The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 164 Conclusion And Rewards

Chapter 164 Conclusion And Rewards

Rex gaze at Stevanus who is sitting calmly in his seat, his eyes are looking at Rex with a hint of anticipation that Rex finds disturbing.

The house is filled with powerful people, many of them can beat Rex easily.

They're all looking at Rex who is in the middle of the room, many of the guards are ready with their hands on their weapon's hilt.

All of them are scary, but Rex is warier with the woman on his left.

The woman is chewing gum while leaning on the wall lazily, she looks like a clumsy woman but Rex can feel the sharpness of the woman.

He even can imagine that if he does something dumb, the woman will be the first one to shoot.

"Sir, this here is the young man I talk about. Rex Silverstar", Deniz whisper while slightly bowing to Stevanus.

Hearing this, Stevanus looks back at Rex.

Stevanus then said with his gravelly voice, "I heard a lot about you from Deniz here, he said that you're the one that came up with the plan to hurt Atkins Family"

"You flatter me with your words, Sir, I just talk words that came to mind", Rex replied humbly.

Hearing this, Stevanus smiled amusedly.

He doesn't expect someone that can deviate a ruthless plan will have a humble personality, he thought that Rex will be a prideful man.

Stevanus then creates an illusionary stack of cash using his wind mana before he said, "The plan you created works brilliantly"

"The factories under Atkins Family successfully raided by us, even Wesley's right man Hans is not there to protect the factories. It's completely defenseless", While saying this, the illusionary stack of cash disintegrated with the waves of Stevanus' hand.

Rex then bowed humbly and said, "I'm glad that I didn't waste your time Sir"

Stevanus looks at Rex with hawking eyes, he knits his eyes and said, "It's a great plan, but is that plan the only plan you have?"

Hearing this, Rex looks at Stevanus with a confused look.

"Creating that ruthless plan certainly speaks of your personality, and I will be surprised if you didn't make any kind of deal with the Atkins Family also", Stevanus said making Rex frown.

Looking at Stevanus doubting him, something inside Rex feel uneasy.

It's not about Stevanus' cautious behavior, but just the way he's looking at Rex makes Rex feel that he's below him.

He already meet the Atkins Family and now he's meeting with the Reed Family, and all of them seem to like looking down on him from their mighty perspective.

Rex then said, "You're right to question me Sir, but I didn't make any deal with them"josei

Although what Rex said to Stevanus is a lie, technically it's not a deal that will hurt the Reed Family that badly.

He only does it to get time for him to get stronger.

"How's Adhara doing? Is she in good condition?", Stevanus questioned with a slight smirk.

Hearing Adhara's name getting brought, a slight anger creeps into Rex's spine before he calms himself down, 'He knows about the poison'

Stevanus then looks at Deniz before he continues, "I'm told by Deniz here that the Wesley is angry because we poisoned them, and I might be old but it's not to the point I forgot about such thing"

The room's vibe becomes tense, the guards are all staring at Rex directly.

Under everyone's attention, Rex is thinking calmly as he looks at Stevanus' eyes.

He's thinking of a way to ease this thing to the Reed Family, but he can't think of any that might justify his action of poisoning Wesley.

With a deep breath, Rex said, "I'm nothing but just a man, you, on the other hand, is a titan amongst the 25 Golden Crest. With your past history, Atkins Family barking at you like a dog is not new scenery am I correct? Nothing changed"

After Rex said that, a moment of choking silence covers the room.

It's so frighteningly silent that even a hairpin dropping can be heard, Stevanus is making eye contact with Rex with his cold eyes.

Rex stands there motionless looking unbothered, but he unconsciously gulps.

When suddenly, "HAHAHAHA", Stevanus laughs.

He started laughing hysterically as tears came out of his eyes, he's laughing as if he just heard a joke that he found funny as hell.

This laugh startled Rex because it came out of nowhere.

Stevanus wipe the tears from his eyes while still chuckling, "Barking like a dog? In the whole Ratmawati City, I bet that only you have the balls to call Wesley the Bad a dog"

The guards also follow Stevanus with a slight chuckle, the balls Rex has greatly amused them.

"I like this kid, I'm beginning to feel quite sad you declined Deniz's invitation to our family", Stevanus said with an amusing smile.

He then added, "We'll go through with the deal, you will have my word that you and your family will be protected by the Reed Family as our deal after you give me the spellbooks"

Hearing this, Rex's expression softened before he nodded his head.

Deniz signals to Rex to give the spellbooks to Stevanus,

Rex then takes out the spellbooks he kept from the inventory through his pocket, he raises the spellbooks to show the guards he has no weapons before he gave them to Stevanus.

Although the atmosphere in the room is not as tense anymore, he still needs to give Stevanus his respect lest he got killed accidentally.

After giving the three spellbooks, Stevanus checks for their authenticity.

Deniz nodded his head, he then signals to the guard before one of the guards throw two bags in front of Rex.

"The deal stated we'll give you $10 Million, and 5,000 High Elemental Stones. This is our part of the deal, we'll see each other again if fate leads us", Stevanus said, he stands up from his seat before he disappear into thin air.

Rex looks at the bags and confirms their content.

