The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 189 Evolution Path

Chapter 189 Evolution Path

'Hmm, that's weird', Rex thought.

"I'm okay. Why are you concerned about me now, aren't you just about to curse me more a few seconds ago?", Rex said playfully.

Hearing this,

Vanessa immediately retracts her concerned expression.

Although they didn't know each other and Rex might potentially be their enemies, she still somehow feel concerned about Rex.

But that didn't last long,

Vanessa's expression turns stoic again before she said, "Anyway, stop telling lies to my group. I can defeat a guy like you with one hand"

"Alright princess grumpy, I won't tell any more lies", Rex said nonchalantly.

But Vanessa was stunned, "Princess Grumpy?! Why you-"

She glares at Rex wanting to rebut but she then bit her lips, "There's no point talking to you, I'll personally beat you if that girl told me she didn't know you"

After Vanessa said that, she left Rex alone.

Rex can only look at Vanessa's back with a playful smile, 'I can't believe she's the leader of the group'

But still, the nose bleed concerns him,

He still doesn't know where that nose bleed came from, any injuries he sustained will probably be healed by now after he turns off the Berserk Curse skill.

So there should be no injury aside from the one that can be seen.

Rex touches his nose again and found that his nose is still bleeding, it's doesn't bleed much but it's still there.

'System, Why am I having a nose bleed? Is there an injury that I can't heal?', Rex asks.

<Mortal Injuries no matter how bad it is will be healed eventually, only heavy injuries from silver, White Rye, or Omicron cannot be healed without the help of items>

Reading this, Rex becomes even more confused.

'So Where did this nose bleed came from?', Rex thought in confusion.

The Trench Predator group left Rex alone under Vanessa's command, and Rex didn't mind their treatment towards him one bit.

She's still mad with Rex for calling him a grumpy princess, and it can be seen clearly.

While Rex is lying on the ground to rest, he suddenly remembers something.

'System, how long is the Evolving Process?', Rex asks.

<The user will be brought into the user's consciousness, there the user will choose the evolution path before finally evolving. It will take approximately half an hour>

Reading this, Rex frowns, 'Evolution Path?'josei

The evolution he experience before was not his choice,

He evolves from half-Werewolf into Werewolf, before he then turns into High Werewolf.

Not one time from those two evolutions does he have a choice, but now the system told him he will be choosing the Evolution Path.

'Let's see what's this about', Rex thought before he sneak away.

Rex will be finding a place to evolve without disturbance, and it will be bad if someone was to find him during his evolution process.


He disappeared from the place silently, it didn't make any sound at all.

But his disappearance didn't go unnoticed, Vanessa saw him left the place with a frown before she then tries to follow Rex.

"Wait here, I need to do something", Vanessa said to the others.

Simon looks at her before he looks at Rex's direction to find him gone, "Leader just leave him, It seems he's lying about being friends with this girl"

Hearing this, the leader raised her hand before she went in Rex's direction.

The others can only sigh, "She never changed, she's like the ultimate nightmare for all womanizers"

"I don't blame her though, Anyone will be like that if they go through what she did", another added before they then went back to eating.


Vanessa saw Rex's silhouette dashing inside the forest,

She is keeping a good distance from him to not get noticed, 'You're running now, I'm not going to let you go that easily', she thought.

But then, Rex suddenly vanished from her vision.

Vanessa picks up her pace and found that Rex is already gone, she didn't even saw how he can escape from her vision.

She stops from her track before she touches the ground, "Detection..."

Blue Mana infiltrates the ground as it started to spread, Vanessa is currently closing her eyes as she tries to find where Rex has gone to.

From all of the waters in the surrounding, Vanessa can feel the vibration of all of them.

'I will definitely find you', Vanessa thought before suddenly, 'What the-'

The water behind her suddenly vibrates tremendously, she opened her eyes and slashes her back with her sword that is glowing with fierce water mana.

