The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 186 The Elders

Chapter 186 The Elders

Rex's hands are bloodied, his eyes are fierce as he looks at the Elf in front of him.

The Elf that killed the young military man got tortured back by Rex, and his body is already in a gory and bad state with no other result other than impending death.

It was a horror night,

Rex starts off by breaking all of the Elf's fingers before he chopped them off one by one,

Without any sign of empathy or mercy, Rex continued his torture by cutting off the Elf's arms and legs that left the Elf with only a body and a head.

If anyone was to see this, they will instantly throw up.

Even Rex is surprised by how he can still stay calm in this situation, it should also make him throw up but the adrenaline stops him from doing so.

"Just...Kill me...", the Elf said softly.

In fact that his voice is so soft that it can't be heard, but Rex's hearing caught it perfectly.

He then squats in front of the Elf that is begging to be killed,

There is no use for him in this world anymore, an Elf without arms and legs can't hold onto the prideful race they ought to be.

So dying is the best course for him right now,

"Where did you kill him?", Rex asks while grabbing the Elf's hair.

If the Elf was in a good state, he will certainly be boiling in anger when he got pulled by the hair.

In the Elf custom, their hairs are an untouchable place that they rather die than get humiliated by getting pulled by their hair.

For them, their hairs or head, in general, are their pride.

But for the Elf in front of Rex, he has no such thoughts right now.

The Elf looks to his right signaling to Rex that the corpse is in that direction, he can't point right now because he has no arms left.

Rex look to the side before he dashes there,

After looking around for a couple of minutes, he found the young military man's corpse.

His hands are cut off from his body, and there are a couple of arrows stabbed on his arm, shoulders, and eventually his heart.

Looking at this, Rex holds onto his stoic expression.

It would be rude to pity the young military man that has already died,

Rex then slashes the ground creating a big pit before he put the young military man's corpse in it, with this, he will at least be in peace.

<Bury the military man corpse 1/1>

After doing that, Rex went back before he find out that the Elf has already died.

He died due to blood loss,

Rex finds it annoying that he already died but he finally let it go, there is no use for him to torture the Elf more than he already did.

If he does that then he will fall into the psychopath category,

But still, the anger that is still boiling inside him still hasn't resided even in the slightest.

​ He then slowly looks at the Great Tree direction with his purple eyes, and his burning anger can be seen through his eyes.

No one will survive this night, it will be a massacre.



The Great Tree of the Elves becomes chaotic right after the loud scream of pain,

Five Elves dressed in white and green robes came out of the top hole of the Great Tree, and they are looking in a direction with a frown.

All other regular Elves also stopped when they heard the scream,

It was a scream that makes their skin crawl, and one of the Elves recognize the voice making his face drains from all colors.

One of the Elf approach the Elders and said, "Elders, we heard the scream from that direction"

"I know! Make way! Move!", one of the Elder Elves shouted.

The crowd of Elves is gathering while looking at the scream direction,

Although the voice sounds familiar, their bodies can't move because of another oppressing aura that comes from the scream direction.

It was akin to a powerful monster that is lurking in the shade, and they didn't dare to venture there lest they will become the monster's next meal.

The five Elders looks at each other before they started chanting,

Their hands move in a union as they create a green symbol in front of them,

"Mother Nature heed our call and provide us with security to defend our people, Wood Magic! Nature Unbreakable Shield!"

Just as they finish chanting, the green symbol got planted to the ground,



The ground started to tremble as huge vines came out of the ground, they then wrap around each other creating a huge wall with the Elders on top of it.

"Is it the humans? This is deeper than they usually go", one of the Elder said.

Then another added, "I don't think it is, the aura clearly came from another Supernatural but why did they attack us?"

Just after they said that one of them sense something.

"Which race did you come from! Show yourself!", one of the Elder shouted.

But rather than getting his answer, all he got was silence.

The normal Elves behind the vine wall becomes worried, it is not an everyday thing for the Elder to use such a powerful spell.

It shows them how threatening the Supernatural they're dealing with right now.

Rex is currently stalking them from the shade, he saw the Elders creates a huge wall from vines and it looks sturdy.

He already scans all of them and finds out only one of the Elders is mid-rank six, the others are early rank six.

For Elves, reaching rank six means they can use Nature Spirit.

It is the same as Awakened that reaches rank six, they will be able to use their assimilated spirit to boost their power.

In this state, the Awakened can't conjure the spirit power but get an enhanced boost from the presence of the spirit that assimilates with them.

Reaching mid-rank means that their body has the spirit traits,

For example, if a mid-rank six Awakened assimilate with a fire spirit then he will be able to conjure the spirit traits and lit their body in the fire.

