The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 200 Issac The Coward

Chapter 200 Issac The Coward

Aren't you hype? So Am I XD

I'll grant you your wish young readers, and this chapter is to ease your boiling blood!

Happy Reading!


"You...You will die today", Rex said softly.

<Sudden Quest!!>

Qrila City's people are under the Vampires attack, the people are gathered in the middle of the city inside a formation. Save the captured humans and send the Vampire away.

Quest Reward: 10,000,000 Exp, 10 Skill Upgrade, and 5,000 Gold

Reading this, Rex nodded his head knowing that he'll get something out of saving the city.

The words that came out of Rex's mouth makes Issac's expression turns pale, he never thought that reinforcement will come to this small city.

He even volunteers for this mission because of how easy it will be,

But now, the arrival of the two powerful humans riding a white beast makes him pale.

Liliya and Rex readies themselves with menacing eyes, they both intend to kill Issac above any other Vampires here.

Looking at this, "Protect me!! I'm a royal! Go kill them!", Issac shouted.

The Vampires in black uniforms hesitated for a moment, but they then jump in front of Issac to protect him.

Rex already scans the Vampires around,

The Vampires in black uniform have rank four power and only some of them are rank five which shocks him, and all of their Races are Half-Vampire except for the Vampires in armor.

'If they can turn humans into Vampires, then this Half-Vampires must be it', Rex thought.

Although the Supernatural has a mixed-race in them, there are no Supernaturals that have humans as their mix.

It's not even thought possible by Rex until now, he thought his pack is the only exception.

Rex's body then glows with a yellow hue, he doesn't have much time left before the sun rises and his power will be weakened.

The only reason he can compete in his human form against the Vampire in armor protecting Issac is that the Creature of the Night Passive skill is still active.

But it will not last long because the sun is already peeking,


Rex's legs contracted as he dash to Issac, the ground cracked because of his might.

Seeing this, the Vampire in armor that is protecting Issac takes his sword on his side and jumped to intercept Rex.

It happened so fast that even Issac was surprised.

Issac has rank five power so he should manage on his own, but the fear that gripped his heart tightly weakened his will greatly.

Rex tilts his body to the side and dodges the slash,

He got through the Vampire in armor and locked onto Issac, but he sense a sword coming towards him from the back so he decided to jump.josei


The Vampire in armor slashes downwards and hits the ground, his sword stabs the ground.

Rex landed a few feet away and saw Liliya is already sneaking through the back, she's just a couple of feet away from Issac.

But then suddenly, the sword in the Vampire glows red, "Blood Magic, Five Death Lance!"


Five lances made of blood energy emerge from the ground,

Three of them appear right below Liliya while the other two tries to pierce Rex, but both of them manage to dodge the spell.

Just from this alone shows how powerful and fast the Vampire in armor is,

He can fend off two attackers that came from two directions, his decisiveness, and choice of attack scream experience.

The other Vampires didn't sit still,


Some of them started to attack Rex and Liliya,

Their body glows with blood aura, and they attack like an animal using their claws.

Rex's eyes darted left and right as six Vampires attack him from all sides, his sense and inhuman reflex went into play.

He dodges the first Vampire that attacks him by jumping back,

The captured humans are close to his vicinity, and fighting here will be bad.

That is why Rex jumped back to create distance for the humans, and so is Liliya who can be seen bringing the fight further away.

Rex also saw Delta taking on a couple of Vampires, and she's doing great.

But then,

Another Vampire already leaped to him from his right but Rex already saw this coming, "Force Beam!", Rex punch the Vampire right on her gut.


The Vampire got blown away as her stomach caved in,

Without wasting another second, Rex dodge the Vampire that tried to attack him from his left and grab his leg.

Just as he did this, four Vampires arrives on him.

Rex smirk seeing this, he then swing the Vampire he held in a circle sending the four Vampires screeching away.

He then tossed the Vampire he held to the air, "Force Beam!"


Yellow crescent-shaped energy was created from a swing of Rex's leg as it shot towards the Vampire in the air.

