The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 180 Dark Monkeys And The Black Leaves

Chapter 180 Dark Monkeys And The Black Leaves

Rex opens his eyes after an hour of meditation,

He looks up to the sky and found that he can't look at the sky, he even lost sense of time because of the thick fog covering the sky.

Notification from the system is the only thing making Rex keep track of time.

'This fog, are they always been there?', Rex thought, he frowns as he somewhat remembers that the sky before is not covered with this thick fog before.

But then,

Swish Swish...

The sound of something jumping from tree to tree can be heard,

Its rustling sound becomes evident as the thing got closer, Rex already stands up to prepare.

From the end of his vision, he saw red eyes glaring in his direction.

Rex wanted to see what this creature is but the darkness covers its body, he can't see it even with his night vision ability.

He already takes out the Black Devil Gloves expecting a fight,


The creature makes a strange noise that makes Rex alert, from the sound of the strange noise the creature is certainly calling for others.

Without wasting a single second,



Rex disappears from his spot as he jumps from tree to tree towards the red eyes creature, he leaves a black streak of lightning wherever he goes.

The creature saw this as it jumped to the side avoiding Rex attacks,


The tree where the creature was before got destroyed by Rex's punch, it collapse to the side before Rex jump to another tree.

He then look at his front and saw the creature he's dealing with,

<Dark Monkey>

Race: Mutated Primates

Power: Rank Four(Peak)

Mental: 60

Strength: 83

Agility: 138

Endurance: 47

Intelligence: 0

Looking at this, Rex's body glows with a yellow hue.

He activates his yellow force as his movement is slower compared to the Dark Monkeys, and with the help of Liliya's mark, Rex becomes even faster.


The Dark Monkey widened its red eyes as he saw Rex bolting towards it,

It stretches its long black furry hands as it jumped to a nearby tree and grabs the tree trunk, it started running away from Rex.

Rex studies the Dark Monkey as he tries to close their gap,

The Dark Monkey jumped to the right tree with its nimble moves but Rex already anticipated this.


He slashes the Dark Monkey cutting its right arm cleanly,


The Dark Monkey roared in pain as it landed on another tree trunk, it saw that his arm got cut off before he glares at Rex.

Rex looks at the Dark Monkey mockingly,

But then, he saw the Dark Monkey also sent a mocking look to him.

'Why is it smiling like that? Its hand just got cut off', Rex thought.

But then, he remembers something, 'Shit! I unconsciously got separated from Liliya!'


Rex run back towards Liliya like a madman,

Chasing the Dark Monkey unconsciously brought Rex far away from Liliya, he didn't expect the Dark Monkey to have this sort of intelligence.

<The user's stats has been decreased by 20%>

Reading the system notification, 'Liliya is in trouble, she just retracts her mark', Rex thought.



A loud explosion can be heard as Rex got closer to Liliya, he picks up his pace fearing that Liliya got ambushed by the Dark Monkeys.

Arriving at the scene,

Rex saw Liliya battling countess Dark Monkeys that came out of nowhere,

The Dark Monkeys leaped towards her but got blocked by a red symbol that appears every time they got close, the red symbol then emits sinister energy before it exploded.


Many of the Dark Monkeys got blown away by the explosion,

It is a very effective skill to fight multiple opponents, but Rex can see that it takes quite a toll on Liliya's body to use it repeatedly.


Rex appear mid-air beside the countless Dark Monkeys before he started to massacre them.

The Dark Monkeys are fast-mutated animals but when caught off guard, they are no more than chickens especially with such low Endurance stat.




With Rex's speed and the momentum from the black lightning, Rex jumps from tree to tree as if there's glue on his shoes.

Dozens of Black Monkeys were killed by Rex, they're caught in surprise.

"Are you okay?", Rex said as he appear beside Liliya while still looking cautiously at the Dark Monkeys around them.

They all have burly bodies with grey fur around their necks,

Razor-sharp fangs can be seen sticking out of their mouths as they pound their chest in aggression, they seem to want to battle still.

Liliya and Rex put their backs against each other before she said, "Where were you? I got attacked when I'm sleeping"

Rex looks at her and found an injury on her stomach, she got clawed by the Dark Monkeys.

"Try to reserve your energy, I can fight them all as long as you stay safe", Rex said before his body started to sizzle with Black Lightning.

But then,


A big monkey suddenly appear amongst the Dark Monkeys,

And after the sudden appearance of the big monkey, all of the other Dark Monkeys started to pound their chest in excitement.


The big Dark Monkey roared as it spread its bloodlust,

Rex saw the Dark Monkey that got slashed by him before beside the big monkey, and it seems to whisper to the big monkey before its red blazing eyes fall onto Rex.

'That little snitch, bringing the big guy eh', Rex thought in contempt.

But then,

<Sudden Quest>

Dark Monkeys

The user just got surrounded by Dark Monkeys that inhabit the Lightless Marsh, their numbers are countless and they will not stop until the user is dead! Kill the leader of the Dark Monkey to break their spirit and send them away!

Quest Reward: Lightless Leaves, 5,000,000 Exp, and 5 Skill Upgrade.

Reading this, Rex's fighting spirit boiled.

As the system said, if the big Dark Monkey hasn't come then he will have to fight an unending battle with the Dark Monkey.

So by the arrival of the big Dark Monkey, it is more like a blessing than a curse.

He looks at the snitching Dark Monkey before he swipes his thumb on his neck, signaling to the snitching Dark Monkey that he will definitely kill it.

Looking at this, the snitching Dark Monkey smile in contempt.


The big Dark Monkey roared as he pounce towards Rex with bloodlust, the tree trunk got destroyed by his power.

Liliya looks at Rex in concern but her guts tell her otherwise,

From the display of power, Rex has shown before, his power is definitely already surpassed her making him stronger than Liliya.