This will not only boost their elemental attack but also protect their bodies.


In this state, the Awakened is in the half-Spirit mode where they can only use half of the spirit power to help them in battle.

Rex looks at his hands before he clenched them,

'With this much power, taking them all out is probable', Rex thought.

But before he does anything reckless, he opens the system before he taps on it a couple of times with a smile on his face.

Back to the Elves,

The Elders are still waiting for the monster to show itself because they can still sense the monster's presence in the shade.

"It won't come out", the Elder that is silent all this while finally said.

Then another impatient Elder replied, "Maybe it knows that it cannot fight all of us, we can just rush it down knowing that this thing is not confident in facing us"

Right after he said that a figure came out of the shade.

This figure is obviously Rex that is in his Werewolf form,

His body is towering and huge even by seeing from afar, fierce violet eyes are looking at each of the Elders one by one, and his body is glowing with a white-yellowish hue.

Rex already activates his Pure Brace of Moonlight skill and Yellow Force.

Looking at this, the Elders were shocked seeing that the thing turns out to be a Werewolf, "Werewolf? When did they start venturing here?", the Elders burst in shock.

The quiet Elder that seems to be the leader spoke, "Friend! What is the purpose of your visit?"

"Revenge", Rex said nonchalantly.

Hearing this, the Elder frowns, "Did our kind do something to yours? Where is your pack, If we did something wrong then we will compensate you"

Without answering, Rex tossed three Elves' heads that he killed before.

The Elder's frowns harder upon seeing this, then Rex finally said, "Today, none of you will survive"

Right after he said that,


Rex's body is blasted with violent black lightning as he uses his Flash spell, his dash breaks the sound barrier as it creates a booming sound.

It was so fast that the Elders are caught off guard, only the leader of the Elder prepare a counter.

The vines wall suddenly glows with a green light as the Elder touched it, the durability of the wall becomes even stronger because of it.

But then suddenly, Rex's claw burns with black energy.

"Claw of Tormentor!!", he shouted before he points his claw forward and crashes into the wall.



The Elder that manage to react on time widened his eyes when he saw the wall was broken by only one of Rex's attacks, it completely shocks him to the core.



All the normal Elves screamed and ran as the wall got destroyed,

After destroying the wall, the ground turns black as Rex activated his spell.

He then fires a lightning strike from the ground that manage to kill many normal Elves,

<Killed Elves 9/100>



But even though his elemental attack is efficient in taking out the normal Elves, it did nothing to the Elders as they shrug the black lightning off.

Rex's Awakened power is only of a rank five,

Against these Elders that have rank six power, his black lightning has no chance.

This is why Rex decided to learn his pending skills in the system,

Spells will not work on the Elders because he's weak, but skills on the other hand scale with his stats so against the Elders it will be better to fight them using skills.

With his enhanced stats, his skills will be even more lethal!

The Elders then slammed their hands to the ground and instantly destroying Rex's spell, it got overwhelmed by their elemental power.

But this didn't come as a shock for Rex,

In that moment of time where the Elders are destroying his spell, Rex dashes to the weakest Elder on the left as his hand glows with black energy.

The Elder look to his back in surprise but it's too late,


Rex's claw manage to slash the Elder's chest cleanly as blood gushed out but in that exact moment,


Rex got blown to the side as another Elder arrow him from the side, "KUAHHK!!", he spat a mouthful of blood as the arrow pierced his back.

"Elder Gorduin! Are you okay?!", one of the Elder said in concern.

Elder Gorduin that got slashed by Rex's claw fall to the ground weakly,

The other Elders try to heal Elder Gorduin's injury to no avail, they are all shocked when they saw the injury is so hard to be healed.

The black energy that got transferred to Elder Gorduin is very corrosive, they can't heal it.

Looking at this, the strongest Elder looks into Rex's direction with anger.

His body exploded with Wood Mana making the ground crack,

A four-winged spirit came out of the Elder's body as it started to envelop his body, his eyes glows bright green and four wings appeared on his back.

It is his Half-Spirit form, a power only mid-rank six has.

Rex got up from the ground before he ripped the arrow that pierced him, he then turns to his back and saw the Elder's wrathful eyes.

Seeing this, Rex spits blood to the ground mockingly as his injury healed at a visible rate.

"THIS IS TOO FAR!", the Elder shouted.

He is still unsure whether to continue the fight or not, he's dealing with a Werewolf who is a higher-rank race than the Elves.

It will be bad if things got out,

Hearing this, Rex smiles sinisterly, "I told you, all of you will die today"

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