The Vampire can't do anything, the yellow energy slashes his body in two.

Right after the Vampire got sliced in two, Delta jumped from Rex's back and bite the Vampire's head killing him instantly.

Amidst the fighting that breaks out,

Rex saw the four pillars on the side and there're Vampires who are doing something with them, the gem on the pillars started to glow red.

Seeing this, 'System, What is that pillars for?'

<Teleportation Formation, Four Pillars will be put in place according to the formation and they will be engraved with blood gems. Upon activation, it will teleport anything inside the formation at the expense of some blood>

Reading this, Rex immediately activates his black lightning.

His eyes glow with black lightning as he dashes towards the pillar,

Just like what the system said, the pillars are a formation used for teleportation and Rex will need to destroy it so the Vampires have no means to escape.

He massacred the weak Vampires that got in the way as he aims the four pillars.

But reaching the pillars are not that easy,

"Blood Magic, Blood Domain!"


The ground turns red as the Vampire in armor cast his spell,

Rex looks to the ground and finds the ground already turns into blood, he wanted to flee but the blood held him in place.

Looking at this, the Vampire in armor leaped towards Rex with a sword in his hand.

The sword flashed with blood energy as he cast, "Blood Magic, Red Vapor Bat!!"


After casting the spell, the sword in the Vampire in armor's hand glows with red energy.

The red energy enveloping the sword turns into a red bat filled with powerful energy, it makes the captured humans close their eyes in fear.

Rosie also saw this, she then immediately runs inside the pillars where the captured humans are sitting in fright.

By the looks of it, Rex will be pierced by the sword.

But that's what the others think,

For Rosie who has a share deal of experience with Rex, she knows Rex won't lose that easily.

Rex looks at this and can feel the immense energy emitted by the spell, but instead of fear he instead smirks.

"Blitzing Cry!"


The blood energy that restrain Rex dissipated after a burst of Black Lightning that exploded from Rex's body.

His nails then turn into claws as it burns with dark energy,

With a fierce glint, Rex clawed the red bat that had already arrived right in front of him.


The ground cracked because of the collision,

The two energy that clashes against each other create a violent energy ball, the ball becomes even more violent as the two energies merge before suddenly,


Powerful shockwaves were created as it ripped the ground out of its crust,

Debris and dust got flung like a bullet to the surrounding, and the [powerful air of the explosion makes some of the Vampires get blown away unable to hold their ground.

In the nick of time,

Liliya creates a barrier around the captured humans to protect them from the violent shockwave.

It is a devastating explosion, and the city suffers from it.


Smoke covers the battlefield, and it slowly but surely dissipates as it got blown by the wind.

The barrier that Liliya created has cracked all over it and even has holes in some of it resulting in some of the humans inside injured.

Liliya then scans the surrounding,



A couple of explosions can be heard from the surrounding, Liliya also puts a couple of Exploding Mark on the surrounding ground where she last saw the Vampires.

It seems some of the Vampires that tried to escape hit the red mark resulting in it exploding.

The captured humans and Rosie squint their eyes to see the surrounding,

After the smoke dissipated,

They can see Rex standing as his right arm got badly hurt, but when they see the Vampire in armor they sucked in a cold breath.

The Vampire in armor is lying on the ground,

There are four claw marks that ripped through his armor that reaches his body, and he's coughing blood.

Although the Vampires are undead, they still have blood in their body.

The blood that roams inside their body doesn't work like the blood in humans, but instead, the blood is what they drink that keeps them in peak condition.

It is also protected by their blood aura,

So if a Vampire has a substantial injury, then blood will leak out just like when humans bleed.

If the injury is caused by a silver weapon then the wound will not heal as their power slowly decreases over time, their body will turn stiff, and they will eventually enter a preservation state where they can't move at all.

But even though they can't move, they're still alive.

Vampires also have the regenerative ability on par with a Werewolf,

Rex knows this and didn't intend to let the Vampire in armor alive, he walks closer to the Vampire with soft steps.

At this point, many of the Vampires have already died.

