The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 182 The Northern Black Heads Tear

Chapter 182 The Northern Black Heads Tear

Inside the SCO hideout,

"How's the Anti-W research going? Is it progressing?", Jax said after entering the Green Messenger's lab.

His nine-headed crow tattoo is eye-catching, and his clothes are always the same.

But despite his stoic and strong bearing as a king, he seems to be more laid back around the Green Messenger than he usually does.

The Green Messenger is currently doing his work,

Different kinds of substances and carcasses are inside the lab, and from his dark sunken eyes, one can know that he's been researching for days.

He then said, "The Red Team manage to get the carcasses I need"

"From that carcasses, I find that all of them have similar abilities to eat mana. It will take time for me to merge all of them, and the effect will still be slow", The Green Messenger explained.

Hearing this, Jax nodded his head, "As long as it's still progressing, then it's fine"

Just after he said that the Green Messenger intervenes, "I already sent my team to get the Northern Black Head carcass, it can potentially accelerate the effect of the Anti-W"

A creepy smile appeared on Jax's face when he heard this,

He's exhilarated knowing that the research is going smoothly, 'Just a little bit more then we can be on par with them', he thought with a smile.

"No one except the messengers can know about this, Make sure of it", Jax said before he left the Green Messenger in doing his things.


Rex and Liliya goes back to where Rex last saw the Northern Black Heads,

They stopped at that place before Rex said, "I saw one Northern Black Head here, and it's catching black leaves that grow from these trees"

"Catching Black Leaves? Do you know what it is?", Liliya said in confusion.

Rex then said, "All I know the Black Leaf is called Lightless Leaf, and they are poisonous upon contacting with water"

Liliya nodded her head as she inspects the surrounding,

While Rex on the other hand is cursing himself, 'I should've researched this Supernatural first, this shouldn't be this hard'

But just after he thought that,

Liliya then continues, "The Green Messenger told me that the data of the Northern Black Head is not complete, that is why we will also write down their all information we got from this mission"

The way she said it after Rex cursed himself, it's like she read Rex's mind.

After saying that, they decided to split to find the Northern Black Head nest, it should be around here knowing that one of them was here.

They both search the place for days with no luck,

The Northern Black Heads are like ghosts, they can't be found easily despite their enhanced Supernatural Sense.

It's been two days, and it should be morning right now.

But the inside of the Lightless Mash didn't change, pure darkness is the only thing enveloping this place like sunlight.

"I already searched the north, and I didn't find any", Liliya said with a frown.

They're currently meeting up at their checkpoint, Rex also didn't find anything, "Nothing in the south, only a bunch of Mutated Animals", Rex said.

There's a trace of blood on his clothes, he grinds Exp while searching.

Rex then looks at his stats, he just leveled up after grinding for days in the Lightless Mash.

<Rex Silverstar>

Pack: Silverstar (2/2)

Level: 29 (4,800,000/20,000,000)

Race: High Werewolf

Full-Moon: 4 Days - Violet Moon

Berserk: 51%

Sanity: 45%

Mental: 64 (+32)

Strength: 141 (+78)

Agility: 96 (+10)

Endurance: 70 (+31)

Intelligence: 236 (+20)

Looking at his stats, Rex smiles because he is closer to reaching level 30.

From the way the system works before, upon reaching level 10 he evolved into a Werewolf, reaching level 20 he evolved into a High Werewolf, then reaching level 30 should evolve his bloodline further.

That is why Rex is excited about it,

He puts his Attributable Stats into Mental Stat but just before he focuses back on his mission, his eyes suddenly fell to the Full-Moon section.

Rex saw that the next Full-Moon is in four days!

This shouldn't happen, because Rex thought that Full-Moon only occurs once a month.

'System, What should I prepare for the Violet Moon?', Rex asks, he doesn't expect the system to answer because the system rarely answers this kind of question.

But to his surprise, the system answered.

<Only the Strong-Willed can stay loyal to the Female Alpha>

Reading this Rex frowns, 'Strong-Willed? Is the Violet Moon will test my will? And What does it have to do with Adhara?'

The system didn't answer anymore,

It makes Rex feel the system likes to tease him, this becomes more evident as time passes.

Rex then sighs before he and Liliya search the place again, this time they will be searching the west and east of the Lightless Marsh.

Day turns to night,

The only thing that changed in the Lightless Mash is only the temperature, the night's temperature is colder than a day.josei

After searching for so long, Rex stopped and think beside a tree.

'System, Can you tell me about the Northern Black Head?', Rex asks.

<Northern Black Head>

A Low-ranking Supernatural that likes to live in the dark, they have hood-like skins that cover their face and white tentacles as their feet. They live in a pack usually around the female, and they are very sensitive to light.

Reading this, Rex frowns.

The system didn't provide any useful information to him besides the last part, which makes Rex even more frustrated.

Then suddenly, Rex thought of something.

He touches the tree beside him and thought, 'System, Scan this tree'


<Scanning Complete!>

<Dead Tree>

This tree is unable to mutate to survive the environment resulting in it dying, it is weaker than a regular tree.

Reading this, Rex shakes his head and finds another tree.

The tree he's searching is the Dark Pixy Tree, only that tree can produce the Lightless Leaves that the Northern Black Head wanted.

After hopping from tree to tree, Rex finally found one.

