The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 212 Corrupted Mutated Animals And Reports

Chapter 212 Corrupted Mutated Animals And Reports

Ding Dong!

Rex arrived at his parents' house as he look at the surrounding,

He saw two people upon entering the house's yard, and those people nodded their heads after seeing Rex come there.

This confirms that Ari has delivered his message,

Rex nodded his head back to the people as the door opens,

"Rex!", Mrs. Greene shouted as she runs with a teary expression and hugs him.

She started sobbing because of how worried she is when she saw the news, and she thanked God for keeping Rex safe.

"Why are you so reckless, you make me worried!", Mrs. Greene shouted.

Her scolding makes Rex smile slightly as he didn't mind any of it, in fact, he's happy to hear that someone is at least worried about him.

Rex says softly, "I'm sorry I made you worry mom"

He then raises the bags he's holding before he added, "I brought something for you, I hope you'll like it"

After that, Mrs. Greene brought Rex inside.

Upon entering his parents' house, Rex smiles because the condition they're living in is good.

He rarely comes here because of the university,

And knowing that his parents are living their lives makes him feel good about himself.

"You don't have to bring this, as long as you're safe then I will be happy", Mrs. Greene said.

Hearing this, Rex can only smile softly.

He then said, "Where's Robert? I don't see him anywhere"

"Your father is working, he probably won't come home until night", Mrs. Greene said as she started to take out the food Rex brought.

They then started to eat in the dining room,

"I got back from training, and I got attacked by the demons so it's purely an accident", Rex said trying to defend himself.

But Mrs. Greene kept on scolding, "You're a top student, right? Then there must be a driver or even guards that can protect you in case something like that happened"

"But mom, I'm strong!", Rex said proudly.

Looking at Rex being all proud, Mrs. Greene can only sigh helplessly.

The light talks continue,

Mrs. Greene kept on rambling about Rex is not being safe, she seems like trying to drill inside Rex's brain to be safe.

And Rex can only agree with his mother,

After the food finishes, it comes the part where Rex needs to tell his mom about the trouble.

'If I told her now after all of her scoldings, she will be really mad right?', Rex thought with a troubled expression.

His mother just scold him about being safe, and now he got another trouble.

Rex then finally said, "Mom, Can I ask you not to go out for a bit? make sure Robert does that too even if he's working"

Hearing this, Mrs. Greene looks at Rex in disbelief.

Feeling that his mother will get angry, Rex hurriedly added, "It's nothing troublesome, it's just the demonic cities concern me and I don't want you guys to be in danger"

Mrs. Greene looks at Rex hawkingly while she throws the food leftovers in the bin.

Under Mrs. Greene's piercing gaze, Rex can only smile wryly trying to act normal even though the sweat on his forehead said otherwise.

After a moment, Mrs. Greene finally said, "You don't have to worry about us, and sure if you're worried I'll quarantine myself until the situation cools down"

Rex's eyes lit up after getting through the conversation, and it seems his mother is not suspicious of him.

"Thanks, mom, and I swear I won't let anything happen to you", Rex said with a smile.

Mrs. Greene smiles sweetly as she felt touched seeing her son is a man now, someone she can rely on.

With that, Rex left his parents' house.

Just when he walks away leaving his parent's house, he saw a black crow following him.

Realizing that the black crow was probably a message from the SCO, Rex went to a quieter place before the black crow landed on his shoulder.

Rex takes the message on its talon and reads it,

"Rex, congratulation on finishing the first mission successfully. Liliya has already reported back about your findings, the information you guys got greatly helped the organization. We got another task for you, it involved the demonic cities and you can refuse this task. Burn this message if you decided to accept the task, we'll be waiting for your decision tomorrow.

Green Messenger,"

Reading this, Rex frowns as he leans on a wall thinking, 'A task that can be refused? How considerate of them'

'I have a problem already and I still need to finish the quests by the system, should I decline it?', he thought.

But then, he decided to put the message in his pocket, 'Let's just decide tomorrow'

After reading the content of the message, the black crow flaps its wings away as he went back to the university to continue his training.


Meanwhile, inside a forest somewhere in the Human territory.

Two creatures are traveling through the forest slowly,

All of the mutated animals inside the forest flee the place upon sensing the two, it's like they're a bad omen for any living creature.

Even a peak rank six mutated animals avoids them.

Those two creatures don't look alike at all,

One is a hooded figure with its face hidden under it, and the other is a big insectoid creature.

But although the two are different kinds of creatures, they're not hostile towards each other and the aura they emit is almost identical.

Their auras are like twins, but not their bodies,

After traveling slowly through the woods, both of them stop when they both sense something.

The skulled creature holding a scythe then turns into black smoke as it travels to the west, while the insectoid creature digs the ground and went to the east.


Five mutated striped tigers are currently prowling towards a group of mutated animals,

Their bodies are very muscular and the bulging muscle gives off a fierce look that can put fearless people afraid.

Orange furs and black stripes cover their body just like a normal tiger, but if their furs are spiky.

Even inside the tall grass, their bodies peeked out a little.

The mutated animals that their eyes set to are a group of mutated elephant-like creatures, and they're calmly eating leaves not knowing the mutated tigers are already behind them.