"You should be grateful, you just befriend our Reed Family thanks to the plan you devised", Deniz said with a smile.

But just when Deniz wanted to signal the guards to escort Rex outside, "Deniz, can I ask you something?"

"Ask away", Deniz replied nonchalantly.

Rex then asks, "If it's not too much to ask, do you somehow have High Dark Stones?"

Hearing this, a confused look appeared on Deniz's face as he said, "High Dark Stones? What are you going to use it for? None who are close to you is a Dark Elementalist"

"I'm just asking if you have any, it's for research purposes", Rex said using research as an excuse.

Deniz thinks for a moment while rubbing his chin, he then snaps his finger and said, "I think we might have a couple, it's only mid-rank though and it's useless for us. You want it?"

"I'd like it please, I'll pay a suitable amount for it", Rex said.

But he quickly got denied by Deniz, "You don't have to, it'll be a disgrace for us to demand payment to someone who just did a great deed for us. We'll send it to your room, on your way now"

After saying that, Rex got escorted outside.

'I didn't get a lift? Isn't leaving the guy who did a great deed for your family stranded is a disgrace for your family too?', Rex thought sarcastically.

But he didn't complain because of the two bags he's holding.

Rex looks at the bag with an excited expression, 'With this, we can reach rank six at least and start to wander in the Supernatural's territory'

He then makes haste back to Ochyra University, he can't wait to start training.


Scarlet Banes Kingdom, Supernatural Territory.

Many Werewolves are currently working together as they dug the grown, they use wood planks to create somekind of room underground.

Although they're a Supernatural, they work with each other as effective as a human.

King Baralt is holding a mazer while sipping the substance from it, he's standing in his castle's balcony while looking at his people digging the ground.

It's currently night and the moonlight shone on his body.

The thick blue aura surrounding his body becomes vigorous, the moonlight is like fuel for his body as it refreshes him.

While he's looking calmly, a Werewolf clad in golden armor appears on his back.

The werewolf kneels behind King Baralt before he said politely, "King, I brought news about the Vampire Kingdom that you might want to hear"

Hearing this, King Baralt put his mazer away and said, "Talk"

"Our spy told us that the Vampire conducted a raid in the human's territory and kidnap hundreds of humans, he has seen the humans with his own eyes. Our spy also told me that he can feel Solomon's energy enveloping the Vampire's castle at night which is unusual", the werewolf said after getting permission to talk from King Baralt.

King Baralt frowns as the nigh freeze makes his fur sway, 'What are they doing? Did they found a new method to increase their number? Or are they making an offering?'

'But that's not possible, the world is not ready for them yet', King Baralt thought while shaking his head.

After thinking for a while, he then commanded, "Bring this news to King Oddity, we must find out about this no matter what"


Rex got back to Ochyra University with all smiles, he's currently heading towards the Training Hall where Adhara told him where she would be.

Arriving at the training hall, many people make way for him.

Rex saw a spot that is circled by students as they look at the person in awe, he then immediately went there because Adhara is certainly the center of attention.

He saw Adhara still training her dagger-wielding skills as she incorporated her element.

Adhara stopped when she felt Rex's presence amongst the crowd, she looks to her back before she called, "Rex!"

"Do you finish your business with them?", Adhara asks after approaching Rex.

The crowd disperses when they saw Rex arrive at the place, some of them are booing Rex but he ignores them as if they're non-existent.

Rex then said with an excited expression, "Yes! I also got something from them, you'll certainly be surprised when you see them"

Hearing this, Adhara becomes curious.

Looking at Adhara's curious gaze that is pleading to Rex to tell her, Rex laughs and brought Adhara back to the room.

But when they're about to leave the training hall, Rex senses someone.

Rex stopped a moment and thought, 'Still peak rank three? Her will is also weak', he thought before he resumes his walking without turning to his back.

The person that Rex senses bit her lips before she left the place.

Rex and Adhara got back to the room,

"Come on, tell me! I'm dying to know already", Adhara said pleadingly, she never saw Rex this excited before which means that something is major.

It should at least make them really strong because that's the only thing Rex thinks about.

Rex then said teasingly, "Close your eyes, I'll be back with the things I got from them that will certainly blow your mind"

Hearing this, Adhara pouted but she still comply.

Rex pretends to go to the bathroom to take something like a cover to take the bags from the inventory, he then places the bags behind Adhara before he told Adhara to turn around.

Adhara opens her eyes as she excitedly turns to her back.

The scene in front of her greatly shocks her as she gasps while covering her mouth, the content of the bags is nothing like she has ever seen before.

In front of her, there are two bags with different content.

The left bag contains the $10 million, and the right bag contain the 5,000 Elemental Stones that are glowing with blue, and red.

Deniz gave Rex Fire and Lightning stones only because they already checks up on who Rex will share the stones with.

He didn't even ask Rex for the stones he wanted.

The Elemental Stones Deniz get contained 3,000 High Lightning Stones, and 2,000 High Fire Stones that he split based on his likings.

Rex didn't complain because he would never dream to have this many Elemental Stones.

Adhara looks at Rex with a disbelieving look, she then said in shock, "You manage to pull your plan off! I can't believe it!"

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