<Dark Pixy Tree>

A Mutated Tree that can only be found in places devoid of light, it is stronger than regular trees, and its roots span for miles. The Dark Pixy Tree can grow Lightless Leaves that are poisonous, it will spat a toxic gas before the leaves grow and this process happened every 2 or 3 days.

Reading this, Rex smiles in delight.

This time, the system gave him useful information.

'If we can't find them, then we should just wait for them to come out', Rex thought.

After getting this information from the system, Rex meets up with Liliya and shares the information saying that he just remembered it.

Liliya is suspicious about this but she eventually trusts Rex.

They both then go back to the place where Rex last saw the Northern Black Head,

Rex is sure that the plan will work because the Northern Black Head that he saw from before looks desperate for getting the Black Leaves.

Hours passed,

Both of them are waiting for the Northern Black Head like a predator prowling in the bushes, they try to hide their aura in case the Northern Black Head might sense them.

From this mission, some low-ranking Supernatural prove to be difficult to search for.

Even with Rex and Liliya's enhances Supernatural sense, they still can't find the Northern Black Head no matter how hard they try.

Aside from that, the unknown factor also contributes to this mission making it harder.

After about another hour, Rex can hear a sound approaching.

The sound is more like a puddle of water moving but from this sound, Rex immediately recognizes this as the Northern Black Head.

Rex saw that the Northern Black Head is floating above the water surface,

It is a bizarre discovery, but Rex thought that it's just one of their tentacles abilities.

Liliya also positioned herself as she saw the Northern Black Head, she looks at it and confirm that it can't be other Supernatural other than the Northern Black Head.

The Northern Black Head does the same thing as before.

It waited in front of a Dark Pixy Tree waiting for the Lightless Leaves,

Rex glance at Liliya before he whispers, "I'm going to try and catch it, you create an invisible barrier you told me about in this area"

After saying that, Liliya nodded her head before she activates her skill.

The skill envelope the place in a 30 meters radius with the Northern Black Head in it,

Liliya's skill is not using mana, so the Northern Black Head can't really sense what's going as it unconsciously gets trapped.

After getting the signal from Liliya,

Rex's eyes spark with Black Lightning completely shocking the Northern Black Head.


He activates his flash skill as he dashes towards the Northern Black Head, it happened in a flash but suddenly,


The same thing happened,

Something hit Rex right on his forehead without him seeing it,

Rex's vision becomes blurry when that thing hits his forehead, but he quickly snaps out of it before a loud booming sound was heard.


One of Liliya's red marks activates when the Northern Black Head tries to escape.

It screeched painfully as it falls into the water, but the water turns out to be deep as the Northern Black Head started to drown.

In Reflex, Rex jumped to the water and catch the Northern Black Head.

He then jumped back to the nearest tree trunk with the Northern Black Head in his hand, it is already dead because of Liliya's red mark.

After catching one of them, Liliya jumped beside Rex and look at it.

They tried to open the black hood but to their surprise, they can't open the black hood.

If they open the black hood forcefully, then the Northern Black Head's skin will be ripped by them because the black hood is their skin with nothing underneath it.

Which means, they are faceless.

Rex and Liliya frown when they saw that the Northern Black Head is faceless, they become confused about how they extract its tears.

But when they're just thinking,


The Dark Pixy Tree grows its Lightless Leaves before it slowly falls into the water.

Looking at this, Rex and Liliya ignores it,

The Lightless Leaves slowly touch the water before it turns liquid, it then started to spread to the surrounding water completely poisoning it.

Then suddenly,


The ground trembled as something roared from inside the water,

Rex and Liliya look at each other before they both look at the water, "What was that? Is there a creature inside the water?"

The Northern Black Head carcass suddenly deflated after the screech.

Liliya, look at it before her eyes widened in surprise, "Is that their tears?", she said while pointing at the Nothern Black Head's carcass.

Hearing this, Rex is confused but then his hand started to feel wet.

The carcass deflated as it oozes out liquid, and from the color of it, it should be the tears the Green Messenger asked for.

But to be sure,

<Northern Black Head's Tear>

One of the Northern Black Head's abilities is using their tears as a weapon, they will shoot a lighting fast attack that will hit the target with their tear. Their tear contains a powerful mind attack, and might even make the target fall into a hypnotized state.

Reading this, Rex confirms that the water is indeed their tears.

Just as he thought that the place suddenly filled with Northern Black Head.

They are numbering in their forties and they came out of nowhere, they stand on the tree trunk while looking at the water beneath them.

Then, the second Lightless Leaves grows,


After the second Lightless Leave grows, the other Northern Black Head dashes towards it.

They are desperately trying to keep the Lightless Leaves from the water, but Rex and Liliya will not let that happen.



Rex and Liliya fires their own attacks,

The Northern Black Heads are small and fast, but when they group up like that then they become easy targets for Rex and Liliya's spell.


Many of the Northern Black Heads died from their attack,

Their skill manage to wipe many of them as their body fall into the water,

Rex smiles in triumph when he saw the hurting Northern Black Heads, he jumped to the shallow water beside a dead tree.

He takes out the Lightless Leaves he got from the quest reward,

Looking at Rex, all of the remaining Northern Black Heads becomes crazy as they leaped in Rex's direction but got stopped by Liliya.

Rex then kneel to put the Lightless Leave to the water,

But just when his hand was about to touch the water surface,


He got stunned when he saw a big white tentacle grab his hand, the white tentacle came out of the water suddenly catching Rex off guard.


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