The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 177 The Great Barricade

Chapter 177 The Great Barricade

After the rank test has ended, Rex was given a bunch of papers by the staff.

The paper is exactly like what he search on the internet, the time inside the Supernatural territory, family acknowledgment, and death contract.

Rex speed-read all of the papers and finally get the gist of all of it,

The first contract contains a statement of Rex's identity, his current power result from the test before, the amount of time he will spend in the Supernatural territory, and which part of the Supernatural territory will he visit.josei

All of this will summarize Rex and his purpose in going to the Supernatural territory.

The second contract is the family acknowledgment contract that will have to be signed by a family member, their identity, and their status to the Scavenger.

Mrs. Greene or Robert must sign the contract as proof of approval from family members.

The last contract that Rex needs to sign is the death contract,

When Rex searched the procedure on the internet, he found that the death contract will need to be signed in case he didn't come back.

But turns out, a Scavenger can pay for them to be searched if they didn't come back in a certain period of time.

The fees are for the retrieval team, they will search for Rex's whereabouts if he doesn't return in the time stated in the contract.

This greatly shocks Rex because it's a surprise to find someone willing to work like this.

Searching for a corpse inside the Supernatural territory is a really dangerous job, and turns out there are people mad enough to work this job.

'The fees are outstanding, $5 million must be paid in advance?', Rex thought.

For the danger of the retrieval team, the payment sure is high enough for these madmen to take the job offer.

After filling the contracts out, Rex submits his contract to the staff.

The staff read through Rex's information while submitting it to the computer, but then the staff frown when he looks at the second contract.

"Rex Silverstar, Are you the only child of your family?", the staff asked.

Hearing this, Rex nodded his head.

The staff then said with a straight expression, "I'm sorry sir Rex, but the rules stated that the Scavenger must not be the only child of a family. We cannot accept you as a Scavenger"

Rex frowns, he studied the staff's expression before he got an idea.

He sneakily takes out a pouch that he took from his pocket, "There must be something you can do to help me", he said while giving the pouch to the staff.

The staff takes the pouch and looks inside it,

A smile then appeared on his face before he said, "I'll do what I can to help you, please wait a moment"

After about ten minutes, Rex got approved as a temporary Scavenger.

He's worried when the staff said that he can't become a Scavenger due to the family rules, but thankfully, with a bribe of five high elemental stones, he manages to get through.

Rex then got back into his car,

With the Temporary Scavenger license in his hand, he then drives to the border.

The journey to the border between the Supernatural and Humanity is long, it is even further than going to a level four-city.

In order to go to the border, Rex needs to go through Border Toll.

The UWO decided to make Border Toll to facilitate the road to the border if there's a crisis in the future, and that is why Rex go through this Border Toll.

If he goes by regular roads then the journey will take almost three days by car,

Border Toll, on the other hand, will shorten the time to arrive at the border to just more than a day of traveling.

The car moves super fast as its speed reaches 300 mph, it will approximately take about 20 hours of driving until Rex reaches the border.

It is already night,

Rex scratches his eyes as the car went into autopilot,

He opens the car window and can feel the harsh wind blowing past the car, he then sets the autopilot mode to reduce the speed.

After the car slowed down, Rex looks outside and saw the moon shining brightly.

For the second time in his life, he will be going to the territory of his most hated creature on this world, the Supernatural.

But every time he thought of it, he also remembered that he's one of them.

Rex always declines his train of thoughts and convinces himself that he's just a Supernatural in the flesh, but in heart, he will be forever a human.

Other cars can also be seen in the Border Toll, and all of them are Scavengers.

As the night wind blowing inside the car,

The moonlight also gives a warmth to the cold wind as Rex closes his eyes, he felt uneasy the closer he get to the border but his body quickly relaxes under the caress of moonlight.

In the end, he finally fell asleep.

After hours of autopilot driving, Rex opens his eyes when he heard a notification from the car.

"Arriving at destination in 20 minutes"

Rex opens his eyes as he saw a huge wall at the end of his vision,

The wall is the entry point into the border where the war is still going, many military cars, mobile artilleries, and even military aircraft can be seen left and right.

From here on out, the shelter of peace is no more.

This is where the fight happened just like Rex's last mission where it almost killed him, the scene brings some bad memories from his past.

Rex's car got stopped by the military,

Four people from the military stopped Rex's car with weapons in their hands.

It's been only more than three months since Rex got out of the military, but the weapons they're holding are not familiar to Rex at all.

Even during the Orc mission, the firearms there are different than this one.

The weapons they held is more advanced and look more deadly, Rex then scans the weapon.

<Little Guy>

Automatic Rifle that uses enhanced bullet created from Mutated Animals, or even Supernatural. It can pierce through solid steel easily, and it is designed to be used for a long period of time.

Firing Mode: Automatic

Power: 900 - Equivalent to a rank four (Mid)

Reading this, Rex widened his eyes in surprise.

The gun they are holding is equivalent to a mid-rank four Awakened attack! It's groundbreaking enough that catches Rex in surprise.