So looking at the big Dark Monkey that has a rank five early or mid-power, Rex will definitely be fine.


The Dark Monkeys become excited as they saw their leader was about to kill Rex, they all are pounding their chests and jumping in their places in excitement.

Just as they become excited,

Rex's eyes suddenly glow bright red making the big Dark Monkey's body went stiff, it can be seen clearly by how he clenched his hand suddenly.

He activates his Alpha Intimidation towards the leaping big Dark Monkey,

<The Target's stats has been decreased by 30%>

Right the instant the big Dark Monkey got stunned, Rex appear in front of the big Dark Monkey like a ghost with a sinister smile plastered on his face.


Rex grip the big Dark Monkey's neck brutally,

The veins on his arm are bulging as his muscle also contracted,

The grip he has on the big Dark Monkey is firm, the big Dark Monkey tries to break free but Rex's grip is just too strong.


Both of them fall to the shallow waters with Rex's hand still on the big Dark Monkey's neck.

The big Dark Monkey tries to break free from Rex's grip by hitting his arm repeatedly to no avail, his force barrier becomes even stronger because of the Yellow Force.




It kept trying to break free, and each of the big Dark Monkey attacks creates shockwaves.

Although Rex looks composed if let too long his barrier will break.

Rex then looks at the snitching Dark Monkey with a mocking smile as he held the big Dark Monkey in its neck,josei

This sent a shiver on the snitching Dark Monkey's back as he runs away.

Looking at the snitching Dark Monkey that was about to get away, Rex turns his nails into claws that penetrate through the big Dark Monkey's neck.

He then grips the big Dark Monkey's adam's apple and ripped it out.


<Killed an early rank five mutated animals, Obtained 300,000 Exp>

After killing the big Dark Monkey, Rex shouted, "Liliya, mark me with your Enhancing Mark!"

Hearing this, Liliya frowns as she looks around and finds the other Dark Monkeys is running away like a scared cat after seeing Rex killed their leader.

"Just mark me!", Rex said as Liliya mark Rex with her enhancing Mark.

Rex then bolted from his spot pursuing the snitching Dark Monkey that gets on his nerve, he will certainly kill that Dark Monkey.


Hu! Hu! Hu!

Countless Dark Monkeys run away from Rex as they saw their leader got killed easily, it wasn't even a battle as Rex ripped the big Dark Monkey's neck.

All of them are scattering around without even looking back,

Amongst the running Dark Monkey, there's one Dark Monkey that only has one arm running slowly compared to the others.

Although the snitching Dark Monkey runs first, he's still left behind by the others.

With only one arm that assist him to leap tree to tree, its speed decreased tremendously making it sweat bullets.

It then stops feeling the pain from its torn arm, But then,



The darkness that is supposed to cover the Lightless Marsh suddenly lit up with black lightning, this makes the snitching Dark Monkey run away desperately.

Rex is already on its tail, and he will catch up eventually.



After activating his Flash spell, Rex turns into a flash of lightning as he arrives in front of the snitching Dark Monkey.

Looking at Rex in front of it, the snitching Dark Monkey turns pale.

All of the living creatures have this sense of danger no matter what they are, and this Dark Monkey in front of Rex can feel the immense danger signal from Rex.

Rex's piercing eyes are looking at the Dark Monkey coldly, his huge frames with black lightning surrounding his body make even the hardest of will to tremble.

Without a second of doubt,

The snitching Dark Monkey jumps back trying to escape but got intercepted by Rex.


Rex grabs the snitching Black Monkey right on the back of his neck before he punches the Dark Monkey with his other arm.


The punch is imbued with Force Beam that blown the Dark Monkey crashing to the shallow water, Rex completely messed up its internal organ just by a punch.


Rex landed in front of the Dark Monkey that is already in a half-death state.

He looks at the Dark Monkey coldly feeling pissed that he got tricked, "I told you, You will die", Rex said making the Dark Monkey tries to run away desperately.

But all the Dark Monkey can do is crawl on the shallow water with only one arm.

Seeing the pathetic state of the Dark Monkey, Rex shakes his head before he stomps the Dark Monkey's head.


The shallow water turns red as the Dark Monkey's head burst like a watermelon.

It died just like that, Rex killed the snitching Dark Monkey brutally without feeling any sympathy.

After killing the Dark Monkey, Rex wanted to go back to Liliya to let Liliya rest again but then he caught something from the edge of his eyes.

Rex stopped and turns his head to the left,

At the end of his vision, he saw a black creature that is floating above the water.

Rex went closer to the black creature and find out that they're the Northern Black Heads, which is evident from the black hood and the white tentacles.

He studied the Northern Black Heads and find that it is doing something strange.

It floats above the water with its white tentacles like standing on the ground, and it is looking up as if it is waiting for something.

Rex waits for a moment before suddenly,



The black tree in front of the Northern Black Heads spat a grey gas as holes appear around the tree's body, and right after that, black leaves grows from its dead trunk.

Only a handful of black leaves grows, and it catches the Northern Black Heads' attention.

The black leaves started to fall from the tree, and there are only two black leaves the tree manage to produce.

Rex saw this as the Northern Black Heads takes the black leaves with its tentacle.

It was catching the black leaves carefully as if it's precious to them,

But just when the Northern Black Head finished taking the black leaves, its body suddenly turn in Rex's direction.

Seeing this, Rex steps back when suddenly.


Something suddenly hits his head making his vision blurry,

Rex shakes his head a couple of times feeling dizzy but after he recovers, the Northern Black Heads vanished from his vision.

He look around with a frown and found nothing.

'Where did it go? Isn't it just a low-ranking Supernatural?', Rex thought.

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