Rex envelopes his hand with Yellow Force as he caught the sword,


The sword was caught by Rex's hand but it still pierced through his barrier, it got stopped right after it slashed his skin.

'Pretty strong', Rex thought in amusement.

The sword broke through his Yellow Force Barrier and slash his palm, but the sword didn't manage to cut deep enough only leaving a little scratch on Rex's palm.

His hands bleed slightly, it didn't bleed for that long though.

This shocked Vanessa greatly,

Her sword is not just imbued with her mana rather that it is a spell, so it should penetrate Rex's skin easily knowing its penetration power has increased even more.

But to her surprise, it got stuck on Rex's hand.

"What are you doing?", Rex asks softly.

Vanessa tries to retract her sword but Rex's grip is unmoving, she can't move her sword at all,

"What do you think? You run from us knowing that you lied to us"

Rex chuckles hearing this, "Listen, I will be back in half an hour"

"Do you really think I will believe that? You try to take advantage of that girl and I won't forgive you for that", Vanessa said angrily.

Seeing that Vanessa will not leave him alone, Rex sigh.

His hand suddenly glows with an intense yellow hue again as Rex grip Vanessa's sword tighter, the blue energy surrounding it got suppressed bit by bit.

Vanessa's hand suddenly becomes sweaty, she just realized what that yellow energy was, 'F...Force?! He comprehended Yellow Force?!'

The blue mana surrounding Vanessa's sword finally dimmed before suddenly,


Vanessa's sword snaps in two making her even paler in surprise, 'This is a rank four Sword! How can it snap that easily?! No...'

She then realizes something, "You really did kill the Elves?!"

"I told you, you can believe what you believe. You said you didn't trust me, and the same goes for me", Rex said with a cold expression.

He will not shrug off Vanessa if he keeps acting soft,

Rex then walks closer towards Vanessa making her step back involuntarily before he pinned Vanessa on a tree, he then said, "I'll give you a chance because your group look trustable"

"But if I know Liliya is hurt while I'm gone, believe me, I will end your group's career", Rex said harshly.

After seeing Vanessa nod her head, Rex steps back before he left.

Vanessa can only stand there frozen, she didn't expect that Rex can overpower her with just a little display of power.

He didn't even look like he's trying, but he manage to snap her sword.

"Fine, I'll believe you this time", she mumbles before she gets back to the Trench Predator group.

After their exchange, Rex waited near the place making sure that Vanessa will not follow him anymore lest she's stubborn.

Rex saw Vanessa left before he dash away,

He found a fallen tree that is held by a big rock creating a small gap, he then takes a bunch of tree trunks and leaves to cover the place before he lies down.

'System, begin the Evolution Process', Rex said.

<Beginning Evolution Process...>

Right after the notification, Rex's eyes suddenly felt heavy before he pass out.

It was not even a minute,

It happened so fast that before Rex knows it, he's already in a black space with nothing around him except complete darkness.

Rex turns his head left and right to find nothing.

He can't see anything in here and he can't even feel anything in here except for his body and the watery place.

But soon, a hologram appeared in front of Rex.

<Evolution Path>

After the Evolution Path hologram appeared, it was then split into three holograms that show different things in it.

Rex looks at the three and found that they are three different Werewolf species,

<Demonic Blood Werewolf>

<Alpha Slate Werewolf>

<Royal Black Werewolf>

Looking at this, Rex can roughly guess what this is, 'So I need to choose from these three options right? Let's inspect each of them'

Rex looks at the Demonic Werewolf before a hologram tab appeared,

In this Demonic Blood Werewolf tab, Rex is shown a video of what he thought was a Demonic Blood Werewolf that is fighting Orcs.

It has red lines all over its body that are glowing bloody red, and there's a sphere made of blood on top of him.

The Demonic Blood Werewolf rampage through the horde of Orcs with bloodlust.

