.

Seeing the beautiful woman that walks up to the stage and hugs the left Awakened makes the other Awakened jealous.

They then become impatient to see their women.

After that, another girl raises her hand and she's also a beautiful girl.

And this time, the beautiful girl chooses the Awakened in the middle without any hesitation also.

This makes the last Awakened on the right remaining.

"Any other volunteer for this fine man right here?", the city head shouted.

But all he gets is silence, no other volunteers are willing to be the right Awakened partner making the Awakened gritted his teeth.

"Last month my friend came back bruised after serving him, it's natural that nobody wanted to volunteer to be that asshole's partner", Ellie said with a disgusted look.

Hearing this, Rafael covers her mouth fearing the other might hear her.

"Shut up Ellie, you'll get yourself into trouble with that mouth", Rafael said worriedly.

Ellie smiles teasingly after hearing that, she then said flirtingly, "Of course, my mouth can even put you into trouble holding it in"

Rafael smack Ellie's head, he felt speechless hearing her.

The crowd's silence makes the city head sweats, he then tries and persuades his people, "Without these gentlemen, we can't survive against the wondering banshee so we must show gratitude"

Even after saying that, nobody volunteers.

The Awakened on the right has darkened expression, it seems he's offended by this.

Before the city head can try and persuade some more, the Awakened on the right then said, "If no one volunteers, then I can choose whoever I pick"

Hearing this, the city hall face went pale.

He looks to the crowd trying to find someone to volunteer, he doesn't want this Awakened to force someone.

The Awakened's eyes scan the crowd fiercely, the bubbling anger in him is erupting.

All of the women in the crowd put their heads down fearing they might get chosen, it is a nightmare if they got chosen by this particular Awakened.

Ellie is joking with Rafael and they stick out like a sore thumb.

Seeing Ellie's dashing hair and beauty, the Awakened's interest got piqued, "You! Come here! You'll be my partner for the next month!"

The Awakened points at Ellie who is currently joking with Rafael until getting called.

Ellie looks at her front and saw the Awakened pointing at her, this makes her face drains from all colors as her blood go cold.

After getting picked, two guys went to Ellie and grabs her arms.

"No! Please, don't pick her!!", Rafael shouted desperately, he tries to hold onto Ellie's hands that is getting further and further away.

Ellie also called out to Rafael in tears, "Rafael! Help me!!"

Hearing his girl cried out for help makes Rafael feel devastated knowing that he can't do much, he's helpless in this situation.

Rafael stands in his spot as he looks at Ellie getting dragged away.

She got dragged onto the stage where the right Awakened is waiting,

Looking at Ellie who is struggling fiercely, the grin on the Awakened's face got even creepier as he can see Ellie is a beauty among beauty.

Even the other Awakened was shocked when they saw Ellie up close.

"Let me go!! I don't want to be this filthy guy's partner", Ellie shouted fiercely, she doesn't even restrain her words and let them loose.

Arriving in front of the Awakened, "You'll be mine for the next month"


Ellie spits on the Awakened's face making the other Awakened chuckle, the spit landed right on his left cheek.

Feeling humiliated, the Awakened wanted to slap Ellie but got interrupted.

"I'll volunteer to be your partner!!"

A woman voice was heard loudly,

The Awakened look at the source of the voice and saw another woman raising her hand, she's not as beautiful as Ellie but she's still very pretty.

Seeing the woman, the Awakened denied her request.

"I'll be better at servicing you rather than her that might bite your crotch off", the woman said.

Hearing this, the Awakened frowns knowing that it'll be a hassle if he has to be wary of Ellie all the time.

After thinking for a while, the Awakened accepted the woman.

Ellie got brought down from the wooden stage as she walk past the volunteering woman, "Gitta, you don't have to do this", Ellie said.

"Go back to Rafael, There's no need for you to worry about me", Gitta said as she walks past Ellie.

With that, the gathering ended as each Awakened got their partners.

Rafael and Ellie are relieved that the gathering ended, they manage to come out unscathed with the sacrifice of Gitta.

"Are you worried about Gitta?", Rafael asks.

Ellie snapped out of her daze and said, "Yes, I feel guilty letting her do that"

Both of them went silent, they then go back to their own houses.

Their house is not that far from each other, they can see each of their houses from their windows.

Ellie got back to her house and clean herself, the dirt she put on herself is a mask for the gathering before to avoid getting chosen.

It's a thing that everyone does when it is time for the gathering.