If all of the military men use this, rank four Supernatural will be obliterated easily.

The only thing that can protect these rank-four Supernaturals is only by using a defensive spell or an armor that is strong enough to block that bullet.

But for Supernatural that is more of a brute than a thinker, they can be easily dispatched.

One of the military men signal Rex to roll down the car window,

Rex nodded his head and rolls down the window before the military man said, "Show me your license please"

Hearing this, Rex takes his temporary Scavenger license and gives it to him.

While the military man in front of Rex is checking his license, the other military men open Rex's trunk and check inside the car.

"Why do my car have to be checked?", Rex asks.

The last time he's here, he knows that there's no such procedure to check the inside of someone's car when going to the border.

So this makes Rex curious about the reason for the change,

The military man in front of him then replied, "Some jackass tries to sneak in unlicensed people, that is why we have to check the inside"

Rex shakes his head, 'Some people are just too much', he thought.

After getting all of the necessary things checked the military man in front of him let Rex through, "Sorry for the inconvenience, you can pass and follow the instruction inside"

20 minutes later,

Rex already got out of the car after he parked it in the parking lot,

The place he's currently in right now is not the actual border but rather the last defense line of humanity, it's still miles away from the real border.

This place is called the Great Barricade,

The Great Barricade is a place where food, firearms, and hospitals are stored and kept.

It is basically a place where the military and Awakened that fight in the war rest and resupply their war needs, a safe haven of some sort.

But Rex was not here for this place, he will be going inside the Supernatural territory.

Unlike humanity's border that has a very long wall that will act as a defense from the Supernatural that tries to sneak in, the Supernatural side only has a scouting post.

So sneaking inside the Supernatural Territory is more probable than going to human territory.

But of course, it is hard to maintain the long wall.

Immense manpower is needed to keep an eye on the very long wall that the humans don't have, that is why incidents like Zrolis City happened.

To get to his designated place,

Rex will be escorted by a military man that is assigned to transfer Scavengers to their designated location, he just needs to go to the compound.

But before he goes there, he must meet up with Liliya first.

"Where can I find her in this place? She should be a Scavenger too right?", Rex thought.

He then went to the Scavenger camp that is used for Scavengers to wait and rest, it is located on the right side of the place.

Rex looks around the place and frown when he saw that the place is crowded.

From the danger of the Supernatural Territory, Rex thought that the Scavengers are only a handful of people that have the guts to embark.

But to his surprise, the tempt of treasures and fame pull many into this place.

Scavengers from veterans to beginners like Rex are scattered around the place, and it is hard to locate a person in the midst of the crowd.

After searching for fifteen minutes, Rex walks out of the Scavenger Camp with a frown.

He forgot that Liliya has no phone and it is hard to track for her, 'The SCO must've done something for this problem', Rex thought.

Rex looks around but now he's not looking for Liliya,

But just after he turns his body to the back, he suddenly saw a crow sitting on a tree branch looking at Rex from afar.

After Rex spot it, the crow flaps its wings to the side.

Looking at this, Rex started to follow the crow thinking that it will guide him to Liliya.

And true enough, he saw Liliya sitting on a bench just beside the compound where they will queue to get escorted to their designated part of Supernatural Territory.

"LILIYA!!", Rex shouted.

Liliya heard his call as she looks around trying to find Rex, their eyes then meet before she too approach Rex.

"Where have you been? I've been waiting for days already", Liliya said.

This makes Rex scratches his head feeling guilty, 'I'm grinding exp in the canyon and forgot about Liliya, I think I'll buy Liliya a phone later'

Rex then said, "Sorry, got things that I need to do before going here. Well, shall we move on?"

Liliya nodded her head before they go to the compound to be escorted,

After about an hour of waiting for their turn, it is finally their turn to be escorted.

The part of the Supernatural Territory that they will be going to is called, Lightless Marsh which is located west of the Barricade Wall.

<Rex Silverstar>

Pack: Silverstar (2/2)

Level: 28 (8,105,000/15,000,000)

Race: High Werewolf

Full-Moon: 7 Days - Violet Moon

Berserk: 47%

Sanity: 40%

Mental: 51 (+32)

Strength: 137 (+78)

Agility: 95 (+10)

Endurance: 68 (+31)

Intelligence: 236 (+20)

Attributable Stats: 3

Looking at his stats, Rex nodded his head in content.

Although he wanted to reach level 30 before going to this mission, leveling up to level 30 has proven to be a hard task for Rex.

Reaching rank five greatly increases his stats, it looks insane now especially his intelligence stat.

The Horn of Red Dragon that he gets from completing the pursuit mission also gives him a substantial Claw Exp, increasing his Claw level greatly to level eight.

His Black Lightning also attribute to the immense increase of his Agility and Endurance stat, he became very strong because of his breakthrough.

After putting the attributable stats into mental,

Rex takes a deep breath inside a military armored vehicle, he then exhales as the car drive into the Supernatural territory.

His expression turns fierce as he enters Supernatural territory,

This is the time where Rex will study the Supernatural territory, this place will definitely be a battlefield for him in the future.

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