All of the Orcs that are shown in this video look stronger than the Orcs Rex encountered, in fact, some of them are the legendary black Orc.

It is a rare kind of Orc that was discovered in the early Emergence of the Supernatural.

The records stated that this Black Orc is crazily stronger than its brethren, it can be as strong as a rank seven Awakened!

But in this video, the Demonic Blood Werewolf rampage through them easily.

It mainly kills an Orc by biting them before the killed Orcs blood got sucked into the sphere, and every time it faces powerful opponents or gets hurt the sphere will supply it blood.

After inspecting it, Rex close the tab before he opened the Alpha Slate Werewolf tab.

This time, Rex was shown a grey Werewolf with shiny furs that looks as strong as the Demonic Blood Werewolf before.

The video shows the Alpha Slate Werewolf fighting humans,

Rex saw this and realize that the humans are all using gears made of silver, but even so, the Alpha Slate Werewolf didn't get hurt by the silver at all.

In fact, it treats the silver weapons and gears as normal steel, catching, biting, and even punching the silver gears doesn't bother it.

This shouldn't happen because almost all Supernatural is weak to silver, but apparently not this one.

Rex closed the Alpha Slate Werewolf and opened the last one, the Royal Black Werewolf that Rex was the most curious about.

Just from its name, this one sounds strong.

Another tab opened showing an ink-black Werewolf that is towering over the other Werewolves.

This Royal Black Werewolf looks the same as a normal Werewolf except for its more human-like size and the two horns pointing inwards like a goat.

It's standing straight like a normal human, and even its legs are not hinds.

From just a glance, Rex is instantly attracted to it because he will not be too big of a Werewolf like normal Werewolves that kept getting bigger the stronger they get.

Rex watch the video and found that this Werewolf fights like a regular Werewolf.

It looks like the Werewolf has well-rounded stats higher than High Werewolf, it fights by slashing, biting, and with clear anger just like any other Werewolf.

Looking at this, Rex frowns knowing that he will not pick it.

Although it looks cool, it doesn't have any substantial effects like the other two.

But just when he's about to close the tab, the video changed to a scene where many Werewolves bowed before the ink-black Werewolf and even other Supernatural felt pressured by its presence.

Rex knows this because he can see the other Supernaturals are trembling in its presence.

After showing that scene, the video ended and Rex got shown back to the three choices in front of him.

He then fell into thought,

'The first Werewolf relies on blood to fight, it is relentless in a fight because it will get endless supply. But if the enemy has no blood, it will be at a disadvantage', Rex thought.

He then continues to the second Werewolf, 'The Alpha Slate Werewolf has clear immunity to silver, but I'm on humanity's side so that's not needed'

Then Rex's eyes fall to the last one, Royal Black Werewolf.

'From the video, this Werewolf is clearly a royal with an immense presence that can pressure other Supernaturals. It fights regularly like a normal Werewolf with nothing special other than its bearing and presence', Rex thought.

After deliberating with the three Werewolves, Rex finally came to a decision.


A wandering mutated wolf that is twice bigger than a lion stops in its track, it sniffs the surrounding before its muzzle turns to its right.

The mutated wolf has white fur, and its muscular body brings terror to the other mutated animals in the surrounding area.

Even the mutated birds flew away upon seeing the white wolf,

It then sniffs the bushes,

The wolf then claw the broken tree trunks and leaves from its way before it stopped abruptly, it found a man lying on the ground with closed eyes.

Its fangs then came out feeling happy to find a defenseless meal.

The wolf stretches its paw to claw the man lying on the ground before suddenly,


The sound of bone cracking surprised it making it steps back,

Then, the white wolf suddenly felt an enormous pressure coming from the man lying on the ground before suddenly,


The white wolf closed its eyes as a subtle shockwave went past it,

When the white wolf opens its eyes, it saw the man is already standing and the man is looking at the white wolf making the white wolf whimper.

"Would you look at here, I got a company"

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