The Vampire in armor tried getting up but the ground suddenly turns black, five black lightning tentacles held all of his limbs pinning him on the ground.

"My tu Rex said softly.

He steps on the Vampire's chest while looking at him straight in the eyes,

The Vampire coughs blood a couple of times before he mutters, "That skill, I've seen it before"

His injuries are starting to heal but the energy from Claw of Tormentor skill prevent that from happening, the Vampire is getting weaker and weaker as time passes, "Bertolf the Tormentor from the Werewolf, he uses that skill"

Hearing this, Rex smirk evilly.

This makes the Vampire widen his eyes helplessly, "Just, Who are you?"

Without answering the Vampire, Rex stomp his feet hardly as it crushed the Vampire's chest.

"Huakh!!", the Vampire spat a mouthful of blood.

After crushing the Vampire's chest, Rex raises his feet again before he stomps the Vampire's head next killing him instantly.

"I'm Rex Silverstar", Rex said softly before he turns his head to his right.

Issac who is hurt from the explosion becomes even frightened, a bleak aura enveloped his entire being that makes Rex chuckles lightly.

'From all of the creatures I met, I have never seen this much bleak aura', Rex thought.

Because of his Bleak Sense skill, Rex can sense a living being's fear and Issac is so scared that he emits so much bleak aura that even Rex himself finds it amusing.

"Stop where you are!!", Issac shouted.

Liliya also already arrives beside Rex while looking at Issac coldly,

He then continues, "Take one more step and I will kill these humans!! I swear I'll do it!!"

Hearing this, both Rex and Liliya frowns.

"Can you repair the barrier?", Rex whispers softly.

Liliya shakes her head, she already used too much of her red mark and she's already exhausted.

The barrier that Liliya made already has holes on it, and she's exhausted because of the act of intimidation before where Liliya creates a huge barrier to prevent the Vampires from escaping.

But Liliya already canceled the barrier because of the shockwave before,

With the addition of keeping the barrier around the captured humans, she can't repair it even if she wants to.

Liliya then whispers back, "If I reduce the barrier size, then I can create a new one"

Knowing this, Rex then stops in his track and said, "Do it after my signal, it's better to save some than lose all. And also, make a barrier beneath their legs too"

Liliya was confused about why Rex wanted to do that, but she still nodded her head.

Issac saw them whispering with a frown,

But seeing them both stop, Issac smiles cheekily, "That's right! You will let me leave this place or else I will kill them"

His hand then glows with red energy as he summons four lances that surround the captured humans like a hawking crow.

"Are you such a coward to hide behind a hostage?", Rex said tauntingly.

Hearing this, Issac laughs evilly, "So what? It's better to be a coward than die a meaningless death like the others"

Rex gritted his teeth,

He can't make a reckless move, Issac is ready with a spell to kill the captured humans.

But then suddenly,


The gems engraved on the four pillars suddenly glow red, it activates the formation on the ground before a Vampire shouted, "Sir! the Formation is ready!"

Hearing this, Issac becomes excited as he glances at the glowing formation.

Issac immediately jumped to the formation wanting to get out of here, but suddenly he saw a figure in the corner of his eyes.

At the moment Issac is distracted, Rex already leaped towards him as a signal to Liliya.

The red mark barrier that is surrounding the whole captured humans got smaller, it only envelopes half of the captured humans.

Although what she did is unfair to the half others, but it's still better than nothing.

Liliya did her part,

"Force Beam!!", Rex shouted as he punch Issac right on his face with his left hand.

But in the nick of time, red scales appeared on Issac's skin as he chanted, "Draconic Scales!!"

And at the same time as that,

<Creature of the Night Passive Skill has been deactivated, All stats has been reduced by 50%>


Issac got punched on his face as he got flung inside the formation, red energy shooting to the sky envelopes him and half of the captured humans.

Their bodies then vanished as they got teleported away,

But right when Issac's body got teleported away, Rex saw that Issac is not hurt due to the scales that appears to protect him.

In addition that the Creature of the Night has run out, he didn't manage to kill Issac.

"They got away", Rex said while gritting his teeth.

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