After cleaning herself, she went to the bedroom and lies down while still thinking about Gitta.

There's no one else inside her house, it seems that she's all alone without any family.

About three hours passed, Ellie can't fall asleep.

She then went to Rafael's house and threw a rock at his window.

Not long after, Rafael woke up and saw Ellie outside signaling him to go out to the forest again because she can't sleep.

Rafael then climbs out of the window to not make a sound and went to the forest again.

In the forest, they both pleasure each other again trying to wash all of their worries away and indulge in their intimacy.

After their act of intimacy, they lie down beside each other looking at the sky.

"Aren't you tired of this life?", Ellie asks.

Rafael frowns, "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean the Awakened are using us as slaves, the banshee comes and goes as they please and attack us. Aren't you just tired?", Ellie explains.

Rafael rubs Ellie's head gently, "I know it's hard, but we can't do anything about it"

Ellie then sits up and said with an excited expression, "How about we run from here, we can just go to another city where no Awakened or Supernatural are attacking"

"I can't, my family is here", Rafael said with a slight chuckle.

Ellie pouted trying to persuade Rafael to her plans, he then sigh, "Fine, I'll think about it"

Hearing this, Ellie smiles before she hugs him and started to make out with him.

But just after they started making out, a loud commotion was heard from the city's direction.

Both of them looks at each other before they ran back to the city.

From the end of their vision, Ellie and Rafael can see people gathering and many of them are crying after seeing something.

They both went closer and realize that the people are gathering in front of Rafael's house.

Rafael widened his eyes as he runs towards his house.

He stopped when he saw four spears in front of his house, his expression changed as he looks at the scene in front of him in tears.

Ellie arrives at the place and saw the same thing, her expression crumbles.

In front of them, four spears are planted on the ground in front of Rafael's house with Rafael's family members on them.

His mother, father, sisters are all there.

They're all pierced by a spear from their crotch all the way until the spear came out of their mouths, it's a horrifying scene that is very inhumane.

Rafael grabs his head as he looks at his family members.

His feelings are mixed up resulting in him being unable to react to the scene in front of him, he approaches the spear and touches it with trembling hands.

The blood is still fresh dripping on the spear,

Rafael looks at the blood of his family member on his hand before it suddenly drowns him.

"No...No...", Rafael started to cry as he touches his family's corpse, he can't believe that his family died just like that.

He wails with heavy hearts, "I...I need to take them down"

Looking at Rafael who is devastated by the loss of his family, Ellie also started to cry and approaches him trying to stop his wails.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry", Ellie whispers to Rafael's ears but didn't get through.

Rafael already lost his mind as he try to take out the spear to no avail, the spears are imbued with mana and it can't be taken out.

The crowd watches this scene in silence,

Ellie looks at them and shouted, "WHY ARE YOU ALL WATCHING! HELP HIM GET THEM DOWN!"

All of the surrounding people look at each other before one of them said, "The Awakened said that anyone trying to put them down will be killed, I'm sorry"

Ellie was aghast, she blames herself for resulting in this.

Rafael is still mindlessly trying to take the spears down, he's already drowned by sorrow.

Looking at Rafael, Ellie can't see him like this before she runs away towards the forest bumping the people that watch this scene unfold.

She runs towards the forest with tears flowing down her eyes.

Ellie runs until she's out of breath and stops in front of a waterfall, she falls onto her knees while sobbing with tears.

The spears that she saw earlier haunted her mind,

She knows the person who did it, it is the Awakened that she spits earlier.

If she didn't spit on the Awakened and be his partner for a month, then Rafael's family will probably still be alive.

She blames herself for Rafael's family's death.


The sound of the waterfall filled the sad night, it makes Ellie becomes even more devastated as she knows that Rafael might not recover from that.

She becomes all alone in this world.

Writhing sounds can be heard from the surrounding, the banshees are near her place.

Ellie then looks up to the moon without caring about the banshees and clasp her hands in front of her, "Dear God, if you're still alive please hear my prayer"

"My action brings calamity to an innocent family, they said the Awakened are people blessed by you but turns out it's just a lie"

Her expression becomes lifeless,

She then touches her belly before she said, "Dear God, please let me birth two children. Make them represent Blood and Destruction"

Right after she said that the banshees writhing sound disappear.

Ellie's hair suddenly turns red, she rolls her eyes to the back as if she's possessed, "Please grant me, dear God! grant me the Sibling of Chaos"

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