Aside from the similar feature of an elephant, their bigger body and blue crystal spikes on their backs differentiate them from an actual elephant.

There are about eight of them closely packed together,

One of the mutated elephants suddenly saw the prowling tigers as it roared,


A trumpeting high-pitched roar resounded through the surroundings as the mutated elephant saw the mutated tiger.

The others got alerted too as they start to run away, but the mutated tiger didn't let them.

Five of the mutated tigers leaped towards the mutated elephant that is on the back end, their claws latched onto the mutated elephant as it wails in pain.


Hearing the wails of one of them, the others intend to help.

They charge in the opposite direction directly towards the five mutated tigers,

The mutated elephants lower their heads aiming their tusks towards the mutated tigers, based on its sharp and pointy edge it will definitely pierce through the mutated tiger's flesh.


Two of the mutated tigers got hit by the mutated elephants as they got flung to the side.

Overall it was a powerful and effective attack from the mutated elephants using their bigger body, but then,


A weak wails come from the side,

The mutated elephants looks to the side and found one of them lying on the ground hurt.

There is a mutated tiger on top of it that looks way stronger than the others, Its body has purple stripes on top of its white furs different than the others.josei


It roared menacingly exposing its sharp fangs and purple tongue.

Looking at the tiger, the mutated elephant didn't back down and charge towards it once again.

But instead of getting flung away,




All of the mutated elephants got slashed by its sharp claw and hurt them badly, the last mutated elephant got charged by it as the mutated elephant get flung away instead.

The ground cracked as the mutated elephants fall to the ground,

Seeing all of the mutated elephants fall because of the purple stripes tiger, it roared loudly making the air tremble commencing its triumph.

But then,


The ground suddenly cracked open as an insectoid creature came out,

It makes the mutated tigers leap away to create distance to the creature, their instincts kick in as they deemed the insectoid creature dangerous.

After bursting through the ground, the insectoid creature looks around with its six red eyes.

Every time the insectoid creature steps, its eight legs create a clanging sound just like the sound of an iron hitting something.


It then roared making the mutated tigers' fur stands up in fear,

Just from looking at the insectoid creature, they felt a hindering fear inside them.

Even the purple stripes mutated tiger whimper in fear, the tiger can feel the obvious overwhelming presence of the insectoid creature.

When the mutated tigers decided to run,

The black energy surrounding the insectoid creature suddenly blasted sending a black shockwave, it hits all of the mutated tigers and even the mutated elephants that are on the ground.

Upon contact with the black shockwave,


The mutated animals burst as their blood come out of their bodies.

It happened suddenly, and all of the blood flows towards the insectoid creature feeling it.

After that,

All of the mutated tigers and elephants' eyes suddenly turn red, their auras suddenly change into a sinister aura just like the insectoid creature.

They then stand back up turning into a different creature,

A bright red circle glows on their chests as their aura becomes even stronger, and by the looks of it, they're barely alive anymore.

After corrupting all of the mutated creatures in this area,


The insectoid creature roared before it digs the ground again as the now corrupted mutated elephants and tigers followed its lead.

On another part of the forest,

A small city can be seen on the west of the forest, there are humans living there.

Based on the looks of the small city, their living standards are not good.

They're living in an old era with houses made of wood,

The city is surrounded by five meters walls made of wood, and even the people living there wear ragged clothes.

Amongst the buildings inside the city, there's an orphanage on the side of the city.

It is quite a distance away from the other houses as it is located on the edge of the city where kids play around in the mud.

Their caregiver is telling the kids to be careful as the kids laugh happily.

Unknown to the kids and the caregivers, black smoke went through the wooden walls as it materialized into a hooded creature.

Its hollow eyes looks at the orphanage silently as it started to walk towards it.


Meanwhile, Wind Sorcerers Guild.

Inside the highest building of the guild, Wesley sits in his room while clasping his hand while looking at a spellbook in front of him.

There's Hans there who is explaining something,

"This spellbook is not rigged, I already tried it until the end and it's successful unlike the spellbook he gave before", Hans explained.

Hearing this, Wesley frowns in thought.

He's trying to think about the predicament they're in, "Did he not rigged the spellbook? Is it just Shane Thompson's faulty spellbook?", he mumbles.

"But that's not possible, or did he try to make us confused?", he continues.

Wesley is thinking out loud while Hans waits for him, but then,

Knock Knock!

Someone suddenly knocks on his door before Wesley waves his hand opening the door,

There a man came inside with a bunch of reports, some are even carried by him using mana because of how many reports he brought.

After slightly bowing, the man walks towards Wesley and puts the report on his table.

"This is all of the reports we can get from the kid starting from his history in the military, until the day he came back from the military", the man said.

Hearing this, Wesley nodded his head before he asks, "What did you find?"

The man then takes two reports and put them on top of the other reports, "We found this to be interesting, and you might want to look at it yourself"

Wesley then takes the reports, opened them, and started to read them.

After a couple of minutes has passed, Wesley puts down the report with a disbelieving look, "This is all legit? Then wouldn't that mean"

Before Wesley can finish, the man intervenes, "He might be working with Supernaturals"

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